

“I need to awaken the Hunter, That’s our only chance of survival.” In a world ravaged by the escalating conflict between vampires and werewolves, humanity finds itself on the brink of extinction. The collateral damage from the battles between these supernatural beings has left cities in ruins and countless lives lost. Amidst the despair, hope emerges in the form of a legendary figure known as the "HUNTER," a dormant warrior believed to possess the power to end the bloodshed.

Happy_Uwaifo · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Ch 5

Evan arrived at his house and was surprised to see his parents' car at the garage. He quickly went to a hidden place to cover bruises.

The bruises are impossible to hide because it was on his cheek and widely visible he just to do something to hid it from his parents.

They've warned him not to get into fight with anyone under any circumstances.

He adjusted his face and put on a face cap to help hid it then he went inside the house.

He found his parents in the living room putting some things in a bag for their trip tomorrow.

"Hi Mom, Hi Dad" he greeted as he entered the room.

"Hey boy, you're back"

"Your mom and I are just getting ready for tomorrow" His father said.

"You're packing already? I thought you said it's just the outskirt of the city not a place very far" Evan said.

"Yes it's not far but we're about to do is necessary" he said.

"C'mon son, we already explained everything to you" he added.

"Yes I know but the way you're saying this things, you made it sound so dangerous and that is freaking me out" Evan replied.

"It's alright darling, your dad will be with you throughout the process and you'll be just fine" His mother said to assure him.

"Why can't you just come with us?" Evan asked.

"You know I don't have what you have, so I'm not welcomed" she replied.

"But you don't have to worry. You have your father. So don't worry, you'll be just fine" she added then hugged him.

"Darling, what's this mark on your body?" His mother asked as they disengaged.

"Oh, it's nothing mom" Evan said as he quickly move back trying to cover it up.

"Let me see it" His father said as he moved closer to him and have a closer and his countenance changed immediately.

"How did you get this?" he asked pointing to the bruises.

"It was between me and some guys in school" Evan replied with his face locked to the ground.

"You got into a fight?" he asked angrily.

"I swear dad, they started it. Those guys are mean and intimidating. They are harassing my friends and I so I had no choice but to fight back" Evan replied defending himself.

"I warned you to stay out of trouble at all cost and there's a reason for that" his father said.

"Why can't you just d..."

"It alright Darling, I'm sure he did everything possible to stay out of trouble" His wife said interrupting him.

"He's a man and he can't stay out of trouble forever. That's bound to happen" she added.

"That's not the case. After tomorrow transformation, all these bruises won't be there anymore"

"What will be your explanation when people ask?"

"That alone will raise suspicion and that's not good for you. I don't want people to start seeing you as a freak"

"All this for your own good, Son" he concluded.

"I'm sorry Dad. I'll be more careful from now on" Evan replied apologetically.

"It's alright. You can go to your room" His father said then he went to his room.

"What should we do now?" The wife asked.

"I don't know. Let's hope only a few people know about this" he replied.




Kate's POV


I was woken up by my phone ringtone and the caller turned out to be my parents, so I answered.

"Hi Mom" I said groggily.

"Hey honey, Good morning" My mom greeted.

"Morning mom, have you reached there yet?" I asked and she chuckled.

"Not even close but we should get there this evening before the moon reached it apex" She replied.

"That's a long journey" I replied.

"Yeah I know. So how are you doing?" she asked.

"I'm doing great. We're going for an experiment away from school this morning" I informed.

"Are you going to be alright?" she asked.

"Trust me mom. I can take care of myself" I replied.

"How's dad?" I asked.

"We are just getting reading to continue our journey, he's getting the car warmed up" she replied.

"Okay. I guess I'll speak to him later" I said.

"Alright darling, I'll call you later. Please take care of yourself" she said.

"I will mom. Bye" I replied and ended the call.

I yawned widely as I got up from bed and went to the bathroom to get cleaned up before my friends shows up.

I took my bath and got dressed before arranging my bag. I remembered Kira's threat yesterday and I wouldn't want to count it as nothing.

I knew they meant what they said and right now, I have to be ready for them. This is me against them now and if things got out of hand, I'll have to kill them.

I went to our secret closer to pick out some weapons that can be used to kill werewolves. 

Just as I zipped my bag, I heard a knock on the door which I supposed should be my friends.

I went to the door and opened up and realized that I was right.

"Hey guys" I said as I opened the door for them to come in.

"Hey girlfriend, are you all set?" Emily asked.

"Yeah, you're just right on time" I replied then went to grab my things.

"What do we do about this situation with Aaron and Kira?" Abby asked.

"I suggest we go plead with them to avoid trouble. We were lucky yesterday doesn't mean we will be lucky today"

"Especially today when Evan is not even with us" She added.

"I understand your fear but there's nothing to be afraid of" I replied grabbing my bag.

"Can we go now?" I asked as they stare at me blankly like I have some superpowers.

"Okay, let's go. I wish I had your courage" she replied and we went out of the house.


Few minutes later, we arrived at school and went straight to where the bus is parked. We got there and we saw students already entering the bus.

"C'mon guys, before all the seat are taken" Emily said then we started running.

We entered and luckily for we got ourselves a seat and we sat down just before the last seat was taken.

The ones that are just entering have no choice but to stand throughout the journey. The last student entered and the lecturer also entered.

"I guess that should be all of you" the lecturer said and was about to close the door.

"Ugh. Thank God those guys aren't coming with us" Abby said with a huge sigh. I looked around and truly I didn't see them.

"That's such a relief" she added and I smiled.

"It's indeed a relief"

Just as the driver was driving off we heard a bang on the bus and suddenly the bus halted.

"What took you guys so long?" the lecturer said looking outside probably talking to some students.

We couldn't see them from our position but we saw the lecturer opening the door.

"Sorry professor Malik" a male voice said as they entered.

"OH MY GOD" Emily exclaimed as Aaron, Kira and four other guys entered.

"They came" Abby said and I can sense fear all around her.

They are looking around as though they were looking for someone and I know that's us.

Kira spotted us and nudged the others pointing to our position and they grinned to each other as they walked towards us.

I didn't know the other guys with them but with their physique I can tell they are werewolves too.

"Hey guys, I'm glad you can make it" Kira said smiling and she winked at me.

"Where is your boyfriend? Don't tell me he bailed on you just because of what happened yesterday" Aaron said.

"I thought he's going to be here which is why I brought my friends along" 

"Ops, Looks like you're outmanned" he added.

"You're pathetic. You know that right?" I said and they stared at each other.

"This only shows that you two are nothing but a coward. Calling on your friends to fight your battle and they obeyed just like dog would" I said turning to their friends.

I knew I just made them angrier. I turned to my friends and they are looking at me with shock, like I was crazy or something.

"You've got a very big fat mouth, you know that right?" Kira said glaring at me angrily.

"You've just signed your death certificate" she added.

"Well, I'm looking forward to this trip; it's going to be so much fun"