
The Aura Wars: Clash of the Four Nations

A world in danger. But first, a war to win. - Lee was average, middling even. Unable to project his Aura beyond his body he was nearing his wits end. There was no way he would achieve his goal of becoming a grandmaster like this. But when a strange voice from the time of the four progenitors attaches itself to him and promises him power beyond his dreams. What choice does he have but to accept? - The Aura Wars : Clash of the Four Nations is System Progression Fantasy novel. Hope you enjoy. Currently updates TWICE a week.

DoaistPumperSnickl · アクション
1 Chs

Chapter 1

Lee was awoken by the soft blue glow. Looking up in confusion. "What?..." The text appeared to be blinking, almost urging him to make a choice. He looked around his dorm. Removing his covers slowly he got up from his bed. "Anyone there?" He said. A ding sounded out. He flipped from his bed landing in a stance, eyes narrowed. "Come out. Now." The same voice sounded out.

{System requirements met.}

Would the potential host like to soulbind?


His eyes were drawn back to the pulsing text. "What does this even mean?" He thought to himself. "Who are you? I won't ask again." {I am the system.} It almost seemed like the voice was in his head. "What do you want? Why can I see you." He frowned looking around his dark room. He prided himself on his senses and yet this mystery voice eluded him still.

{I am here to unlock the host's latent potential}

Would the potential host like to soulbind?


"Would you shut up with that" {Host can disable audio settings after soulbind is complete} His eyes shot open. "Wait, you can hear my thoughts?"

{And much more. If the Host completes the Soulbind.}

Would the potential host like to soulbind?


He gave it thought. What more did he have to lose? He couldn't use Aura. His only friend had left him, after practically spitting on his dreams in the process. And there was no way he could become an Aura Grandmaster at the pace he was going. Hell, there was a fighting showcase tomorrow. And despite his immense technical skill he just wasn't... enough.

"How do I... Soulbind?"

{Simply tap Yes.}

The text seemed to flash even more the closer he got to the floating words. As soon as his finger reached it there was a flash of light and a pulse of force. Lee was knocked back into a wall and slid down, unconscious.

He awoke with a start. "What the.." He sped to the window, moving the curtain an inch. Light flooded his senses. He hissed leaping back. Why is it so bright? Wait... IM LATE! He scrambled to put his Uniform on and was out the door at record speed. Hurrying down the stairs and running toward his least favorite part of the day. Aura Fighting I.

He burst through the door causing the room to go silent. Taking a breath and flattening the wrinkles in his uniform he walks slowly to his seat, attracting sneers from his peers all the way. He tried his best to ignore them. "Well. Look who decided to show up" Lee looked up to find his dreaded Instructor peering at him from on top of the platform. "Professor Thorne, I must've overslept, I-" "Do you know where you are Lee?" He said his name like it tasted putrid. "You are in the fabled Warriors academy. the best in all the four nations. You would think an Invalid would be able to understand the unique position they are in to learn from their betters."

Lee grit his teeth. That damned word. It wasn't his fault he couldn't aura project, and yet he was treated like trash for it. "Well, Professor Thorne maybe you would be my "better" if you didn't have such a large stick up your-" "Enough." Thorn's face was twisted in rage briefly before a grim smile overtook his visage. "Well since you are here we can get started cant we" "Hugo, Lee. Come to the platform."

If Lee clenched his fists any tighter he would draw blood. Of course, he would pick him of all people. Hugo. His only friend. Well, he was his only friend. Now he had no one. Not to mention him being top 10 in his class this would be a tough fight for anyone much less him. He approached the platform in silence. Praying to anyone that would listen for a miracle. Just a fighting chance.

{System Initializing}

Lee stopped in his tracks, the blue glow catching his attention

{Match Detected. Boon 1 Loading...}

Lee still unmoving was thinking back to last night. Before he passed out. He was in such a rush he forgot about the Mysterious system. His heart started racing. Maybe, just maybe... "Hah," A voice laughed. He looked up to find Hugo staring at him with a smug expression "What? is the Invalid scared of a little spar?" Laughs rang out.

{Boon 1}

25% increase in the effectiveness of Aura Enhancement

Lee's eyes went wide as he saw the glowing text. His eyes hardened. "No, no I'm not." he said. His steps were sure as he made it the rest of the way to the platform. Hugo looked at him in confusion. Then his eyes went grim. "Don't let misplaced confidence get you hurt. No amount of training can bridge this gap, Lee" Lee didn't answer. Getting in his stance and flaring his aura. A blue tint over his eyes, and a hard sudden wind billowing around him. He said one word


Murmurs rang out as he flared his aura. Hugo's face scrunched up in confusion. "Was he always that strong?"

"I don't know what you did for this temporary boost, Lee. But it changes nothing. I'll make this quick" Hugo said

Hugo set his feet and raised his arms to his side, also activating aura enhancement. His being noticeably weaker.

"I'm not here to talk to Hugo. Since you won't come, I'll come to you." Lee said

The ground cratered slightly around Lee's feet as his aura pooled in his lower body. He flashed towards Hugo.

Professor Thorne's breath hitched. "He's fast. too fast" He thought. The murmurs erupted into shouts. To the eyes of his classmates, Lee had simply disappeared.

Hugo's eyes widened as Lee somehow appeared much closer than he was prepared for. He hurriedly channeled his aura. Flashing the palms of his hands toward Lee. "DOME."

A translucent dome of aura materialized, covering Hugo.

Lee planted his foot. Leaping into the air and immediately rolling into a spin with his right leg extended. Slamming his foot into the top of the dome in an ax kick. The force of the action made him ricochet off it wildly. His brows furrowed. "I'll need to control this strength better"

Hugo's face strained on impact. His boots dug into the platform floor. Quickly he recovered. Wanting to press the advantage with his opponent mid-air he channeled his aura once more. "CHAINS."

Snakelike chains emerged from his outstretched palms. They immediately sped towards Lee, Wrapping around his frame. He went tumbling to the ground in a heap.

"Dammit!" Lee thought. He had to get out of this. Thinking fast he gathered his arms and legs, and with a forceful push of his aura he flared his limbs and broke the chains. "Immune to first-year control spells. Noted." Quickly he climbed to his feet. Looking at his opponent across from him.

Hugo was haggard. Talented as he was, holding a dome while casting chains was taxing on any first-year, even him. He had to end this quickly, His Aura reserves were running low. "You should be glad you forced me to this point, Lee. This is my first time using this in a fight, Ready yourself."

Winds picked up on the platform around Hugo. The heaviness of his aura tinted the Air blue. Dropping his dome he stretched his hands out, the strain evident on his face. "FORCE."

Hugo screamed in pain as his arms fell limp at his sides. He'd channeled much more Aura than his pathways could handle. The blue-tinged winds that gathered around him surged toward Lee. Cascading towards him at a speed He couldn't hope to dodge.

Lee grit his teeth. He had to think of something. Looking down at the platform floor he had an idea. Quickly sending his aura to his feet, he dug into the ground. Ankle deep in the platform he once more flared his Aura, as bright as it would go. Crossing his arms in front of his face he took the full brunt of the attack. Feet keeping him anchored.

For what felt like an eternity his body was pelted ferociously by the force of the spell. He could feel the aura wrapping his form and begin to strip away under the power. But still, he held firm.

Finally, it stopped. Peering over his crossed arms after the storm subsided he saw a ruined Hugo standing before him. A look of pure disbelief across his face. "Impossible…" he muttered.

Lee dragged each ruined, and bloody boot out of the ground, kicking up bits of concrete in the process. He looked at Hugo, gaze hard. "Is that it?". The silence that followed was as loud as rolling thunder. His classmates were slack-jawed at the display.

Looking calmly over to Professor Thorne he said softly "Call it. He can't fight any longer."

Thorne looked ready to refute. Looking back and forth between Hugo and Lee, emotions playing across his face. Finally, he sighed, raising his hand he said. "Lee Wins, Hugo unable to continue." The piercing silence continued.

"OW OW OW OW." Lee cut into the silence suddenly. He grabbed at his feet hopping in pain, he had forgotten about the whole feet-in-concrete thing.

Professor Thorne's eyes twitched. "Get off my platform, boy. Go see the healers, just get out of my sight."

Lee brought his fists together in a rushed salute, hobbling off the platform and towards a small table with a man standing at the ready. On his way past one of the seats, someone grabbed his arm. Looking back it was a boy, He had a wild grin on his face. "Nice," he said. "That was badass. Where'd you learn how to channel your aura that forcefully? I mean were all first years your pathways should be in shambles"

Lee gave the boy a once-over. He hasn't spoken to him all year and wasn't sure what to make of this random interaction. "Hard work." He responded, still slightly wary.

The boy laughed boisterously. "If hard work can let you do that I must be doing something wrong. Hey, everyone has their secrets. Why don't we work out sometime?"

Lee was confused. He had never had the opportunity to make any friends besides Hugo because of his apparent weakness before today. And even then it was only for Hugo to have a constant reminder of how talented he was in comparison to him. He was of half mind to ignore him, go get healed, and then watch the rest of the fights. But his true wants overruled his judgment. He wanted a friend.

"Sure. After class before lights out tomorrow?" Lee stuck his hand out. "Sounds good to me, see you then. The names Ray by the way." Ray said, shaking Lee's hand as he spoke.

Professor Thorne's voice cut into their conversation. "Ray. Desmond. To the platform in five."

Ray's permanent grin grew even wider somehow. "My turn." He said. Lee was somewhat put off by the intensity. "Maybe he just really likes fighting?" He thought to himself. "Yeah, go give 'em hell." He said to his potential friend.

Continuing his half hobble half-walk to the healer's station he notices blinking text in the corner of his vision. Focusing on it a familiar blur glow overtook his eyes.

{Match Won}

Loading summary…

Damage dealt: Poor

Control: Good

Progress till BOON 2: 2%

Lee read the notice in wonder. He would analyze it in further detail later on but for now, he had a match to watch. Leaving the healer station Lee walked back to his seat. He didn't miss the stares drilling holes into him on the way. Although his attention was drawn to the platform

Ray's smile never left his face as he stood stock still on his end. Desmond was stretching looking at Ray across from him. A grim look on his face.