
The Author's Intervention

A famous author, avid gamer, and otaku, Park Eun-woo was doing his best to make ends meet in the world, as he was at the peak of his success he had finalized a contract that would make his latest and most successful novel into a game! As he was celebrating, his vision got blurry and suddenly his face was planted on the ground, as thoughts were forming on his head on how to escape his current predicament he soon saw that the contract he had been given was now glowing! As an Otaku he formed a smile but soon he no longer couldn't. "Screw this I don't know who I'm going to be!" With that all his vision turned black. - This novel is for fun and at the same time my way of learning and writing better english as it's not my first language thank you!

AquaFan · ファンタジー
32 Chs


"Tell me again how you got approved to move in with us?"

Ling Shu strutted in their dorm suite as if she had already owned the place, Sowon just looked at the door and continued to cook at the kitchen.

"After seeing your two dorm rooms turned into one, I wondered how much I can get away! Besides Sowon doesn't mind and there's like 2 more additional bed rooms here!"

"How exactly did you get approved"

Eun-woo then took Ling Shu's bags inside, needless to say the dorm unit currently Eun-woo and Sowon resided in were reserved for the top ten students per year, ever since the news that Eun-woo and Sowon had were engaged the academy had accepted their petition to allow them to move in together and rebuild two rooms, the academy at first was hesitant but upon learning that even the top guilds, associations and business wanted the best environment for the two they relented and allowed them.

"Well I called the manager! Turns out the dorm manager for the first years was Professor Kim, after learning who I wanted to be transferred with it only took a few minutes to get a yes besides this isn't even a room anymore but a penthouse"

Ling Shu then stopped and whispered into Eun-woo's ears

"Besides I can take baths with Sowon and you know I'll take pic-"

Eun-woo then flicked her forehead to stop her from continuing

"I don't need that when I can just come in her room and do it with her:

"But have you?"

"Not yet"

"I can hear both of you, and no we're also not taking baths together Ling Shu"

As Ling Shu was arranging her things that Eun-woo and Sowon told her where she would sleep they soon heard a knock on the door.

"I'll get it"

Ling Shu hurriedly went to open the door and as soon as she opened it she didn't know who it was.

"You are?"

"Student Ling Shu, Ranked 51, Brawler, Chatterbox, Gambling machine, Emotionless when fighting, 5 feet 6 inches, 30-22-"

"Stop Stop! So who are you and what do you want!"

The girl entered and then looked at the cooking Sowon with a straight face.

"Student Jung Sowon, Ranked 3, Prospective Priest, Ice Beauty, engaged with Student Park Eun-woo, 5 feet 9 inches, 37-24-35, 55 KG "

"If you had gotten one measurement wrong I would have melted you right then and there but since you got it all right I don't mind and you're more than welcome to stay here Ms?"

"Student Ono Hayami, Ranked 8, Archer, 5 Feet 7 Inches, 30-22-31, 47 KG, nice to meet the both of you, I'm here to propose a deal, specifically with Student Park Eun-woo"

"And what deal would that be Hayami-san?"

"It pertains the class and the academy as the whole, Student Eun-woo"

"I'm listening, and please don't list my details, it's somewhat creepy that you know all of those"

Eun-woo then motioned for Ono Hayami to sit with them while Ling Shu and Sowon were preparing the table.

"I'd like to know what your plans are, specifically if you want to run as the president of the first years or even a seat at the student council in the near future"

"Honestly it's too troublesome, I know that if I run for the seat everyone would vote for me, but I don't have any plans"

"As expected, then I would like your support in my campaign, starting from being the class representative tomorrow, In return as you may all know I'll be your fourth teammate in the upcoming future"

"Wait what do you mean upcoming teammate?"

Sowon, Eun-woo and Hayami looked at Ling Shu and sighed.

"The first semester is where everyone get's acquainted, everyone is thinking of creating connections, and importantly teammates for the upcoming four years in the academy, of course this information isn't that confidential but most student's don't know about it until the last week of the semester, but if we submit our team to professor Lee Hyori as soon as next month then our team is guaranteed."

"There's something like that?"

"It's always been that way Ling Shu, but we need a fifth member, that's the problem"

"Would Lee Jun-ho suffice Student Eun-woo or do you have someone else on your mind?"

"I don't want to babysit him so no, we'll keep it open"

"Then I suppose you agree to my deal Student Eun-woo?"

"Of course"

After Eun-woo nodded Ono Hayami slumped down to the chair and breathed deeply

"Being a future Guild Master is hard isn't it Hayami-san?"

"At least I managed to convince you which was the hardest part."

"Eh? All that was an act?"


"Okay! Stop it Hayami-san! Do the three of you know each other?"

"I met Eun-woo a month ago because he sold somethings to my father's guild, as for Sowon we met years ago but just as mere passerby's."

"Was that all you needed Hayami? Well it isn't much of a bad deal, but I require more than four years, you after all are going to use my name and it carries a lot weight."

"Fine, ten years, it should be enough for me to make a name for myself and for us to have a better relationship between the guild and your companies"

Ono Hayami then stood up and bowed as she left the three as she had gotten what she wanted.

"More food for me!"


"To be honest I didn't expect Ono Hayami to come looking for me either, she was a supporting cast that rarely appeared but She covers what I need, Ling Shu will have to protect the two of them for now when we raid later on but"

Eun-woo then looked at the files he had collected and compiled previously

"Now I need someone to tank, I can get Seung-ho in the future but that's still far-away, looks like I really need to keep the final

slot open for now"

As Eun-woo was writing he then remembered to call his sister for a favor.


As everyone was everyone was entering class, Eun-woo, Sowon and Ling Shu looked at their table and it had a compilation of papers, specifically application papers to be their teammates, every table had some sort of paper, even Lee Jun-ho's desk was stacked with papers.

"Say Eun-woo what are all these? are these supposed to be our class assignment or something?"

Eun-woo wasn't surprised to say the least as he had expected it, he had less than Lee Jun-ho due to the fact that his classmates viewed that he, Sowon and Ling Shu were already teammates thus the current situation.

"This is what I explained to you last night Ling Shu, these are all applications from our classmates and from the other sections who are trying their luck, they all want to be our teammates, of course these are also the applications that I received today"

Ono Hayami stood in front of the group's desk, placed the applications she had received and left after bowing to them and returned to her desk, Ling Shu could hear some people clicking their tongues and when she looked back she could remember some faces that were also in the same position as Ono Hayami.

"Say Eun-woo, do you have any idea whose going to be the last member?"

"I do, although five is the optimal I actually want us to have seven members, it's not that uncommon but you guys may or may not like the people who I'm going to recruit near the end of the semester."

"What about you Sowon? Do you want to anyone to come with us?"

"I'll leave that problem to Eun-woo"

Ling Shu nodded and shortly after Lee Hyori walked in also with papers in her hands, she looked at the desks and approved that the class had selected or at least had an idea who they want to be teammates with.

"I see most of you already know how the rest of your years are going to proceed with inside the academy, as you all know when you go outside in the real world, warzones, dungeons you need teammates, I was supposed to tell you the reason why we held the simulations yesterday but I guess it's no longer needed, as for this week you'll only be seeing me as for the other professors they won't see you until next week as we want to establish your teams and they'll be doing the same with their respective class, that's why I'm giving this morning to introduce yourselves properly and sell yourselves to the people you want to team up with."

Ono Hayami then raised her hand.

"What about those that were already teamed up or had a group prior to yesterday"

"I'll give you all ten minutes to bring me the list on those who had already decided to team up, as for those who won't be able to make a team today do not worry as I also have a solution so do your best to present yourself today, does anyone want to go first?"

"I want to go first Professor Lee!"

It was Cha Eunha who raised her hand, she immediately went down to the podium and bowed her head, she took a deep breath.

"Hello everyone! I'm Cha Eunha, Ranked 33, I'm a mage and considering my career path to be a priest, I mainly do supporting and know a few offensive spells and I want to team up with Lee Jun-ho!"

Lee Hyori laughed and clapped at Cha Eunha's declaration as Cha Eunha ran back to her desk with all smiles.

"Does anyone want to come after Cha Eunha? or better yet does Lee Jun-ho approve? I can list down the names now so I can register them down after the class"

Lee Jun-ho looked at Lee Hyori, he then nodded and Lee Hyori placed their names.

"Does anyone else want to sell themselves now?"

Eun-woo then raised his hand then went to the podium slowly, everyone was wondering what he would do as all eyes were on him, even Lee Hyori was curious as what he would say, shortly after Eun-woo was at the center where everyone felt that he had an air of royalty around him.

"I'll get straight to the point, I'm recruiting three more members, currently the team is composed of Me, Jung Sowon, Ling Shu and Ono Hayami, as you can see we already have four people, I'm creating a seven man party, I need two auxiliary party members and one frontline member, the deadline for applications is the last week of the first semester or until the party is complete and most importantly I'm opening the last three slots to every first year at the academy."

As Soon as Eun-woo finished he came back to his desk and Lee Hyori clapped.

"That's a bold decision! Either way your party is already good, I won't comment anymore so let's proceed, oh before I forget, there's no restrictions to who your teammates are as long as they are first years and their schedule does not conflict with yours if you want to train together, Classmates will change, the final exams will make sure of that and at the end of the first semester there will be a special event."

Shortly people raised their hands, some were selling themselves like Cha Eunha and some were recruiting like Eun-woo.

Some people were weighing their options but most of the class had already made up their minds, Lee Jun-ho had the most applications by the end of their period, even though some spoke like Cha Eunha he would reply to let him think about it unlike the former where he nodded in approval, as for Eun-woo his words were making rounds already at the academy forum and many people already wanted to submit their applications as they wanted to be associated with him as they could also imagine the benefits.

"All right now that everyone is done, I'd like for us to have a class representative any volunteers?"

Ono Hayami and another student raised their hand at the same time, Ivan Williams, a male with the same class as Ono Hayami looked at his rival, he too was a guild heir and wanted to experience how to manage people and this was an opportunity for him.

"Anyone else? Who will vote for Ono Hayami raise your hands?"

Eun-woo, Sowon and Ling Shu raised their hands first, shortly after Lee Jun-ho and Cha Eunha raised their hands as well, everyone looked at each other and nodded, seeing that the top three students approved of Ono Hayami they followed suit.

"55-5, congratulations to Ono Hayami, follow me after this, everyone is free now, come tomorrow earlier than usual as we have another activity piled up"

Eun-woo, Sowon and Ling Shu followed after Lee Hyori and Ono Hayami as they left, Cha Eunha and Lee Jun-ho stayed behind as they contemplate their plans.

"Lee Jun-ho"

Lee Jun-ho and Cha Eunha looked at the male, it was Ivan Williams, they didn't know why he was here but they listened.

"Let me be your party member!"

Ivan Williams bowed immediately, both Lee Jun-ho and Cha Eunha were at a loss at this sudden request.

"Please! I can't accept losing to that witch! And your team is already shaping to rival Park Eun-woo! So!"

"No, I won't accept teammates with that sort of reasoning with revenge on their mind, I'll have to reject you."

"But! I have resources I know both of your backgrounds!"

"Can your resources beat the Park Family? I didn't think so, besides if anything happened to our families the academy would immediately know, let's go Eunha let's not waste time here."

"Fine! So be it!

Lee Jun-ho stared at him and then left with Cha Eunha, Ivan then followed after them shortly after he felt someone grab his neck.

"What the!"

"She's a witch huh?"

Ivan's eyes widened as he saw Eun-woo's eyes turn blue to black he couldn't say anything and that was all he remembered before he passed out.