
The Bandidos’ Angel

Kelly Williams was trapped in a violent relationship with a ruthless gang leader. She thought she had found a way out when she fell in love with Kaz, a handsome biker from a rival gang. But her boyfriend discovered her affair and forced her to set up a deadly ambush for Kaz and his best friend. Now Kelly is pregnant and torn between two choices: to save herself and her unborn child, who is the product of her boyfriend's abuse, or to save the man who loves her and his loyal friend. But she doesn't know that her boyfriend has a sinister plan for her, and it will change everything.

Innova_Write · 若者
28 Chs

Unveiling the Mask

(Kelly's POV)

At first, entering the lavish mansion which had a gold-coloured tiled floor, Rashad stood behind me, his hand clasping mine, guiding me through the throng at the masquerade ball.

I was dressed in a striking red gown that accentuated my curves and a mask veiling half my face. I felt like royalty entering the mansion with Rashad at my side.

His black suit and matching mask added to his handsome demeanour. His grip was firm, his smile towards the attendees nothing more than a facade.

He introduced me to his circle - friends and foes alike, all adorned in extravagant attire and masks.

They were the Bandidos elite, controlling the city's economy and politics, yet they were also Rashad's syndicate's targets, subjected to extortion, blackmail, and threats for money and influence.

Their wealth and status were impressive on the surface, but their conversations about business deals, stock markets, scandals, and gossip were monotonous. Their lives lacked the passion and joy I craved.

I yearned for more - adventure, romance, danger, thrill. I yearned for something special.

Following our conversation, where his words whispered into my ears were met with my hesitant responses, a wave of unease washed over me. The grandeur that surrounded me, once captivating, now seemed to suffocate me.

All I ever wanted was something more meaningful than this superficial display of wealth and power.

As the night wore on, the glittering facade of the ball began to fade. The laughter and chatter of Bandidos's elite became a dull hum in my ears. I felt a growing disconnect between the opulence around me and the emptiness within.

Rashad, ever the perfect host, continued to walk me through the crowd, introducing me to more of his associates. But his words were just noise to me now. My mind was elsewhere, lost in a sea of thoughts and emotions.

I excused myself from Rashad's side, needing a moment alone. I found a quiet corner in the mansion and sat down, my red gown pooling around me. I removed my mask, feeling the cool air on my face. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm within me.

After a few minutes, I opened my eyes and looked across the room. There he was, Rashad, my so-called boyfriend with a couple of his purple gang members, toasting a glass filled with red wine.

His laughter echoed through the grand hall, a stark contrast to the silence that enveloped me. He was surrounded by his gang. A few of them had diamond grillz teeth, celebrating, dancing and smoking hemp while I sat alone in pain.

I watched him from my corner, the golden chandelier light reflecting off his glass, casting a warm glow on his face. His eyes sparkled with joy and mirth, but they didn't meet mine. I felt a pang in my heart. Was this what the rest of my life would look like? Celebrations where I felt alone, moments of joy that didn't reach me?

I hugged myself tighter, the cold marble of the mansion seeping through my gown. I had always dreamt of a life filled with love and companionship. But as I sat there, watching Rashad from afar, I couldn't help but wonder if this was all there was for me.

I shook my head, trying to dispel the gloomy thoughts. "No, this wasn't it," I whispered to myself, trying to console my breaking heart.

Tears welled up in my eyes, spilling over and tracing a wet path down my cheeks. The truth was a bitter pill to swallow. Rashad, my so-called boyfriend, was the leader of the most notorious gang in Bandidos - the Purple Gangsters.

As I sat there, lost in my thoughts, a shadow fell over me. I looked up to see, and I found it was one of the Purple Gangsters looming over me. His name was Rico, a tall figure with a menacing grin that revealed his grillz.

"Hey, Red," he sneered, using the nickname they had given me because of my red gown. "Why the long face?"

I wiped my tears hastily, trying to put on a brave face. "None of your business."

He laughed a harsh sound that echoed around the empty corner. "You're in our territory now, Red. Everything is our business."

I stood up then, my fear replaced by anger. "Well, maybe I don't want to be part of your 'territory' anymore."

His grin widened at that, but there was a dangerous glint in his eyes. "And what are you gonna do about it?"

"I'll figure it out," I said defiantly. "But one thing's for sure - I won't let you or Rashad control my life."

After my defiant words, Rico just smirked. He reached out, tapping my forehead with his middle finger in a dismissive gesture. I could feel the heat of humiliation rising in my cheeks, but I refused to give him the satisfaction of seeing me break.

I sat back down, my heart heavy in my chest. This time, I couldn't hold back the tears. They flowed freely, a silent testament to the pain and betrayal I felt. My sobs echoed in the empty corner, a stark contrast to the muffled laughter and chatter from the party.

Rashad, my so-called boyfriend, was nowhere to be seen. He was probably outside, handling some 'business' with his gang. The thought of him made my heart ache even more.

I cried deeply, mourning the loss of what I thought I was getting into. My eyes fell on a table across the room, laden with an array of alcoholic drinks.

There was Champagne, its golden bubbles winking at me from the crystal flutes. Bottles of Red and White Wine were lined up, their rich hues reflecting the grandeur of the mansion. There was whiskey, its amber liquid promising a fiery warmth. And then there were shots of Vodka, clear and potent.

Feeling desperate and wanting to clear my head, I made my way to the table. I reached out for a shot of vodka, its cool glass comforting against my warm skin. I downed it in one go, the liquid burning a trail down my throat.

One shot turned into two, then three. The room spun around me as the alcohol took effect, but it did little to numb the pain in my heart. If anything, it made me more aware of the emptiness inside me.

I sat there, surrounded by laughter and music, yet feeling utterly alone. The alcohol couldn't drown out the reality - I was alone in a crowd, mourning a love that I wish I had, but to me, it never truly existed.