
The Author's POV: Invincible from the start

Travel through the world of The Author's POV and start with the Solo Leveling system. Currently, I'm just learning to write fanfiction, if there's anything wrong, please give me more opinions.

DaoistViyIkE · アニメ·コミックス
16 Chs

Chapter 13


Opening the large box that had arrived early in the morning, I excitedly took a look at what was inside.

"As expected of Melissa"

The box is full of pills.

Only three days have passed since I asked Melissa to make me the potions, but in that short time she fulfilled my request and sent me all the potions I had ordered. commissioned her to do it for me.

Honestly, I was impressed.

Before long, I started taking all the potions out of the box.

"Sixteen [energy recovery potions], eight [strength-enhancing potions], eight [physical recovery potions], nine…."

Counting all the potions to make sure nothing was missing, I arranged the potions into different batches, each batch depending on the type of potion.

Because they're all transparent and just labeled with Melissa's writing if I don't sort them out, I might end up consuming them by mistake.

Um, that's right, I was really expecting the potions to come in all sorts of different colors, but I was wrong. Reality is very harsh and all the potions look like water, moreover, they are inside a test tube and not a fancy pot like in the game.

After sorting through the potions and making sure nothing was missing, I stood up and prepared to attend the class.

I took the key and went to the door.


Closing the door, I walked quickly.

Can't be late, otherwise I can kiss graduation goodbye.

Today's class lecture ended later than usual, I can finally be free from class.

I was currently going to the elective club room by accident just as she was on her way to the elective. Look at Amanda walking a few meters ahead of me.

Standing behind her, I could immediately catch her rose-like scent. It was a clumsy move as we walked in the same direction without saying a word to each other. From someone else's point of view, it looks like I'm watching her.

Fortunately, we soon arrived inside the classroom and took our seats as we did in the previous class.

By the time we arrived, Elijah Turner, the club's president, was standing on the podium to look at some articles. Carefully turning the pages, he seemed to be organizing today's lecture notes.

Before long, the room was filled with the rest of the students entering the classroom. However, in contrast to the previous class, where people sat wherever they wanted, today's class was divided into three different groups, first year, second year and third year.

'…It seems that the relationship between juniors and seniors is starting to become more and more sour with each passing day.'

I think looking back at how the senior years have avoided the early years.

At eight o'clock, Elijah began his sermon.

"Good afternoon, everyone. Seems like a lot of you…"

When he talks, most of what comes out of his mouth goes in one ear and out the other. I couldn't be bothered to notice his idle chatter.

"Today we will talk about the plant kingdom. As most of you know, once mana entered our planet, not only us and the animals evolved, but so did the plants. Basically, all living things on this planet started to evolve… Although most plants have no supervisory abilities, don't belittle plants because some of them have evolved into things that are worth it. fear that even SS rated heroes want to avoid at all costs. For example, if we look at some of the most powerful plants out there, the ents tree, they have evolved from regular plants into A rank monsters that when in groups can cause trouble for some heroes. most experienced out there. This goes to…"

Although I knew almost everything, I paid attention to it because it was not as detailed as the information Elijah was teaching.

"…Have you understood?"

Looking around the class, Elijah was constantly questioning every student to make sure they were paying attention. Looking around and seeing everyone nodding, Elijah smiled with satisfaction and said

"Okay, I guess it's time we call it a pause for today."

The lecture lasted a total of one hour. Looks like it's time to prepare the party for tonight.

"If anyone is interested because today is our first lecture, I will organize a party after that. It would be great if you could come! "

As I expected, perhaps the event is about to begin.

"… .Hm? Amanda does not refuse it? "

Amanda, who was normally indifferent to everything, nodded to Elijah and verbally confirmed her participation.

As I was looking at Amanda, I noticed that two eyes were looking in my direction. When I noticed, I saw Elijah standing two meters away from me smiling.

"Do students want to join us?"

"Yes, I'm in."

"Great, we're leaving in an hour, so make sure you get back to your dorm and get ready"

Smiling, Elijah turned around and talked to the other students.


Inside a luxurious spacious room, a group of students could be seen drinking and laughing.

The interior of the room is very well decorated with fancy paintings scattered throughout the room. A large white sofa with delicate gold patterns on either side sits in the center of the room. Large wooden tables filled with food and drinks were placed in the corner of the room.

The location we are in right now is a pretty famous restaurant called [le farat]. It's a rather classy restaurant with celebrities regularly appearing here. Due to its popularity, it was obvious that this place was very expensive and Elijah somehow managed to reserve a whole room just to gather. This made quite an impression on everyone who came to see it because their eyes were sparkling stars, especially the girls.

Turning the wine cup in my hand, I smelled the wine lightly. It had a fruity but overbearing smell that made my nose twitch a few times.

"How I like it"

The wine I'm currently tasting is the one that I got on the table, but there's a high chance that all the food and drinks in it are pre-medicated. It's best not to drink it even though it will get Elijah's attention but ignore him anyway he's gone tonight.

[Emergency quest has been created.]

'Urgent quest?!'

Sirius raised his head.

He didn't even say anything about wanting to see the content, yet the quest window spread out before him without his consent.

Now that's the first time.

[Urgent Quest: Kill All Enemies!]

There are lifeforms that have murderous intentions towards the 'Player'. Kill them all for your own safety. If you do not follow this instruction, a corresponding penalty will be given.

Number of enemies left to kill: 1

Number of enemies killed: 0

Sirius's eyes widened.

Sirius was sitting on the sofa, doubting his own eyes at the moment.

No, his confused mind quickly turned into a feeling of relief. Even he found it hard to believe, but it was true.

This fear was always lingering in his mind, starting from the day these quests appeared before him along with Stat values ​​and the like.

'What will happen to me if this mysterious phenomenon suddenly stops'?

What if all of this just happened as a coincidence and they could end at any point?

Such fear always accompanies him.

However, through this Urgent Quest, the truth became clear.

What happened to him was neither a coincidence nor some strange goodwill from someone. If the quest was created by something holding some form of goodwill, it should just say "Let's get over this danger", not threaten to kill him as punishment.

The system has a clear purpose.

It is "Make Sirius strong" or "Need a strong Sirius".

'And, depending on the situation, I'm someone who can kill others just by hitting, even…'

He can now collect such intents from the System. Sirius felt reassured by that revelation.

'It is a relief ....'

… .It is not a coincidence.

… .That, it certainly has a purpose.

The goals of this System and Sirius's desires line up perfectly.

'The System is using me, and I am using the System.'

That was all there was to it.

As long as there was one end goal, one purpose, this phenomenon would never suddenly disappear from his eyes.

Look around.

Although the atmosphere is very peaceful and everyone seems to enjoy themselves. There's this ominous vibe that pervades the entire place.

Something is bound to happen today, and it won't be something good.

In the middle of the hall, Elijah, who was wearing an elegant white suit, was currently being swarmed by many girls at once. They pushed each other aside for a chance to talk to him. Elijah, who was surrounded and harassed by girls, kept a gentle smile on her face the whole time.

Beside him, several boys were looking at him with jealous and envious eyes. But that was only a minority, as most of the boys were absorbed in admiring another scene.

Standing on the balcony, Amanda, who looked like a goddess who had just descended, was currently looking up at the moon with a glass of wine in hand. The gentle moonlight enveloped her flawless body, creating a scene like a painting.

A few guys tried to approach her, but when they noticed that they were being ignored, they could only helplessly return to the party in defeat.

Seeing this scene, my lips curled up slightly and helplessly shook my head. Son will be boys.

Stepping out onto the balcony, where Amanda was standing, I could hear faint whispers coming my way.

"This is the fifth sentence…"

"How long will you give it?"

"I say 5 seconds"

"No, I said 10"

Opening the balcony door, I slowly walked to the edge of the balcony and stood beside Amanda. Lifting my head, I looked at the moon.

I decided to warn her of the impending danger.

Without glancing at Amanda, I softly said

"You should be careful tonight…"


As if she couldn't hear me, Amanda kept staring at the moonlight.

Seeing her react like that, I didn't panic nor show any displeasure because I already knew her personality. Even though she was pretending to be indifferent, she definitely heard me loud and clear. It's just that she doesn't show it on her face.

Smiling slightly, I said one last thing before heading back to the party

"Something could happen tonight and you could be the target — no, you could very well be the target."

Finally turning her head to the side, Amanda saw me leave the balcony. Seeing my figure leave, her brows furrowed for a split second before relaxing.

Just then, with almost nothing happening, she started looking up at the moon again.

Turning my head and seeing that, I smiled slightly before returning to my place.

Although it seemed like she didn't take my warning seriously, in reality I knew that she was on high alert.

Having been in situations like this since she was very young, she knew that even if this was just a small joke, there was a chance that the warning was real.

For her, even if it was a joke, it was better to be prepared than not prepared. In the random case that what I said comes true, she can avoid being kidnapped again.

- Link! - Link! - Link!

"Please let me get everyone's attention"

Touching the wine glass in her hand, Elijah attracted everyone's attention.

Standing elegantly in the middle of the hall, Elijah made sure everyone was looking at her before continuing.

"First, I would like to thank all of you who decided to attend the gathering. Although our electives may be considered smaller than other electives, we are here like a family."

Making eye contact with everyone in the room, Elijah's mood turned a bit more serious as he spoke

"Recently I learned about the conflicts that occurred between our juniors and seniors, and it was really heartbreaking to see this. I may not be able to change this, but I sincerely hope that in our election this prejudice and conflict does not emerge."

Pausing slightly and looking at everyone in the room, Elijah raised her glass and said

"This is not just an elective. This is a family! "

At first, everyone was silent. Turning to look at each other, countless expressions could be seen on some people's faces. they want to rebuke but… they don't dare. With Elijah's current influence, his word is law. Rejecting him is like signing a death warrant.

- Clap!

Breaking the awkward and tense silence was applause.

- Clap! - Clap! - Clap!

Just then another person started clapping, and like a chain reaction, everyone followed and started clapping.

"I see, I'll follow the president's orders!"

"We love you, president!"

"I love you, president!"

Cheers resounded throughout the hall as both male and female students cheered for Elijah.

Smiling, Elijah took a large gulp of wine and once again raised his cup to the sky.

"It is with great honor and pride that I welcome you to our culinary discovery buffet!"

"Thank you!"

"Discover Food!"

"Best buffet!"

Although everyone cheered, all three were not. One kept a nonchalant expression throughout the entire ordeal, the other grimaced incessantly and the last sat on the sofa while observing the party nonchalantly.

Of course, this didn't escape Elijah's eyes, as his eyes narrowed for a split second before returning to normal as if nothing had happened.

Not caring that Elijah might notice my behavior, I nonchalantly sat on the sofa and watched the party around me.

For all I know, Elijah doesn't care about the conflicts in the academy. In fact, he's probably just rejoicing because there are conflicts in the academy. Most notable was the fact that some attention was diverted away from him, allowing him to act at will.

Sitting on the sofa, Amanda was lost in her own thoughts. Occasionally she would glance over to where a male student was sitting. He looked completely out of place with a dark black trench coat in the air. He has short black hair and dark eyes. His features without acne or freckles look clean and pleasant. Though he could be considered as handsome as Jin and Kevin.

Looking at him, Amanda couldn't help but look at him in confusion. He was currently sitting on the sofa watching the party looking extremely depressed. No one came near him, nor approached anyone and he seemed to enjoy the solitude of muttering to himself from time to time.

… Is what he said true?

The reason why Amanda noticed him so was because the same student had approached her before. It was when she was on the balcony watching the moon immersed in her own thoughts.

… It's strange.

She has a vague recollection of him, as he was one of the more popular students in her class.

Usually, the boys would come towards her and try to find ways to get her attention.

Yet he only told her two things before leaving. Even more confusing was what he told her.

"You should be careful tonight..." and "Something could happen tonight, and you could be the target - no, you could very well be the target"

If this is a new trick to try to get her attention, he has succeeded.

She didn't really heed his warning, but she definitely started paying more attention to her surroundings.

Having been in situations like this since she was young, her temperament turned cautious. If something suspicious happened, she would immediately be on high alert.

Sweeping the hallways, everything seems normal, and aside from a few drunken people, there's nothing strange about… hm?


Isn't wine the only thing served here?

How can people get drunk?

Amanda knew immediately that something was wrong.

Hiding her hands behind her back, she prepared to summon her bow in case something dangerous happened.

- Bam! - Bam! - Bam!

One by one the other students began to fall to the ground.

Instinctively, Amanda tried to summon her bow, but a wave of dizziness left her incapacitated.

Staggering, she did her best to prop herself up against a pillar.

Looking around, every student fell to the ground unconscious.

"Dam it!"

Clenching her teeth, Amanda tried her best to resist the effects of the drug.

Although the drug was very strong, she did not pass out. It partly has to do with the fact that she is one of the strongest people in the room and her unwavering mentality.

But she didn't know how long she could stay awake. Time was passing and she could only do her best not to fall for whatever plot someone was working on.

Looking around she saw that he was still sitting on the sofa as before. Still looking around with indifferent eyes.

'Is he the mastermind behind this...?'

Amanda thought when she saw him still sitting on the sofa showing no sign of moving. She wasn't wrong to doubt him as he sat watching people start to fall to the ground. Calling this unsuspecting would be a lie…

'Perhaps he's the type who likes to tease his prey?'

But she quickly denied that possibility. Although he was very strange, she could tell he was not the culprit. Although she doesn't like to talk much and is always focused on books, Amanda is always observant. It's something she's developed over the years to better understand who's mean to her. Their posture, their expressions, their temperament, she could pretty much determine if someone was malicious or was wearing a mask to hide their true self by observing those things.

Although he was very strange, at first glance she could tell he meant no harm.

"Ho ho! k-Amanda!"

Coughing and stumbling on the ground, Elijah walked over to Amanda.

Looking at Elijah who seemed to be in trouble, Amanda took a few steps back.


Dropping to one knee, Elijah gasped.

"W-what's going on?"

Although Amanda was also very distressed, she tried her best to restrain herself to help Elijah.

Her instincts told her not to… but she couldn't help but take a step toward him. He was the only key she had to find her mother… she needed to close the door.

Although it was very hard, Amanda gradually got used to the effects of the drug. Soon her mind regained some clarity.

A few meters ahead of Elijah, Amanda reached out her hand towards him


With her right hand, Elijah tried to grab Amanda's hand… but before he could touch her completely, she broke his hand.

- Black!


Elijah looked at Amanda in surprise, glaring at her.

"Abandon Action"

"W-what are you talking about?"

"You think you can fool me when you've been smiling all the time?"

Surprised, Elijah touched her face.

"Ku ku ku"

Trembling, Elijah laughed deeper as she began to laugh.

"It was careless to me... I just couldn't contain my excitement"

Standing up, Elijah raised her face exaggeratedly

"Ah… I'm sorry, I just can't help myself after imagining myself sharing some alone time with you, one of the three great beauties of the early years."


Summoning her bow, Amanda immediately drew it.

"Oh my, are we in a bit of a hurry?"

Raising his hand in surrender, Elijah sneered as he walked over to Amanda.

-Already! -Already! -Already!

As soon as Elijah took a step in her direction, without even noticing, Amanda fired three arrows in quick succession.

Suddenly three streaks of white light appeared in front of Elijah as arrows shot through the air.

- Pop! - Pop! - Pop!

"Oh, that's a great archery"

Looking back, Elijah whistled in admiration as he watched the three arrows pierce the wall.

"… Too bad you missed out"

Looking at Amanda gasping on the floor, Elijah showed an amused smile. A few minutes was not enough to resist the drug that he had carefully prepared in advance.

Walking slowly, Elijah savored Amanda's struggling expression.

"Yes… this is what I want! In the end, Amanda who was so indifferent finally showed me another expression! "

"W-why did you do to me!"

Gritting her teeth, Amanda glared at Elijah, who was only a few feet away from her.

"Oh my god, don't let me see that face..."

Kneeling on one leg and holding Amanda by her chin, Elijah's expression twisted savagely

"Now, now, we wouldn't want our dear Amanda to show such a face now would we?"

Clinging to her face, Elijah looked at her features with admiration

"If it weren't for the strict orders I received from Matriarch's mother, I would have devoured you..."

"Mother Matriarch?"

"Sorry, looks like I said too much"

"Just say you'll thank me soon"


Spitting in Elijah's face, Amanda looked at him defiantly.


"Y-ou y-ou"

Trembling, Elijah touched her cheek where Amanda spat. Look at his saliva-covered fingers.

"Looks like you guys don't think I'm here, do you?"

Both Amanda and Elijah were startled, and a voice resounded throughout the hall. Just then a young man stood up from the sofa. His eyes rested slightly on Elijah before looking at Amanda, who was trying her best.

"It's you?"

Ignoring Amanda, Elijah stood up and looked at me, who was sitting on the sofa standing up.

The event has begun.

"Rank 1751 Sirius"

"… Hmm? Right?"

Smiling slightly, Elijah watched with amusement as Sirius stood in front of him.

"At the party, you're the only one who doesn't drink. Did you know there's medicine in wine?"

Walking towards Sirius, Elijah's eyes filled with malice.

Elijah approached Sirius and put her arm around his neck.

"It seems you still don't really understand the situation, but the point is…. what?"

The expression of Elijah's eyes became more peculiar and strange as he increased the strength of his arm.

'….What the hell? Why can't I pull him down? '

He tried to hit a header with his physical strength, but no matter how hard he pulled, Elijah's upper body showed no sign of budging.

Isn't this b* star only rated E?!

There was cold sweat on his forehead.

'How can he be this strong….'

But then, his entire world seemed to spin around, and before he realized how, he felt himself bumping into a wall.


His brain vibrated violently and a strong impact was transmitted through his entire body.

He wanted to get up, but his body didn't obey his commands. Elijah tried very hard, but eventually gave up and sprawled on the ground.

"A cough!!"

He coughed up a mouthful of blood.

"He... He threw me on the floor?!"

Did Elijah really lose the contest of strength?

In a battle of physical strength?!

"How can one give an E rating measurably…."

There's no way this b* star would be an E.

Sirius stood beside Elijah.

Elijah couldn't even move her body correctly. His fate was now quite clear.

If this was a sports match or a match, this battle would end right here. Too bad for Elijah, however, Sirius wasn't about to stop there.

"W-wait a second."

Elijah raised her hand first.

"Le-let me go! If you, release me, I will give you everything and show you Matriarch's mother. As long as you forgive me…. "


Sirius's voice was still cold.

Realizing that begging for her life would be fruitless, Elijah opened her eyes wide and foam bubbled around her mouth.

"Please forgive.."


Elijah was unable to continue her speech after breaking her neck.


[Number of enemies left to kill: 0]

[Number of enemies killed: 1]

Finally, this mission is over.


Sirius sighed filled with countless emotions and lifted his hand above his head.

Then his gaze stopped on his hands.

It was his first time killing someone but his hands were remarkably stable.

'Is it okay to be like this?'

Sirius put his hand on his chest and felt his beating heart.

Thump, thump, thump….

His heart beat calmly as if he were going for a walk.

'What if…'

Just then, a familiar beep entered his head.


[You have completed the 'Urgent Quest: Kill All Enemies'.]

[Completion rewards are now available.]

[Do you want to confirm the reward?] (Y/N)

He had half expected this to happen, and sure enough, now he got his reward. Sirius didn't even hesitate and chose 'yes'.



[The following bonuses are available.]

Reward 1. Full recovery of current physical condition

Bonus 2. Ten Extra Stats Points

Bonus 3. Skill: 'Threatening'

'Not just ten points, but a skill as well?'

Sirius's eyes widened at the huge amount of rewards available. All those Stats were one thing, but this new skill took away almost all of his attention.

'If I don't possess the Dash skill when fighting that spider… ..'

The only reason why he sought to hunt down the boss was because of 'Dash'. There is no need to mention the importance of a skill in a battle. A scroll that would occasionally appear when the dungeon boss died was something one could learn a whole new skill from, costing hundreds of millions.

Sirius immediately tested this skill called 'Intimidation'.

'Show me the third reward.'


[Skill: Threatening Lv. first]

Active skills.

Mana required to activate: 100.

Can put the specified target in a state of fear for one minute by using your powerful aura. Multiple targets can be selected.

'Fear' Effect: All stats -50%

Although it only works for a short time, it is still a rare skill that can significantly reduce an opponent's Stats.

Of course, exactly like the other effects, if the opponent's resistance is high enough, it won't be able to activate. But, if it succeeds, then Jin-Woo thinks that taking care of his enemy, whoever it is, will be as easy as pie.

And since it can be used against many opponents, the useful range of this skill seems to be limitless.

'It's really good, isn't it?'

The reward is as good as the potential punishment is bad.

'Wait a minute…. Now that I think about it, it wasn't like that, was it? '

After all, his life is at stake here. And, is that all?

Turning his attention, Sirius looked at Amanda who could barely sit up straight.

Sirius slowly walked towards Amanda.

Right now she was looking at Sirius in amazement. His strength is stronger than Elijah. All she saw was Sirius gently hurling Elijah into the wall and ending his life.

Seeing Sirius walking towards her, Amanda instinctively stepped back, but as soon as she tried to lift herself, she fell to the ground. She didn't have any energy left.

Soon he was in front of her.

His eyes looked down at her. She looked back, and the hall soon fell into silence.

"Get some sleep, we'll talk next time."

Those were the last words she heard before she felt a tap on the back of her neck. Just then darkness enveloped her mind as she passed out on the ground.

After making sure Amanda was knocked unconscious, Sirius took four arrows from her plane and returned to where Elijah's corpse was. Although Sirius could feel Ren standing outside the bathroom and watching Sirius. Ignoring Ren, Sirius stabbed Elijah's corpse with an arrow.

-real! -real! -real! -real!

Pierce each arrow into the body.

Sirius went a little further to where Elijah's body was, fixed his clothes and hair, and forcibly knocked himself unconscious.

This is a series I quite like, I decided to make a fanfiction about this series. I copied quite a bit of the information in the story and included it. Anyway, it's my first time writing. Finally, English is not my native language, I often use Google to translate. Sometimes there are words that I mistranslate and I forget to correct them. I hope you understand.

DaoistViyIkEcreators' thoughts