
The Bad Boy's Promise

“You said you would leave me alone!” She snarled into his direction. “What the fuck are you doing in my bedroom?” “Pleasuring you.” He cooed before raising his shiny fingers, “Look how you coat me. How wet you are, Leah.” She stared at the glistening fingers in the moonlight. Gulping at the sight of them, she sighed wearily before turning her eyes to him, “Lea-Ahh..” she moaned as he plunged his fingers inside, one by one, leisurely with no hurry, making her her legs quiver. “God..” “God?” He whispered against her ear, “No god, sweetness. Just me.” . ****** It was a dream to live like Leah Adams. And it was something she wished for once every day when she looked at her classmate. It was just a wish, a little thought she had. Until it came true, quite literally. The opportunity was thrown in her lap by no one other than Leah’s Adams father. She had to behave like his daughter, study like his daughter and rule a school like his daughter would. But with her broken mind and spirit, it was easily said and done especially when she had no home to go back to. The home that was burned forever. ***** Dark romance. You have been warned.

Inara_Me · 都市
324 Chs

A little discombobulated- II

A first landed near her and made a sound, making her eyes pop open in an instant and turn towards it. It was Lucy and she was lying on her bed over her stomach while looking at her, with a deadpan expression on her face.

"What?" Leah croaked out from a sore throat, this was far too much to deal with in the morning

"Sore throat?" Lucy hissed. "Did you give him a blowjob this morning?"

Leah's eyes why didn't and she could not do anything to stop them. She sat up on the bed. "What?"

Lucy nodded. " if you are going to try and have sex, while your mother is in the apartment, make sure that you stay in silent why you write it or at least make sure that you have sound proved all the walls. You had not and I have to turn on porn in the middle of the night so mother thought that it was me!"
