
The Bad Ending Creator

I hate stories with a happy ending... A story where a subcharacter swoops in to save the main character from an untimely demise makes me want to pierce a screw into someone's skull. Why can't the main character just die? I just want to see a story where everyone dies a very terrible demise. *Hais* Isn't it too much to ask? . . . Why not i just create a bad ending my self?

IamCurrentlyAlone · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs

Chapter 4



(Where em I?, ICHIKA! EVERYONE! WHAT HAPPENED?!!? WAS THAT A DREAM?! THERE'S NO WAY IT WAS DREAM, I FELT THE PAIN LIKE I TRULY EXPERIENCED IT?!) Yunaki panicked for moment before finally her eyes were finally able to adjust to her surroundings.

(The classroom is normal, Ichika is still alive, Sasaki is also still here, what the hell was that?!) Yunaki inwardly thought about her very weirdly realistic dream

"Come on in" Utsui-sensei calmly spoke to the person who know unto there classroom door

(Why do i get a sudden feeling of deja vu?)

Before her eyes a young man of average height and an average build, with blue eyes and black hair entered the classroom with an easy going attitude.

"Hello, My Name Kumagawa Misogi, I'm 17 years old, you may call me Kumagawa, and my hobbies are watching anime reading books and making friends" Kumagawa spoke in a friendly tone while smiling just enough to fool anyone but not Yunaki.

Seeing that Kumagawa was finished in introducing himself, Utsui-sensei started their first period of school

"Now that all of the students had been taken account for, Kumagawa-kun why don't take you take a seat next to Yunaki at the back"

"Hai!" Kumagawa cheerfully agreed to her request and quietly walk towards to his assigned seat.

Just as he has was about to take his seat, he stood in front of Yunaki who was quietly observing his every move with caution in her eyes and showed her his cruel and cold glared just for second before finally taking a seat into the MC chair.


Seeing that gaze one last time, Yunaki almost pissed her panties, but was able to stop her self just at the last second, because from the last time she remembered, the man infront of him liked to see people suffer.

(THIS DOESN'T MAKE SENSE WASN'T THAT SUPPOSE TO BE A DREAM?!) Yunaki panicked inwardly before cautiously looking at Kumagawa's direction.

Feeling that someone was gazing at him Kumagawa looked at the person who has eyeing him and just waved at her with a simple and deceiving smile.

(DOES HE KNOW?! I HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE BEFORE HE...) Yunaki's thoughts were quickly interrupted by the sounds of her teachers voice

"Good morning, everyone to anyone that's new to Shuchi'in Academy, I'm Utsui-sensei your homeroom teacher, as you may know this academy prides itself for being one of the most prestigious schools in Japan, so as such it is my duty to teach and guide you to become functioning members of society!" Utsui-sensei started introducing herself to her new students and explained to them just how important education is even if they are part of some of the highly priveleged families throughout japan.

Feeling bored Kumagawa started to get more less and less interested in the words that are coming from mouth of there homeroom and calmly looked at window to sight see.

(I wonder if shounen jump exists in this world...I hope it does, so i can burn the entire industry to ground all over again... ku ku) Kumagawa thought to himself, while seeing birds fly freely into sky

After four non-stop hours of teaching


Hearing the bells of freedom, the students started talking to each other.

"Kohaku, Can we eat together?"

"Rita-san!, why does your bento boxes always looks so much great that mine?!"

"Do you think they have melon bread today, Toi?"

"Beat's me"

"Did you see that last episode of Three Piece?! it was so cool! Puffy was so funny with how he turned into a pickle to fight Tobi-ishi"





With almost all of the students leaving towards the cafeteria to get there lunch and a place to each, Kumagawa was still sitting on his chair contemplating his life, while Yunaki was also still quietly observing him and with the fact that they are now alone together Kumagawa demanded something to Yunaki

"You can stop looking at me right now, Yunaki-san, it's making me uncomfortable..." Kumagawa quietly said to Yunaki who had been eyeing him for three hours now.

"How did you know my name?! I didn't even tell you my name yet.." Yunaki was surprised for moment because the man that was sitting close to her knew her name they met before.

"Why do you have to be so negative Yunaki-san didn't we have fun just moments ago?" Kumagawa made a mischievous smile and stood up from his seat and is now currently looking down on her.

Feeling her suspicions were true, all of the hair on her body stood up one by one like she was again on a life and death situation.

Her eyes saw the now cold and uncaring eyes looking right into her entire being like she nothing more that an insect to Kumagawa.

Within the moment there eyes made contact a singular large screw appeared on the right hand hand of Kumagawa.

Seeing the appearance of the screw, couldn't help but experience the pain where her limbs were pierced in the most grotesque way possible.


Screaming for her life, fully now knowing the dream was in fact real, Yunaki quickly made a decision to ran as fast she could towards the wooden sliding doors with the effort to escape with her life.



Feeling pain of her right leg, Yunaki lost her forward momentum and quickly face planted unto the floor just meters away from her salvation.

"NO! NO!, THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!, MAMA! PAPA! SAVE ME!!" Yunaki screamed for help but her screams wasn't heard by anyone not even god.



"Ku, Ku"

Hearing Kumagawa slowly approaching her, Yunaki continued to crawl faster that she ever crawled before, just enough to finally be able to touch the wooden sliding door and quickly swiped in open and crawled her way out of the classroom.


Just as she was going to continue her cry for help she noticed a pair of shoes that were currently in front of her standing in the hallway.

Feeling a sliver of hope, she quickly looked at the face of her savior and to her horror it was Kumagawa standing there watching her pitiful display with amusement in his eyes.

Grabbing her hair, Kumagawa dragged Yunaki back inside the classroom while, Yunaki continued to struggle by getting him to loosen his grip on her hair.

"LETS ME GO!, I WILL GIVE YOU ANYTHING PLEASE LET ME GO!" Yunaki pleaded with Kumagawa but he didn't care and continued dragging her in the classroom.


Now that they are currently back in class Kumagawa loosened his grip on her hair resulting in her falling to the ground.

"Now, Yunaki-san are we going to do this the easy way or the hard way?" Kumagawa spoke with a cold manner.


Hearing no reply Kumagawa frowned deeply before snapping his finger.


The screw that was suppose to be impaled unto Yunaki's right leg just disappeared along with the gaping hole the size of a small bottle.

Feeling the pain from her her wounds suddenly vanish into thin air, Yunaki tried to touch the her leg and to her surprise the screw was no longer there.

"Now that's properly fixed, since i made sure that you would remember the last loop this, should be much more easier to explain." Kumagawa spoke nonchalantly whole taking one of the chairs and sitting on it to observe Yunaki who was now sitting on the floor watching him.

"Yunaki-san, can i ask you a question? if you answer me correctly i won't harm you, Ichika... or your fellow classmates every again."

"You know what happens if you don't do what i ask right Yu-na-ki-san?" Kumagawa threatened Yunaki.

Still feeling the phantom pain from her leg, know that their is no other choice, Yunaki stood up every so slightly before her shaky hands started untying the knot of her school uniform.

"OI!?!" Kumagawa shouted with disbelief in his eyes.

"IICK!" Hearing Kumagawa shout so loudly, Yunaki made small squeaking sound.

"Oi!? didn't i just say, i was gonna ask you a question?! why are your trying to take off your clothes?!" Kumagawa was shocked by Yunaki's action.

"Didn't you say you wanted me to dress up only using a naked apron?" Yunaki stopped untying her ribbon and looked at Kumagawa's face who was now more or less appalled by the situation

"That was last in the fourth loop you idiot!" Kumagawa started berating Yunaki for her lack of common sense, even though common sense doesn't technically apply to the individual that is Kumagawa.


Facepalming himself, Kumagawa looked at Yunaki who was still confused on the sudden shift of personality the current Kumagawa is to the Kumagawa just a minute ago.

"Okay fine, this game is no longer worth playing anymore..." Kumagawa who still has his hand on his face said to himself while sitting back to the chair.

"Heh?!" Yunaki made a confused sound


"I hate to break it to you, Yunaki-san but it seems like you made a very terrible mistake... as much as i like to torture you all day, you know a secret that even Omnipotent beings would not want to know" Kumagawa said light heartedly while pointing his index finger at Yunaki.

Hearing the words coming out of the mouth of her torturer, Yunaki become more confused.

"You mean the naked apron?!" Yunaki voiced out the absurdity of the predicament.


"But why?!"

"It seems like you don't just get it..." Kumagawa was saddened by the fact that Yunaki was not able to understand the deeper meaning of a girl wearing only apron.



"Just answer my question Yunaki..." Kumagawa spoke up with a tint of depression in his voice.

"What is your question?" No longer fearful of Kumagawa, Yunaki asked him what he wants.

"Do you have a student council president?" Kumagawa spoke with glimmer in his eyes.

Hearing such a simple question Yunaki started doubting the very reason, on why she was being targeted by the psycho in front of her, but none the less she answered truthfully.

"Yes, the current 67th student council president is Miyuki Shirogane"

"The current president is not a girl right?"

"No, Shirogane-san is a boy"

"Hmm..." Kumagawa put his hand over his chin and hummed for a moment before standing up from his seat and walked toward the floor sitting Yunaki.

"Do you know where the student council room is?"

"It's on the right wing of the main building, 3rd floor and at the end of the hallway is the student council office."

"I see..." Kumagawa has sharp glint in his eyes before returning back to normal and smiled happily.

"Why do you want to go to the student council?" Yunaki feeling curiosity take the hold of her asked a question to Kumagawa.

Hearing her question, Kumagawa interestingly looked at her before satisfying her curiosity

"It's simple Yunaki-san, i want to join the student council!" Kumagawa smiled joyfully at her.

Just from the look of his joyful smile, Yunaki knew something was very very wrong, that the once cruel and heartless man who didn't even bat an eye when killing her classmates started genuinely smiling, and it made her shiver from head to toe.

"Now, that you answered all of my questions your free to go." Kumagawa said while showing her the wooden sliding door.

Knowing something was up, Yunaki stayed still and didn't even move from her position even though she heard a verbal agreement that she was indeed safe from the clutches of Kumagawa.

(It's a Trap) Yunaki thought to herself before looking at Kumagawa's face who's eyes were still looking at her like she was nothing more than a toy that broke on the first playtime.

"Why aren't you moving? didn't i tell you your free to go?" Kumagawa spoke in an annoyed tone

"Your lying." Yunaki spoke up with her face facing the floor.

"Oh my and why would I lie to you Yunaki-san?" Kumagawa spoke dejectedly


"Ku, Ku, Yunaki-san it's not good to be distrustful, how about this, I would go leave the class room so that you would have some time to think." Kumagawa said while opening the wooden sliding door and closing the door leaving Yunaki inside the classroom.

Seeing that Kumagawa truly left the room, Yunaki breathed a sigh of relief, before taking her phone from her pocket and checked the time.


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Outside the classroom, Kumagawa is silently walking towards the direction of the cafeteria while snapping his finger repeatedly.

















Inside the cafeteria a group of boys is siting in a table together eating there lunch when all of a sudden a young male student asked another male student a question

"Hey, Ichika when are you going to get a girlfriend already its been four years..."

"Ha, Ha, It's not like I'm trying to find a girlfriend, I already have one her name is [BLANK]..."

"Huh? why can't i remember?"

"Ichika is getting forgetful?! oh the world is going to end!! please save us kami-sama!" one of the boys joked around

"Maybe your girlfriend was just a 2D girl" another boy added another joke into the conversation.

"Dude stop it with your weird 2D stuff"

"Ah maybe its because your average in general!"

"Ha, Ha, maybe your right, who would even date someone so average just like me?"

"Oh come on man don't be down, just to make you feel better i would even give you my melon bread"

(Why do i feel like I'm missing something?) Ichika confusedly thought to himself, but after talking to his friends, he shrugged off these thought and continued eating.