
The Awakening of the End

Hello Dear Readers, its not my first book but it will be the first book that I continue to write ^^ I will invite you to an adventure in which we both Author and Readers have fun, highs and downs. I will try to upload regularly chapters but I can't promise. Badass MC Interstellar Magic Cultivation Domination No Romance in the beginning, maybe later. PS: Please criticize everything, writing skills, grammar, misspellings, plot, and so on. I am a fan of RE: Evolution Online and Cultivation Online, please check these books out!

AinzSama · ファンタジー
4 Chs

The beginning of the end

So a whole civilization was forced to enter an unknown game.

Xazce looked at the creature, from top to bottom.

The creature looked like a mix of a human and a dragon. A Humanoid would call most of the people. Maybe the creature was a real dragon in a humanoid form or it was maybe a subrace from the dragons. So or so Xazce had no idea, he only knew the mine in the VR Game Second World. 

After a few seconds, the creature tapped a few times in the air. He then asked "What is your name you lowly being" It should sound like a question but it sounds rather a command.

Xazce said "Asura"

The creature looked into the eyes of Xazce, smirking, and said with a sarcastic tone "What a name for a lowly human". He shrugged it off because that was only a name. "Put one of your hands on the orb" 

Xazce did this and after a few moments, the orb flashed with crimson red color, and a few moments later the orb was pitch black.

The Creature was a bit surprised but that lasted only for a short moment.

The creature chuckled to himself and thought "What could possibly a creature from one of the lowest worlds do?"

The creature raised his hands and in an instant, a portal was opening and was sucking Xazce inside the portal. Xazce could not fathom what was happening, the encounter with the creature only lasted for a few seconds.

Xazce could see some weird text in his iris

Loading into the game "Tutorial"

Scanning body and soul....

10% 15% ..... 100%

Analyze the data.

1% 12% .... 100%

Successfully analyzed the data.



Name: Asura

Level: 1 XP 0/20

Gender: Male

Race: Human

HealthPoints: 1

Vitality: 1

Strength: 1

Agility: 1

Stamina: 1

Skills: None

Loading inside of the tutorial....


// Welcome to the Tutorial, may you enjoy your stay or not. May you overcome the Mayhem or not //


Asura opened his eyes and saw nothing, literally he saw nothing but darkness.

Asura had a familiar feeling of the darkness. That reminds him previously of his time in the Mine. Fuqing 10 years was Xazce the most of his time in a dark place and was forced to work 24 hours a day and 7 days a week over 10 years. This was something unimaginable to do, but somehow you will adapt to the situation but it has a price and that was a part of oneself that got destroyed so you could endure that.

He breathed in and out and as he breathed in he felt the cold air enter his lungs and at this exact moment he had unimaginable pain in his lungs. He clutches his hands into his chest but of course, the pain does not fade.

Asura was not crying or screaming but he was actually smiling, he finally could feel something different, he could feel that he was alive.

After some minutes Asura regained his composure and had no longer pain in his lungs and could now freely breathe in and out without problems.

But he could feel something, something warm inside of him was building up, rather warm it was getting hot, this was the rage that Asura could feel. The rage for the humans. He was cooking inside, and his hate for the humans was growing, he was thinking back, merely a few moments back when he was still inside the mine, that he was a slave, and had to work all of his time at this crappy mine. Asura swore to himself that he would get revenge. Revenge that the world itself had never witnessed.

After a few minutes later Asura calms himself somewhat down. For his revenge, he needed to grow stronger, but he had no idea how. He only knew about mining in a mine or transporting the ores to another place, but he was willing to do everything in his path to get his revenge on the humans.