

“I need to awaken the Hunter, That’s our only chance of survival.” In a world ravaged by the escalating conflict between vampires and werewolves, humanity finds itself on the brink of extinction. The collateral damage from the battles between these supernatural beings has left cities in ruins and countless lives lost. Amidst the despair, hope emerges in the form of a legendary figure known as the "HUNTER," a dormant warrior believed to possess the power to end the bloodshed.

Happy_Uwaifo · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Ch 4

Kate's POV

Everyone was scared when they saw what was happening to him and wondered what was going on and why he's acting like that.

More people are coming closer to see what's going on and they started asking themselves but no one could answer.

I must admit too that I'm scared of what's about to happen. I wouldn't want that to happen around this place.

Kira left my side and quickly went to him and tried to cool him down. She knew the outcome of what's going to happen.

I slowly went to my bag to take a small bottle of water which has been soaked with wolf bane.

I carry it along with me everywhere I go just in case of trouble.

"Shhhh. Get control of yourself Aaron."

"Please we don't want that happening here" she said silently to him.

Everyone watched as Aaron was groaning and grunting like someone who was has been possessed.

Fortunately for everyone, Kira was able to prevent him from turning which was a big relief for me.

If he eventually turned in this place then that means this place will be flowing with blood of students.

After he's been calmed, they glared at us angrily and they walked towards us.

"This is not over. You'll regret this, I promise you" Kira said.

"I'd advise you not to try anything stupid or you'll regret it" I said glaring back at her.

"I like your courage; I hope you bring it along with you tomorrow" Aaron added and they left.


Their last statement made me wondered what he was talking about and what's going to happen tomorrow.

"Is there anything happening tomorrow" I asked my friends.

"We're having an experiment tomorrow at the outskirt of the city for two days" Emily answered.

"How come I'm just hearing about this now?" I asked surprised.

"It was announced in class today" Abby also added.

"It's alright, we will see about that" I replied then turned to Evan.

"How are you feeling?" I asked as I sat beside him and helped him nurse his bruise.

"I'm fine. It's nothing" he replied.

"You know I'm surprised to see you beating the hell out of Aaron. That was so surprising" I said which is the truth.

Seeing him taken on Aaron like that is unexpected. Aaron was supposed to be the stronger one unless if not showing his true strength. 

"I'm surprised as well. I'm just so angry at that moment and couldn't think of anything else" he replied.

"I'm glad you're alright" I replied.

"Seriously guys, we really need to talk about tomorrow" Abby said.

"What if Aaron and Kira decided to attack us tomorrow. Those two are born for trouble and I really don't think we should go for tomorrow's experiment" she added.

"I really don't have a good feeling about tomorrow. They really are up for trouble"

"I was thinking that we should apologize to them and save ourselves some trouble" Emily replied.

 "Girls, calm down okay. We held them down today, we will do the same tomorrow if it comes to that" I replied.

"You mean you can hold them alone on your own because Evan won't be available tomorrow" Abby said and I turned to him.

"Why?" I asked surprised.

"Sorry, my parents and I are going somewhere tomorrow and we will be back the next day"

"I'm sorry, I won't be able to join you guys" he replied.

"You should've informed us before now. I was even planning on surprising you tomorrow since it's your birthday" I said disappointedly and he smiled.

"There's always another day for that" he replied.

"Does tomorrow being your birthday has anything to do with your outing tomorrow?" Emily asked.

"Yeah, something like that" he replied.

"Anyways, we are going to miss you tomorrow" I replied.

"So what do we do about Aaron and Kira?" Abby asked.

"We do nothing, let's just see how tomorrow will be" I replied.

"I really hope we are putting ourselves in more trouble" Abby said as we stood up and left the premises.


An hour later, after having two more lectures I came home. Since my parents are not around I'll have to do things myself.

I was heading to the kitchen when a knock came on the door. My heart skipped when I heard it and I quickly went to grab a weapon.

I just made two werewolves angry today and I know something like this is to be expected. It might be them outside to finish come again we started in school.

I grabbed a shotgun and went to the door ready to blast anyone at the other end. I checked through the peephole to see who is at the other side.

I heaved in relief when I saw the person and quickly went to hide the gun and straighten up myself then opened the door.

"Hello boyfriend" I said smiling when I saw him.

"Hey babe" Josh said as I jumped on him and we kissed.

Yeah, I have a boyfriend and his name is Joshua Kanaan. He's a police officer and he's one of the good ones. 

Actually, Josh and I met in an unusual way which I didn't think was possible. 

I was arrested for fighting in the neighborhood and Josh happens to be the one who arrested me.

He was just transfer to the city and since then we became friends and things move on from there.

"What are you doing here?" I asked excitedly as we disengaged.

"Well, I came to check up on you especially when your parents won't be around" he replied.

"How did you know that?" I asked curiously.

"I saw your parents on their way out of the city" he replied.

"Of course, c'mon let's go in" I replied as I grabbed his hand and led him inside.

"Hey, what's this on your neck?" He asked pointing to my neck.

I guess he spotted the bruises on my neck which I totally forgot about.

"uhm. It's nothing" I replied as I went inside the house.

I knew he's going to flare up if he learns about what happened in school today.

"Nothing? That's not nothing. Don't tell me you got yourself in trouble again" he said.

"They leave me no choice. It really isn't my fault" I replied.

"You could've just avoided any of it" he said.

"You weren't there so you don't know what happened"

"Those guys are nothing but evil. You can't just expect me to just fold my hands and let them treat me like a trash."

"I had to defend myself" I concluded as I sat on the couch and he sat beside me.

"It's alright. I just don't like seeing you in trouble" he said.

"So now that your parents are out of town. Let's get busy" he said cuddling close to me and I smiled.

"You're crazy, don't have any funny ideas in your head because you'll be disappointed" I replied.

"Well, I'm off duty so we're spending the rest of the day together" he replied.

"We'll see about that"


Alan is a 47 years old man and also the Alpha king. He's the strongest and most feared among the werewolves.

Some of the vampires are afraid of him and they've wanted to get rid of him for a very long time which proofs abortive.

He didn't live in the city along with other but stayed at the outskirt of the city, away from the vampires and the witches.

On every full moon, all the werewolves in the city will gather at his place for a ceremony.

 And also since it's going to be a full moon tomorrow's night, they need to be together and transform together.

Alan is at his house along with his family when a car drove into the driveway. 

A man with full beard came out of the car and Alan went to greet him.

"Greetings my king" Ben said showing a sign of respect.

"Hey Ben, I wasn't expecting you until tomorrow's night" Alan stated out as he invited him inside. 

"Yes I know. Actually there's a situation in town that I thought I should bring to your hearing" Ben informed.

"How serious?" Alan asked.

"Very serious Alpha and if we didn't act fast on it, every one of us will suffer this." Ben replied.

"What's going on? Tell me" Alan said interested in the topic.

"Where is your family?" Ben asked looking around.

"They are at the back preparing for tomorrow's ceremony" he replied.

"C'mon just tell me already" he added.

"There's a rumor in town that the vampires are trying to wake up a dangerous Hunter and use him against us" Ben informed.

"A hunter? What hunter?" Alan asked.

"I have no idea as well but according to what I heard, this hunter is strong enough to kill a hundred werewolves all by himself"

"And right now as we speak, the vampire are making the move to use him against us" Ben informed.

"How come we didn't know about this hunter?" Alan asked as it could be seen on his face as he's started to get angry.

"The Vampires are the oldest of the supernaturals and that explains how they could learn about him" Ben replied.

"How do they intend to find this mysterious Hunter?" Alan asked again.

"According to my source, they are looking for a human family who will lead them to this Hunter" Ben replied.

"Have they found this family?" he asked.

"No my king" Ben replied.

"Do we know who this family is?" He asked again.

"No my king" Ben replied.

"I want you to gather more men with you and find this family before the vampires does"

"And if you find them, bring them to me" He replied.

"Yes my king" Ben replied as he stood up to leave.

"Thank you Ben and please don't fail me" Alan said.

"I won't my king" he replied and went out immediately.

"BEN" Alan called before leaving the doorpost.

"Yes my king" he replied turning back to him.

"And if it happens to be too late, Kill them before the vampires could secure the location of the hunter" Alan commanded.

"Yes, my king"