
The Assassin Gamer

Noctis Hashima is a former high earning marketer who gets sucked into a game dimension after his brother's death. His father called on him to be his brother's replacement and avenge his brother's death. Will he be able to use his skills as a pro gamer to beat the game, or will he repeat the same mistakes his brother did?

Heavenium · ゲーム
39 Chs

Chapter 39: Aftermath Of The Plotted Showdown

The news of Circe's death, and the defeat of both Morrigan and Anubis quickly spread all over RPG Fantasia, sending shockwaves felt by everyone in RPG Fantasia, starting from the Game Administrators down to the ordinary players.

The Witches and Warlocks Guild got heavily demoralized by the loss of one of the most influential leaders of the witches. 

The Guild Leader of the Witches and Warlocks Guild eventually disbanded the Guild after an unanimous majority vote from the elite players who happened to be the main members of the Witches and Warlocks Guild, and every one from the Witches and Warlocks Guild, starting from the Main Guild down to the subsidiary second-rate and third-rate guilds bid their good-byes to each other, and eventually parted ways. 

The arch-demon Beleth switched sides to that of the Minority Faction after news spread that it was Hashioki who caused the showdown that recently happened, and it was Hashioki who directly killed Circe with his high-tech and state of the art anti-magic suit of armor, and anti-magic sniper rifle with a scope. 

Following the death of Circe, Circe's close friend and confidante, Midas took over Circe's Island and Palace, completely terraforming the entire place into something that's grand and more suited to his taste. 

Midas also formed an elite Guild named The Golden King Guild, and allied himself with the Majority Faction. 

He also retained a few elite witches and warlocks who were willing to join his Guild, and made them the main members of his Guild in honor of his fallen friend.

The Game Creator, Shikari Hashimoto, offered Midas the Game Administrator Position, and Midas, who knows how to wield power like a sword, accepted the position without reluctance. 

Midas took advantage of the current mixed emotions of the Majority Faction Game Administrators, and their greed for gold and gems to vote him into power as the new leader of the Majority Faction. 

Hashioki just returned to his heavily defended castle to rest from visiting Beleth. 

He is in the modern living room of his bunker, listening to anime theme songs through his portable Bluetooth speaker. 

Whew. What a tiring yet satisfying day today. The turn of events that I made sure will happen finally led to the elimination of Circe for good, and both Morrigan and Anubis ended up getting played and shamed right on the spot, with their forces eliminated. Circe deserved her fate for standing back, doing nothing to stop her minion, and even backing her witchy minion for playing a hand in killing Satsuki. I know that my move earlier angered the Guild Leader of the Necromancer Guild. That Guild Leader must have requested some close ally of hers to send forces at me as retribution, but so what? They can send all their magic casters at me all they want. My elite soldiers outfitted in modern military attire, and equipped with anti-magic guns, bombs, and mechanized weapons and modern anti-magic tools will just blow them away  to bits all the same.

Hashioki thought to himself as he lay sprawled on the recliner sofa of his room in his castle. 

Just as he was about to close his eyes and rest, he heard the deafening sounds of the sharp staccato of anti-magic machine guns firing anti-magic bullets at the advancing invaders right outside his fort, and the sharp whistling of missiles that are launched from anti-air missile launchers that cancel out magic and firing at airborne hostile magical creatures that attempted to breach the defense of the castle .

He could also hear the elite soldiers manning the anti-magic machine gun outposts and the anti-air turrets on the walkway right above the castle communicating to each other through their earpieces to keep the defense of Hashioki's bunker well-coordinated. 

Anti-magic landmines exploded with a deafening bang after being triggered by the hostile magical creatures and hostile troops attempting to breach through the defense of Hashioki's castle.


"The Necromancer Guild Leader sure has a lot of influence and power in this game, managing to have some allies of hers attack me in such a short notice. How despicable, yet commendable." 

Hashioki said to himself. 

He knew that the Guild Leader of the Necromancer Guild would attempt revenge against him, but he didn't expect that the Guild Leader would try to exact her revenge so soon. 

Hashioki got up and went to the Suits  Charging Room to wear another anti-magic suit of armor. 

The blue suit of armor he wore earlier was just an earlier version with a customized built-in weapons inventory enhanced with cloaking technology. 

He walked up to a platform where a human sized-suit of armor heavily equipped with weapons is placed, unplugged the charging cord of the armor. 

"Omori, Activate. We got some fighting to do today." 

Hashioki commanded the AI of the black suit of armor, which sprang to life. 

Hashioki stood in front of the platform, and the black suit of armor automatically enveloped his entire body. 

"Checking weapons systems. 100 percent charged and ready to use. 

" Checking battery percent of the suit. 100 percent charged and ready to use." 

"Checking anti-magic forcefield shield. 100 % active and operational." 

"Checking flight control. 100% active and operational." 

"Powering up the suit. 5 minutes before lift-off." 

The rooftop of the Suits Charging Room automatically opened, and Hashioki, now wearing the suit, glided up to the walkway of the castle to get a clearer view of the situation on the ground.

The elite soldiers, sensing Hashioki's presence, got a major morale boost, and started fighting even more fiercely. 

Hashioki noted that most of their opponents are undead magical creatures spawned to existence by 4 undead lichen summoners hiding behind support/healer type mages that could stun enemies with their golden imprint active skill, closely assisted by soldiers wielding weapons with the golden touch. 

So Midas chose to reveal his hand this early as a Game Administrator, and chose to be an attack dog of the Necromancer Guild. Not surprising, since that witch Circe used to be close with the Guild Leader of the Necromancer Guild, and Circe and Midas are close friends. Too bad I won't let their forces win on  my own ground. 

Hashioki confidently thought to himself. 

An hour of fierce fighting ensued before Hashioki's elite troop of defenders beat back the hostile undead magical creatures spawned by the lichen summoners, and the soldiers wielding weapons with the golden touch who were trying to charge through the castle gates and break the gate open. 

The gate is made of reinforced, bullet-proof metal that automatically shut when invaders try break it open, There's no way they can break through that thing with their old fashioned weapons. 

Hashioki thought to himself. 

Out of nowhere, he thought of a risky move to further inspire the soldiers. 

He opened a portal through space magic that he learned from the Dragon Orochi, and in an instant he is already doing battle with the lichen summoners and the healer/support type mages in the open fields surrounding his castle. 

"Our Guild Administrator is soloing those high-leveled mages and summoners. Provide cover fire. Advance outside the gates. Be careful of those soldiers carrying antique weapons with the golden touch. Those weapons can stun if they manage to touch your skin. " 

Hashioki heard one soldier bark a command. 

Soon enough, he heard rifles firing and bombs being dropped by the elite soldiers from a close distance, with their enemies forced to do close combat with no option to retreat. 

Hashioki's ground troops were supported by cover fire from his mobile artillery troops, who provided cover fire, and used both the  mobile anti-magic howitzers and   mobile anti-air missile launchers. 

After an hour or so of playing around with the mages and lichen summoners, counter-firing and dodging golden imprint active skill spells and shooting airborne undead magical creatures back to death while flying through the air, Hashioki decided it was time to end the battle. 

"Omori, target those lichen summoners and support/healer type mages. Set both arm guns to snipe mode. Leave no one alive." 

Hashioki commanded the AI. 

"Anti-magic arm guns fully charged and ready to fire. Cloaking technology for the arm guns turned off. Arm guns set to sniper mode. Targets locked and loaded. Calculating the trajectories. Arm guns ready to use and fire." 

Hashioki heard the AI say inside his suit of armor.

Hashioki raised both arms forward, while the AI temporarily took over the suit of armor and weapons. 

Hashioki heard a few sharp bursts of anti-magic rounds from the arm guns before the support/healer type mages and the summoner liches vanished from existence, totally obliterated by the sheer destructive force of the anti-magic rounds.