
Chapter Five

Arriving in New Orleans to start my new adventure, I have no idea exactly how I should feel. As we drive across the bridge into the city, I feel so many different emotions. The bridge we are crossing is huge. It is like nothing I have ever seen before. As we cross into the city, I feel this feeling. The feeling that maybe I belong here. I have not been here before, and I am unsure why I feel this way, but I almost feel as if maybe I am glowing as we drive into New Orleans.

I knock on the glass separating me and the driver, "Sir, May I ask how much further," I ask.

He rolls down the divider. "We are almost there. Traffic might hold us up some, but we should be at the mansion soon," he responds.

"Thank you," I reply.

I sit back in my seat as he rolls the glass back up. Not very friendly, but I have enjoyed the quiet ride. I have not even been that nervous. Honestly, this overwhelming feeling of belonging is putting me at ease. I am just happy to have the auction behind me.

I can see the massive traffic coming ahead as we drive further into the city. There are a lot of cars. I have lived in the country most of my life, and this is very different. The driver pulls off the main road onto our exit. The homes are multi-colored and beautiful. I cannot wait to walk around and exam the homes closer.

As we pull into a residential area, I see the biggest homes I have ever seen in my life. I have never lived in anything big. We lived in a shack. My dad could have easily provided for us, but he decided to gamble and lose everything to the vampire authority.

The driver pulls into a blacktop driveway. The driveway is long and circles around the back of the house. Three women are waiting for me. The home is huge. How many stories is this? It has to be more than three. There are balconies and huge windows.

The driver comes around to my door and opens it. He doesn't say anything, just opens the door. A small woman comes up to greet me. "Tatina, welcome," she says.

"Thank you," I respond.

"Austin will get your things. I will show you around. You will meet Mr. Craig this afternoon," she says.

"okay. That sounds great. I am exhausted, to be honest. Can I freshen up? I could really use some water," I say.

"Sure. My name is Lila. I will be your personal assistant while you are here with us," she says.

"Lila, what a beautiful name. Why would I need a personal assistant?" I ask.

"Well, dear, you will be busy," she says.

Lila leads me into the house. We pass two other women she does not introduce me to. The house is like something out of a movie. There is a huge staircase as soon as I enter the door. I feel like a princess all of a sudden.

"Tatina, if you will follow me up the stairs, I will show you to your room. You can shower and change. I need to go over the rules of the house with you also. Mr.Craig had clothes delivered for you this morning. One of the maids placed the clothes in the closet for you. You are only to wear the clothes he purchased you. You are free to go out, but you have to be back on by dark every night. You are to be in your room every night, and you are to lock the door. Do you understand?" she says.

This is strange but okay. I understand I am in a new place, and they are just looking out for me, but why do I have to be in my room with the door locked.

"I can tell that brain is working behind your eyes. Tatina, we have vampire guests, and you would be a treat to them. We have to keep you safe. You are a virgin, right?" she says.

" Yes, I am, but what does that have to do with anything?" I ask.

"Tatina. When you were auctioned, vampires wanted to buy your virginity. Do you understand that Mr. Craig wants to protect you," she says.

"I understand," I respond.

"Listen to me. We will protect you. You are very valuable. You have no idea. A vampire baby with a hybrid would fetch a big payday for someone," she says.

"Wait. Why does he want to protect me?" I ask.

"My dear, you are from the same clan as his wife, and he wants to protect you. He is a kind man. Just be kind to him. He has had a hard time since she died," she says.

At the top of the stairs, we come to a yellow door, "This is your room. You have a private bath. You can use your phone to call down to the kitchen if you get hungry. You have a new cell on the desk. I have already charged it and programmed Jayne's, mine, and Mr. Craig's number in it. You should be all set. Freshen up, and I will come back later. We can see the rest of the house. There is a mini-fridge with water and soda in it," she says.

"Thank you," I say.

Lila leaves, and I go into my new room.