
The Astral world

DaoistsNzReX · ファンタジー
15 Chs


Oh well a lot has happened now . And we all are finally here in Iceland . It's freezing here . It's so cold out here . Well then uhh can y'all transform back into your human forms? Asked Ember . Yes for sure said Aetrix . Well I think it's time to get our powers , Aetrix where is this tree which gives us powers?? Asked Rick . It's not at a distance far away kid , the tree is just a few miles away from here .

Alright then what are we waiting for!! , let's get started said Mequila. Uh…before we go can we all have breakfast ehehehe..we all are hungry and dead right now so yeah . Haha sure Seth don't worry about it , let's go to my house and have it said Aetrix .

Where is the house which you speak of Aetrix…asked Peterson . Ah wait you guys can't see the house cuz it's invisible to people's eyes , lemme open the door said Aetrix . This is awesome…the house is literally invisible and there is a barrier of protection all over the house , woah I wonder if this technology will ever be there on earth I said to myself . Technology? This ain't technology Seth , we just used mana to make it invisible so that we avoid unnecessary people , even you all can do it on earth after you all get your powers said rebecca . Woahhh that's the first thing I'm gonna do once I go back to earth . Alright alright kids time for breakfast!! , let me serve you all with the astral world's special said Aetrix bwahahahaha!! . Ugh enthusiastic old man as usual , just to let you all know , it's just bread and omelette said Rebecca. Aye yo wha? Meh that's fine, it's been a while since we all had that lol .

Well time passed by really quick I thought to myself , it's been a really long journey till here , I really wonder what awaits all of us in the future . Well the breakfast was refreshing , haa..well onto the next step . Alright Rebecca and Aetrix , can you all take us to this tree which gives us powers?? . Yes for sure seth , we will be on our way in a few minutes , but first wear these clothes , the clothes y'all are wearing are damaged a lot said Aetrix . Yayyyyy we finally get to wear new clothes exclaimed Ember with shouts of joy . lol it's nice to see her laugh at times , I wonder when she'll be mine..or will she ever be my woman?? I don't know about it , I thought to myself.

Well kids!! We're gonna fly now . Y'all ready?? Asked Aetrix . WOAHHH This is a dream come true for me!! , are we all dreaming right now guys? Asked ember , oh hell nah we ain't , we are right now above the clouds pew said Rick .

So here we are guys , the tree which gives us powers is right in front of us said Aetrix , damn…there ain't any words to explain how it looks like..wow .

Okay so now every one of you stay calm and make an ellipse around the tree said Habruk . After we all were in our positions , a bright light appeared on the tree and then we heard a voice .

" Greetings to all of you , I am the spirit of this tree , my name is omicron piscium . May my fruits chose their right owner and use this power wisely . "

The fruits were really attractive but oh well let's see what every one of us gets .

Arthur - the fruit of controlling time

Rick - the fruit of berserker

Ember - the fruit of happiness and psychological manipulation

Franky - the fruit of absolute raw strength

Judy - the fruit of wisdom and integrity

Hazel - the fruit of invisibility

Seth - none.

Peterson - the fruit of agility

Is this for real? , HEY WHY DID I GET SUCH A LAME POWER , Fruit of happiness and psychological manipulation. This ain't FUN said ember . God here she goes again , unlike y'all for some reason I haven't received any fruit . Yo Aetrix you got any idea as to why I haven't received any powers??

Well kid I think it's cuz you already have the dragon seed . So yeah I think it must have interfered with the selection process said Aetrix .


Hello readers!! , I apologise for the long break I have taken!! , I'll be updating the chapters consistently again! , thank you very much!!