
The Assassin's Crown

Ailith Gallow is a natural when it comes to fighting, be it for herself or others. When she finds out that she is qualified to jump tiers, she feels ready and excited to start a new life of comfort and luxury. However, what awaits her is a much different fate. She is weighed down by the burdens of others and is constantly fighting. Fighting becomes her life. After being used for so long, Ailith is determined to set the world right and make her own choice. She will tear down the walls of society and rebuild it from the ground up, set everyone free, even if the cost is her life. An assassin, a prince, mighty rebels and adventure! The Assassin's Crown is an exciting book full of twists and turns. It takes you through adventures, romances, and thrills! Click read and you won't be missing out!

bingsu_90 · SF
53 Chs

(Ailith): Expectations

"What in the world were you thinking?!" Clarice shrieked as she slammed the door shut.

Ailith flinched as the sound echoed through the room.

Clarice had practically dragged Ailith out of her room after her rude awakening.

Ailith had been even more freaked when Clarice refused to speak until they entered her office. Her explosion when they entered had to be equivalent to that of a volcano yet Ailith still had no idea why Clarice was fuming from her ears. There could be a multitude of reasons. Ever since she arrived, she had been breaking every law there was including stealing some food from the cafeteria to sneak to Xavier. Unlike her, he was still stuck eating trash in the suburbs. But the cafeteria food would be the least of her worries if Clarice had found that she had been working with the red activists, the exact group they were assigned to kill off.

Hesitating, she carefully asked. "What do you mea-"

Clarice cut her off, holding up a hand. "You know exactly what I mean." It was more the way she said it than what she said that freaked Ailith out more. Whenever Clarice got really, really upset, she would start to speak in a stone cold but calm voice. It brought goosebumps to her arms and she shivered.

People may have perceived her as stupid sometimes but she wasn't about to go and confess everything she had done to Clarice. It would only serve to higher her chances of execution.

Ailith looked sternly at Clarice and answered. "I haven't done anything."

Clarice was practically boiling by this point. "Ailith, first sneaking out of your dorm and stealing our equipment then lying about it?"

'So she wasn't talking about my exchanges with the red activists?' Ailith tilted her head. "What are you talking about?"

"Still denying are you?" She tsked. "I'm very disappointed in you. I expected more."

'I'm really starting to get annoyed with everyone telling me they expected more of me. Why expect things from me in the first place if they're only going to get disappointed?' Ailith thought to herself as she put on a guilty expression. "Ah, sorry about that. I nearly forgot. It was a month ago."

Clarice narrowed her eyes. "What were you doing sneaking out with all those weapons?"

Ailith didn't falter as she spoke. Clarice was extremely sharp and any misstep on her part could give her away. "I snuck out to visit my friend in the suburbs."

Clarice raised an eyebrow. "Your friend?"


Ailith didn't even think it was possible for Clarice's eyes to narrow even more but it did.

Clarice slowly nodded after staring at her accusingly for a while. "I see. You may leave."

She didn't need to hear it twice. As soon as Clarice gave the order, Ailith headed straight to the exit. On her way out, she heard Clarice dial a number and pick up the phone. "Alexander, I need you in my office this instant."

Curious as to why Clarice might need Alex, Ailith spun around to take a look but the door had already been shut.

Happy Monday! Or Tuesday...depending on where you are.

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Check out my other novel: Love from a different world

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