
14. Clerics

"Let's go slow. Firstly thanks for your help that we were able to defeat the Sonic hull... Many of us would've died out there if it weren't for your valorous deed. And how is your condition?" The man said looking at Vader's eyes with a smirk on his face.

"I am alive and I am glad about that. May I know how many people have died?" Vader asked with his eye brows raised.

"hmm,Somewhere between forty to fifty in the southern division alone. I mean just the scavengers and the police."

The man said rubbing his chin. "The numbers are higher in the northern division. However thanks to you, the Scavenger candidate who took down the monster leveraging your life on the line"

"I apologize for what happened when you tried to arrest me." Vader said.

"I don't know what to say about that... Maybe it was an enraging, helpless situation for you since you got treated harshly in front of everybody."

"But, Taking your valorous act into consideration and that stunt you pulled to help me or whoever you had in mind played beneficial for you. I believe you had a reason for swinging that sword towards me. Mayhap you were frustrated that none were there to hear your side of story. And It seems you've already paid a hefty price for that."

Vader sighed "HAh... I am glad you are able understand. And I wasn't the molester. Those people framed me and that girl... She just placed blame on me since she was high. We've clearly had conflicts in the past that she mistook me for some one else..."

Suddenly the officer silenced him.

"Shhh, Mr.Vader Herko, I went through your records. There wasn't a single black mark in your records. Black marks in the sense any convictions or past records of a unruly deed."

"And I Heard that you was oppressed by rich kids and kids of high influence... To be honest I get it. Your life was hard. Can't blame you."

He stopped for a second and said.

"But, still, crimes against women are taken very seriously. You have to prove yourself innocent. I have withdrawn the case against you, the attempt murder... Persuade the woman to withdraw the complaint she has raised on you and get yourself out of that mess."

"It's hard..."

"I apologize for not doing my research before trying to arrest you... I cant help Lastly, I am intrigued by your Stellar Capability. According to your birth license and records, you didn't possess any of those but, I wonder what you used to cause such an explosion."

"Just chemistry"

"Chemistry... So alchemy? Your armor was quite different... could I say it was similar to a metal golem?"

"You can say that." Vader rplied

"I see you are a jack of all trades huh? I guess that was certainly a factor which helped you survive this long." He said bobbing his head.

"I have my ways, But I sure am not a jack of all trades... I just know some basics of different things."

"Humility huh? Good... You are good man Vader!"


The police officer tapped on his shoulder.

"Ouch!" Vader grunted.

A smile bloomed one the officer's face as he commented. "But still what you did to me is bad."


"I was kidding... Cheer up young man!"

"So... What happened with the sonic hull?"

"Yes- Yes" He nodded and parted his lips. "That's you named it huh? Sonic hull. That thing is surely a demon. After you defeated it our men ported the body towards north but surprisingly the monster woke yet again but, this time it's shape was different. Heard it killed a dozens of people and escaped through the sky."


"Are the people in the south being treated now?"

"Vader... Do you have some one dear in the south?"

" "

Vader just nodded and looked into his eyes.

"I see... There are indeed a few deceased reports apart from the police and scavengers."


Vader cursed and tried to raise his body.

"Now- Now, young man no need to rush. You are supposed to be dead. It seemed like you have copulated your self with some unknown source which boosted your healing factors with the help of the clerics. Your bones were broken and you were a chunk of meat after being slammed on to the wall. Its beyond a miracle that you've survived. However take some time. You'll have to regularly go through healing sessions."


"But? I get it you are worried about the expense. Don't be worried. Your academy is sponsoring you and said they'll over look and thoroughly investigate what happened."

"But, why would they?"

"May be because they'd like to use your stellar capabilities. You know those people right? I don't want to mention anything. Anyway, See you later Young lad."

The man said picking up his hat from the table next to Vader.

"May I know your name sir?" Vader asked raising his body.

The man turned back and slightly placed his hand on shoulder with a smile.

"Its Morbius. Take a pill and chill my boy. "

He said pointing at the pills next to him on the table. "We'll meet often if my wits are right. See you."

'I thought he'd be vengeful over me but he seems understanding.'

Quickly a group of people entered his ward. Vader wasn't given much of preferential treatment because the price for a medical treatment is already high enough and considering his injuries they'd have been spending a lot. He was in the critical ward for quite some time.

Vader's vision wasn't clear enough to perceive who were entering the ward.

"Vader Herko, Hero of the south... I am here to help you."

A man in a suit uttered after reaching near him.

He stood in front of him as the other man grabbed his hands and legs.

"What? What are you people trying to do to me!" Vader yelled.

"We are here to help you Mr.Vader."

Immediately one of the men began to remove his bandages. What unravelled was his tattered body. He had quite the few stitches around him but, it was truly a miracle that he was alive after just a huge fight. He couldn't dare imagine how many clerics were needed to heal him.

Clerics are basically doctors yet, a bit different. Clerics are healers who are people of the church that use their healing ability and doesn't have much knowledge in biology while the doctors does.


Swiftly a wave of energy intruded his body as he cried out in agony.


Aight, lets get going people. I am back with another chap. I am going to take this slow unlike my last book and publish it in a suitable pace without burning out.

Support the work by using your powerstones if you'd like to. Thanks in advance.