

“I need to awaken the Hunter, That’s our only chance of survival.” In a world ravaged by the escalating conflict between vampires and werewolves, humanity finds itself on the brink of extinction. The collateral damage from the battles between these supernatural beings has left cities in ruins and countless lives lost. Amidst the despair, hope emerges in the form of a legendary figure known as the "HUNTER," a dormant warrior believed to possess the power to end the bloodshed.

Happy_Uwaifo · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Ch 3

Kate's POV

My school for one is crawling with werewolves and it's difficult to tell them apart from humans.

I can point out some werewolves in my school because my parents already taught me how to detect one and how to defend myself against them.

There are ways to kill a werewolf which I know of, and also some of their weaknesses.

Wolfsbane will weaken a werewolf and a silver knife to the heart will kill them.

I know this and I'm sure of it because I've killed one before when I was trying to protect myself.

I can't let them know that I know about their existence or else they will come after me and won't stop until I'm dead.

It's like a code between the vampires and werewolves to protect their kind.

Another full moon is approaching which is tomorrow's night and the werewolves must be planning on it because that's when they'll be at their strongest.


My parents will be leaving the city tonight on the journey to wake the mysterious hunter who has been asleep for a century.

According to them, he had to be woken up when the moon is at its apex. 

Even though I have a bad feeling about it, I know my mom believe this so much to do something this dangerous.

I woke up late today because I slept late last night.  I had to rush to get clean up and get to school on time or I'll miss the first lecture.

"Honey, come down here. We are about to leave" I heard my mom shouted from downstairs. 

"Ugh" I groaned then replied. "I'm coming"

I dropped what I was doing and head down to meet them and see them with packed bags ready to leave.

"What's with all these luggage?" I asked pointing at the bags.

"Do you plan on spending the whole year there?" I added and they chuckled loudly.

"You're very funny darling. These aren't for us, they are for him"

"He's been asleep for a century and he's going to be so hungry when he wakes up" Mom explained and I nodded understandably.

"It's a hundred years so he's going to need a lot of things" she added.

"How long will you take then?" I asked.

"We will be back in two day. We will bring him back with us" Mom replied.

"Are you sure you'll be alright on your own?" Dad asked concernedly which kind of offend me.

"Really Dad?, I'm no longer a kid. I can take care of myself" I replied and he raised his hands in surrendering motion.

"No offence. Just checking" he replied.

"Have you talked to Mason about this?" I asked.

Mason is my twelve years on old younger brother and he's at the boarding school as of recent.

My parents had to send him far from home to protect him against these supernatural creatures.

"He doesn't need to have all the details but I told him about our journey" Mom replied.

"Please both of you be careful" I said as I went to hug them very tight.

"Uh-uh, I think you're taking this a little bit too serious" Mom said whining.

"Of course, that's because I know what you're about to do is dangerous" I said with teary eyes.

"You don't have to worry about us. Remember we're trained for this, so we definitely can protect ourselves if troubles arise" Mom replied.

"Alright guy. We really need to have to go now" Dad said as we disengaged from the hug.

I helped them with their bags to the car and some other things. They entered the vehicle and we bade goodbyes to each other and they drove off.

How I wish they really don't have to go but I understand that it has to be done.

I went back to my room to get cleaned up before going to school.  


An hour later, I arrived at school just as the first lecture ended which I missed so I guess I have some work to cover up.

I met up with my friends as they exit the hall and they had a curious look on them immediately they spotted me.

"Hey babe, what happened?" one of my friends Abby said as they got to me.

"Yeah, we were expecting you before the lecture and we even kept a seat for you"

"Is everything alright?" Emily, who is also my friend asked.

How I wish I can tell them everything that was happening but I can't. I can't open their eyes to the world of supernatural.

"My parents travelled this morning, so I helped them with their things" I replied which is the only explanation I can give.

"Really?, I was so worried when we didn't see you" Abby said.

"I'm sorry guys. Where is Evan?" I asked looking for him. He's the only male in our circle of friends.

"He was actually meeting up with someone, he will join us very soon" Emily replied and just then I spotted some people heading towards our position.

Their countenance shows nothing but anger and they aren't some people you need to mess with because they aren't ordinary humans.

Kira and Aaron are werewolves and they are not good people. 

They've been a menace to us since our sophomore year in school and we've been doing everything to avoid them.

We are not the only one they are being mean to and they have a reputation for being a bully.

"That's some crazy act you put up back there in the hall" Kira said glaring at my friends and I wondered what she's talking about.

"What's she talking about?" I asked looking at my friends for answers.

"We secure a seat for you in the hall and she wanted to take it but denied her" Abby answered.

"We told her the seat was taken but she's just too stubborn to listen. She wanted to start a fight but the lecture entered" she concluded.

"Please Kira, we don't want your trouble so please stay away from us" Emily said as they glare back at them.

"You should've thought about that before blabbing your big fat mouth" Kira said then made to punch Emily.

Before I could react to it, someone was there to stop her and that happens to be Evan.

Evan caught her hand and pushed her away and she fell to the ground. I knew what he just did will definitely result to a fight.

If their countenance was showing anger before then now it's worse because they are now furious. 

They have the upper hand because they are stronger and faster than us. I can keep up with just one of them but my friends can't, so we stand no chance.

Aaron was the first to retaliate then he attacked Evan and they started fighting and from the look of it Aaron is gaining points.

I tried to intervene but I was also attacked by Kira who pushed me to the ground and pounced on me. 

She tried to punch my face but I was able to dodge her punches. She hit her hands very hard on the ground several times and felt no pain.

I managed to get away under her and I tried to punch her but she was fast enough to catch my hand and punch me on my face.

I know an easy way to take her down but I was warned not to let them suspect me which might lead to more trouble.

They are also trying not to show their real strength to prevent awareness and suspicion so I guess we have to fight clean.

I turned the other side and was surprise to see Evan punching Aaron angrily. I was surprise to see Evan this way.

Evans is gentle and barely fights anyone but one thing I noticed about him is that he get angry easily and became wild afterwards.

But to see him fighting this way with Aaron who happens to be stronger is strange.

I noticed something happening with Aaron and I think Kira noticed as well because she went to him.

"Aaahh" Aaron screamed out angrily pushing Evan away with force and he landed on the ground.

His body was twitching, his bone was cracking and his eyes was glowing which only means he's about to transform which is not good at all.