
The Average DC Experience (COMPLETED)

One bad day is all it takes to send an average man to the fringes of madness, or so a wise, demented clown once said. But if one bad day that started with getting fired and ended with a meteor falling over one such average man's head didn't drive him insane, then maybe waking up in a fictional world full of monsters would do the trick? ... Are you sick of the usual power-wank, wish-fulfillment garbage? Are you tired of one-dimensional fanfiction protagonists? Have you had your fill of monotonous monologues and forced dialogues? Do you want to see steady, slow character development and power level growth? If you answered yes to all those questions, then congratulations! This is the story for you! ... I own nothing. All rights belong to their respective owners.

Wicked132 · アニメ·コミックス
321 Chs

BOY! #197

"The fucking Joker..." I muttered, sighing as I plopped into my couch as my body relaxed. I didn't want to get involved with that maniac, but honestly, could anyone blame me for interfering?

Watching Nightwing, Selina, and the others commit such stupid mistakes and devolve into imbeciles felt so frustrating that I couldn't stay on the sidelines, watching without doing anything.

'It's already done...' I mused, shaking my head. Whether I wanted to or not, I involved myself in The Joker's shenanigans, which would no doubt come around and bite me in the ass somehow.

How or when, I didn't know, but I was confident it would.

Luckily, I caused considerable damage to The Joker's body, meaning he won't return for a while. I could use the time to tie up my loose ends and hopefully still have enough time to prepare for the grinning menace.

'Until then, I need to work fast and get my shit together...' I concluded as I checked the time, realizing I had some free time before I had to go out and find Enchantress.

'Might as well see what's new with the system...' I decided, shrugging my shoulders as I brought up the system's interface.

[+3 levels to the Brawling skill]

[Brawling (level 57)]

[+2 levels to the Crime skill]

[Crime (level 53)]

[+4 levels to the Acrobatics skill]

[Acrobatics (level 41)]

[+3 levels to the Computers skill]

[Computers (level 54)]

[+6 levels to the Gun Mastery skill]

[Gun Mastery (level 35)]

[+3 levels to the Mechanics skill]

[Mechanics (54)]

[+7 levels to the Medieval Weapons Mastery skill]

[Medieval Weapons Mastery (level 25)]

[+6 level to the Knowledge skill]

[Knowledge (level 18)]

[+6 levels to the Language skill]

[Language (level 12)]

[+3 levels to the Chemistry skill]

[Chemistry (level 10)]

[+19 class levels]

[+43 stat points]

[+1 level to the Chemist class]

[Chemist (level MAX)]

[+18 accumulated class levels]

[You have reached the maximum level for your current class. Would you like to choose a new one now?]

'Nothing too crazy or unexpected so far... but is there still more...?' I wondered, raising an eyebrow as I noticed a few more notifications lingering.

I didn't overthink and merely opened them.

[quest complete: Get Rich Or Die Trying (literally) IV]

Get Rich Or Die Trying (literally) IV:

You finally got a taste of money, but is that really enough to fill the black hole in your heart? You want it, and you need it. It makes the world go round. Go for it.

[Objective: Gather $1,000,000 through any means]

[Rewards: [unique random equipment] [+5 levels to the crime skill] [+5 levels to the Computers skill]

[Receive reward now? Yes/No]

"And here I thought I'd never get to finish this quest..." I muttered with a chuckle, shaking my head as I read through the last notifications on my system's interface.

I never forgot about the quest, even if I rarely thought about it. However, with rising expenditures as I went around bribing officials left and right for the sake of my company and the trial, I almost believed I'd be able to gather an entire million anytime soon.

I'd also been pumping out applications and games like there was no tomorrow and putting them out there whenever I had free time to accumulate more money, so it shouldn't have been a surprise, I suppose.

In any case, it was undoubtedly a power-up, and even if I were to look the figurative gift horse in the mouth, so to speak, it would probably have a Hollywood smile.

The last time I received a "unique random equipment," it was Ebony and Ivory, so whatever the system had in store for me this time around can't be any worse.

"Let's see what we have..." I remarked to no one in particular as I sat straight. "Give me something good..." I went on as I accepted the reward and rubbed my hands together like Scrooge McDuck, preparing to dive into his vault of gold coins.

[+5 levels to the Crime skill]

[Crime (level 58)]

[+5 levels to the Computers skill]

[Computers (level 59)]

[+5 class levels]

[+27 stat points]

'Boring! Come on! Get to the good stuff...!' I mentally urged, sitting at the edge of my couch and gritting my teeth in frustration.

[Randomizing equipment...]

[You have received the following piece of equipment: (Leviathon Axe)]

"Wait... what...?" I muttered, drawing a blank as I read through the item reward. "Could it be...?" I let out another unintelligible sentence as I focused on the weapon to read the description when it appeared in my inventory.

[Leviathon Axe (soul bound): a two-handed war axe created by the two Huldra brothers, Sindri and Brok, to oppose Mjolnir. The weapon was infused with the echoing screams of twenty frost trolls (more or less) and inscribed with magical runes, giving it several abilities, such as controlling ice and enabling the wielder to recall it from any distance]

"Mother fucker... it really is the one..." I slowly muttered in a daze, only for my excitement to kick in as I retrieved the axe from my inventory.

I felt a cold chill running through my body, snaking its way into my soul as I held the weapon. Yet, strangely enough, it was a pleasant, empowering sensation, but I didn't have the time to enjoy it or appreciate the weapon's exquisite craftsmanship.

As soon as the axe appeared in my hand, I felt its tremendous weight as my hand sank to the ground, and I barely managed to keep it from hitting the floor.

"This thing sure is heavy..." I muttered as I struggled to lift the axe in front of my face to take a closer look.

The axe pummel was golden-colored and decorated with intricate patterns. It was attached to a crooked, maroon-colored handle that had similar decorations.

The blade was just as beautiful but decorated in gold and light green patterns and runic writings alongside its sharp edges. In short, It was a stunning piece of art, no doubt beautiful as it was deadly.

"Looks like I'll need to invest some points into my Body attribute..." I said, smiling as I looked down at the axe in my hand, which I barely managed to keep on my eye level.

"Maybe shave my head too..." I added, chuckling like an excited little kid in the middle of a playground as I turned to my status screen and briefly closed my eyes, taking a deep breath to prepare myself.

I opened my eyes, and used up most of my stat points, raising my three attributes to 250 high each, to which I immediately felt a rush of power coursing through my body, brain, and soul.

My muscles contracted, my brain tingled, and I felt my very soul tremble at the influx of power, which dissipated as fast as it appeared, leaving me to bask in a familiar sensation I had once hated with all my being.

[Due to reaching a milestone in your Body attribute, you have unlocked the following perks: (Containment Immunity) (Self Sustenance)(Supernatural Senses)]

[Your (Accelerated Healing) Perk has evolved to (Supernatural Healing)]

[All of your Body attribute-related perks have merged due to reaching the same caliber (Supernatural)]

[You have lost the following perks: (Containment Immunity) (Self Sustenance) (Supernatural Senses) (Supernatural Healing) (Superhuman Durability) (Superhuman Stamina)]

[You have gained the perk: (Supernatural Body)]

[Supernatural Body: you posse physical abilities and aspects that are drastically and supernaturally beyond what is commonly possible for everyone else. With your physique alone, you are capable of dwarfing most being in your world]

"Now we're talking..." I muttered, grinning as I turned to the axe in my hand and raised my hand, expecting some resistance, to which I found none as the weapon felt as light as a feather.

'I reeeealy wanna try this thing right now...' I mused as I looked down at the Leviathan Axe for a second before shaking my hand and putting it away in my inventory.

That axe looked and felt like it could pack quite the punch, and I didn't want to destroy my hideout, not to mention I still needed to see what other upgrades I had.

[Due to reaching a milestone in your Mind Attribute, you unlocked the following perks: (Clarity) (Elucidation) (Pattern Sense) (Accelerated Thought process)]

[Your perk (Body Language Analysis) has evolved to (Combat Casualty Perception)]

[All of your Mind attribute-related perks have merged due to reaching the same caliber (Supernatural)]

[You have lost the following perks: (Clarity) (Elucidation) (Pattern Sense) (Accelerated Thought process) (Eidetic Kinesthesia) (Panmesia) (Combat Casualty Perception)]

[You have gained the perk: (Supernatural Mind)]

[Supernatural Mind: you are glaringly, obviously, and supernaturally more intelligent than other beings in your universe as your mental capabilities and applications have pushed beyond the natural level]

'I don't feel that different, though...' I mused, tilting my head for a second, only for the realization to suddenly dawn on me as I noticed the distinct difference when I looked around.

I could now "see and process" minuscule details that I had never noticed or might have overlooked before, such as the exact, precise distance between the hairs on Little Soot's back.

Whereas I might have been able to calculate such things before, it came naturally to me now as I only needed to look, and my evolved brain would do the work unconsciously and effortlessly.

There were undoubtedly other changes, but I'll have to figure them out slowly over time.

'For now, I need to see what other upgrades I received...'


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