
The Average DC Experience (COMPLETED)

One bad day is all it takes to send an average man to the fringes of madness, or so a wise, demented clown once said. But if one bad day that started with getting fired and ended with a meteor falling over one such average man's head didn't drive him insane, then maybe waking up in a fictional world full of monsters would do the trick? ... Are you sick of the usual power-wank, wish-fulfillment garbage? Are you tired of one-dimensional fanfiction protagonists? Have you had your fill of monotonous monologues and forced dialogues? Do you want to see steady, slow character development and power level growth? If you answered yes to all those questions, then congratulations! This is the story for you! ... I own nothing. All rights belong to their respective owners.

Wicked132 · アニメ·コミックス
321 Chs

Learning and Applying Tricks #21

Author's note: I added some minor details to the previous chapter to slightly change Gray's motives for causing a scene at Selina's club, so check it out or don't. it doesn't affect the story in any meaningful way, and it's just some monologue I added to make Gray look less stupid, and the situation less forced.


'Buying a phone might have been a mistake...'

I mused, chuckling as I furiously tapped on the phone's screen, playing one of those typical mobile tab games. Although I wasn't strong enough to bend steel and burst through walls, I was still much more powerful than normal humans, and they don't make superhuman-proof phones, unfortunately.

I shook my head in exasperation as I turned off the game and locked the phone, and got a full view of the cracked screen. Oh well, I'll have to live with it, I guess, because I'm definitely not buying a new one so soon.

'Time to head out...'

I decided, lazily stretching as I got up and made it to the door, recalling what I needed to do today. Training with Richard comes first like usual, then visiting Selina and maybe going out and stealing something if I didn't run out of daylight by then.

Superhuman Stamina was super convenient and having it meant that I didn't need to worry about tiring or needing rest unless I went for an entire week without sleep or something, which I wasn't crazy enough to try, mind you.

I needed the sleep for my mental health, if nothing else, and I already decided to sleep for a minimum of 4 hours every two days.

"Morning Mark," I greeted as I exited the apartment building, and the security guard returned my greeting with a smile and resumed staring into his phone.

I passed by a bagel stand that opened super early on my way to the park and bought a couple for breakfast, and soon enough, I was standing in the usual training spot with Richard waiting for me and no murderous Asian chick within sight. Good, no murderous Asian chick within sight is definitely good.

"There you are, Gray," Richard said as he regarded me with a smile. "Let's get started like usual," he added as he took a step back, losing his relaxed posture and waving me over.

"I'm gonna kick your ass someday... maybe then you won't be so eager for sparring every day so early in the morning..." I jokingly grumbled, but I still obliged as I took off my baseball cap and jacket, throwing them on the grass.

"I'd definitely like to see that day, kid," Richard said, smugly grinning with a shrug of his shoulders. "But until then, you'll still have to come here every day and let me kick your ass," he added, gesturing for me to hurry up and go over so he could give me my daily beating.

He didn't seem bothered by my words at all, and that's why I liked him so much. Richard could be as stern as they come and utterly severe when needed, but he's more of a friend than some wizened old teacher whenever the training ends.

"Alright, alright... I'm coming..." I said as I took a deep breath, raising my hands in front of my face. I slowly approached Richard step by step, my eyes glued to his arms and legs.

My right hand lashed out in a straight punch, aiming at Richard's face as soon as I was close enough to swing. Richard took a step back to dodge by a hair's breadth and slapped my wrist with the back of his hand, directing my punch to the side.

He drew the same hand back, lowered his stance, and targeted my open chest with an open palm. I observed his movement and used my superior speed to regain my balance before copying the same move he used to counter my punch.

I directed his palm to the side and retaliated with one of my own. Richard only smiled at my actions as he stepped aside, caught my wrist, and turned to the side, tripping me with his left foot and throwing me into the grass over his shoulder.

"Your ability to observe and copy others' moves is a great tool for learning..." Richard praised as he stood over me, crossing his arms, and I sighed, sensing a but coming.

"But using it to copy an opponent's techniques in a fight is foolish," Richard said, shaking his head in disapproval as he reached a hand to me, and I took it, letting him help me up.

"It makes you predictable, and any martial artist worth their salt would know at least ten ways to counter their own techniques..." Richard explained as he took a step back and beckoned for me to come at him again.

"Learn from your opponents, but don't use their own tricks against them..." Richard said, smiling as he watched me raise my fists and approach him.

"Use them on other people instead..."


Gotham City


Robin scowled as he turned off his communicator, having had enough of its constant beeping noises for the past five minutes. He sighed as he put the communicator away in his utility belt, recalling the last conversation with his father figure.

Jason knew he was in the wrong somewhere deep down in his mind, but he would never admit it. The idea of calling Batwing of all people for help made him grit his teeth in frustration, despite knowing it would have been the right call then.

He would not apologize or go back to that dank cave. Not empty-handed.

After failing to defeat Batman, Bane had launched an attack on Arkham's asylum, causing many inmates to escape, including one Waylon Jones, aka Killer Croc.

Jason didn't know or care what Bane was plotting, but taking down the superhuman Killer Croc and incarcerating him should prove his ability to his father figure. It was a subtle way to patch things up without giving a straight apology.

He had already tracked down the humanoid lizard to the sewers, and now it was only a matter of springing a trap and luring him towards it to catch and send him back to the asylum.

"I fucking hate sewers..." Jason muttered, wincing as the sewer stench assaulted his nostrils.


Gotham City Park

"That's good. Adapt to your opponent and don't use the same moves often," Richard said, nodding with a smile as he ducked, dodging my high kick. However, it was a feint with almost no power behind it, and I quickly brought it down, aiming at the top of his head.

Improving my Body Attribute didn't only improve my strength and speed. It improved every aspect of my physique and enabled me to control my momentum forcefully as long I didn't put too much power into my movements.

"You're already learning, good," Richard said, still leisurely smiling as he sidestepped and pushed my leg to the side before it hit the ground, making me lose my balance and spin, presenting him with my back.

One kick later, I was on the ground, spitting grass out of my mouth.

"I know we established you can kick my ass, but that doesn't mean you have to literally do it, you know...?" I said, sighing as I got up and gave Richard a bemused look. Oh, my poor pride! It's in a million pieces!

"Stop being a baby. We're done for today anyway," Richard said, giving me a pointed look as he helped me get up and clean the grass from my clothes as if that would make it better somehow.

"Well, that's a relief, I might be able to take the beating, but my pride is a real fragile thing..." I replied, my eyes twitching in annoyance as I went to pick up my baseball cap and jacket.

"You'll get over it, now shoo. Get out of here," Richard said with a chuckle, figuratively and literally shooing me away with his hands as he smiled and shook his head.

"Fine..." I replied, shrugging my shoulder and putting on my jacket as I turned around and walked away. "I'll be back tomorrow same time-" I added as I turned to Richard over my shoulder, but he was already gone and nowhere within sight.

"Why do people keep doing that? It's getting old rather quickly..." I muttered, shaking my head in annoyance, and took out my phone after a couple of minutes of walking to call Selina Kyle without bothering to question how Richard suddenly disappeared in such an open area.


The tin Roof Club

Selina sighed in relaxation as she walked out of the shower, a towel wrapped around her body. She couldn't help but smile, feeling the exhaustion of a long, stressful day dissipating after a well-earned relaxing time.

However, Selina's good mood immediately evaporated at the sight of a blonde woman standing in front of her expensive wine cabinet, guzzling the luxury drink like cheap beer.

"I thought I told you not to touch that, Harley!" Selina exclaimed with a scowl as she hurriedly dragged the woman away from her precious stash that she was reluctant to indulge in herself.

"Awe! Come on, Kitty, just let me have another bottle!" Harley exclaimed, flailing her arms as she tried to reach for the cabinet and snatch another bottle or maybe two before Selina dragged her away.

"Absolutely not! Do you even know expensive these things are-" Selina cut her off and dragged her away before she could steal any more. She wanted to continue scolding her blonde friend, but the ringing of her phone interrupted her.


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