
The Artificer's Road To Godhood

When talking about reincarnation, heroes, demon lords, and fantasy worlds, one would naturally think about a journey full of exciting occurrences. However, Cien, a young man who got reincarnated as a hero with fragmented memories, says otherwise. After he defeated the demon lord and became a powerful hero, he thought he had finally found and fulfilled his purpose. But that wasn't the case as he only felt nothing but emptiness. However, he was given a chance. A chance to be in the know and arrive in a world that was beyond the two lives he lived. Despite being on the brink of giving up, he took that chance and now he is on for an adventure that is far more mysterious, more dangerous, and most especially, more exciting. This is the story of a hero, a creator, and his path to becoming the most powerful to find his purpose. (Disclaimers Below) *Fair amount of swearing. *Borderline R-18 *Handholding Disclaimers: *This will be a pretty slow harem romance where the main character is to develop his relationships before the good stuff. *There's no tag about it but this is a high fantasy so prepare for the mountains of concepts and fictional information you will face when reading this. *The novel is mainly written in first person but there will be occasional third-person chapters.

Silver_Fenrir · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Hero Support System

"Hahaha! Farewell, my rival! May my death be of use to your future endeavors!"

[Congratulations! You have successfully slayed the Demon Lord, Luciel. We offer you our utmost gratitude.]

After holes were pierced into his heart with my bullets, Luciel slowly crumbled to dust, leaving carefree words. He was an idiot till the end, but a loveable one, I guess. 

At the same time, the display of the Hero Support System was projected in front of me, accompanied by a monotone voice that resounded in my head. That was because, in this world, only I could hear it.

My name is Cien, your average hero who seemed to have reincarnated in a world that was being terrorized by a demon lord. Only, my memories, especially the info about my identity aside from my name, are missing. Oh, and the demon lord was an idiot.

Aside from my identity, I could still remember some information regarding the world I lived in my past life, albeit fragmented. It's called Earth, and in that world, science is humanity's greatest weapon. Magic didn't exist there, or at least, that's what I think so.

For example, the weapon I'm currently using is called a gun. It's a main weapon in that world that uses a fairly complex mechanism to propel an object called a bullet at high speed. That's just one of the many things that I remember.

Putting that aside, I should probably worry about the present more than my past. Right now, I managed to kill the demon lord, the leader of all the demons that viewed humans and other races alike as livestock.

Normally, this is something to be rejoiced about. But smart as I am, that shouldn't be the case for me.

It's simply why I would think that way. Currently, no one in this world is as powerful as me. Whether it is magic or physical strength. That's the point of being a hero after all.

But to the eyes of the top brass, I am nothing more than a soldier. In fact, I am their strongest soldier, a strategic pawn on the battlefield.

With that in mind, what would happen when the threat that united many countries, allowed me to take the status of a hero, and nearly conquered the world disappears?

Humans are fragile creatures, when something outside the scope of their common sense exists, they would either control, worship, or destroy it. My chances aren't pretty good, especially with the information that I had my few subordinates collect.

I would inevitably become the next main threat to the world. And it's either the countries will fight to get me or I will be erased to keep the world the same as before. To those people above, the latter seems to be very enticing.

I'll become a scapegoat and die just to protect that superficial 'peace' that they keep talking about. To them, I always acted as a good soldier so I wasn't able to amass a decent level of popularity, enough for some people to try and protect me.

But in the end, why should I stop that? It's rather ironic but, through all these years of battling the demon lord and his troops, I thought that I slowly found my purpose, which was to save the world.

Well, after accomplishing it, there's nothing but emptiness. I guess this is the feeling that they refer to when you accomplish your goal. So, in that case, I should just accept this death and possibly hope for another chance of being reincarnated and living a fulfilling life.

[I would suggest against it.]

As I was contemplating- no, having a dramatic deep thought about my life and death, the Hero Support System display appeared once more. This seemed different as it was accompanied by a feminine voice, one that was still monotone and robotic but not the same as the usual voice.

Is this the reward for defeating the demon lord?

"What's my reward?"

I subconsciously voiced out my thoughts, even though I knew that it could read my mind.

[Hasty, are we?]

You can't blame me, I already expected that this shitty system that forced me on this journey wouldn't be generous enough to give me a decent reward.

All it spouted was obtaining great power or whatever. This should be a scam.

[Well, you aren't wrong. But allow me to introduce myself. Even though I am speaking through that system, I am different.]

As in?

[From my data archives, I should be what you would call an AI.]

Artificial Intelligence? That's a technology that exists on Earth but there are no computers in a fantasy world like this. How could there be an AI?

[I will explain that later, for now, please listen to what I have to say.]

I guess, that's the only choice I have anyway, shoot it.

[I have no information in regards to my origin, nor the reason why I exist in this space. However, I have a clear purpose. After you have defeated the demon lord, I was required to show up and speak to you like this.]

The display blacked out for a bit as if the one who called itself an AI was thinking about what to say next.

[That is to support you. In a way that not even the Hero Support System is capable of. Although I have already done so since the beginning.]

Wait, I think I just heard something strange there. Since the beginning!?

[The Hero Support System can read the user's mind. Naturally, such information would be uploaded to a cloud storage that was created by the ones who made that system. You are a very peculiar person so, the things you thought about would go against the purpose of the system. That's why, I've taken the liberty of filtering out the uploaded data and making sure that you won't anger the ones who made that system.]

Seriously? I've been in the red without even realizing it!?

[Well, the Hero Support System is also a bundle of secrecy so I doubt even you would know it.]

From your words, I assume that's not your main point.

[Yes. Firstly, there is indeed a reward handed out by the system but I blocked the system's transmission. The reward is to allow you to enter a world that is ranked higher than this one. A world where all of the heroes who have completed their first journey gather. It is called the Realm Of Transcendent Heroes.]

I see, that is interesting. At least, now I have a way out of this mess. But why did you block it?

[So that I can talk to you without any interruptions and tell you the real reason you will be going there.]

The real reason?

[Yes. Currently, the gods are—@($&#@^$^—!?]

What? You're speaking gibberish.

[My apologies, it seems that I cannot reveal that kind of information as of yet. For now, I can just say that by going to that realm, you will continue fighting. Even while knowing that, would you still go?]

So that she wants to say… More fighting, huh? In this world, I continued to ignore everything and trained so I could be more powerful. However, the class that I got from the Hero Support System isn't necessarily a combat one, which made it harder for me.

Despite that, I prevailed and succeeded, and yet, there wasn't anything I could do except accept my death. Now that I got another chance, it would be a shame not to take it.

After, all you also support me, correct? 

[That is correct.]

Very well, then I'll accept it. If anything, I'm surprised that my story isn't over yet.

[What are you talking about, master? This is just the beginning.]

Master? No, those are pretty cool words, are you really an AI?

[That's what my personal profile indicates.]

Well, I don't care what you are but can I trust you?

[I'm an AI. Because I am programmed to support you, I wouldn't require your trust to keep functioning with my intended purpose.]


I smiled as I said that, it should be my first genuine smile but I don't hate it.

With this, we can finally begin.

[Unlocking systematic display-voice message transmission.]

It's the continuation of my story. I hope I'll have a choice this time… No, I will make sure that I will have. Because that will be my purpose.

As I thought of that, the Hero Support System came back with the usual display and voice.

[Great Hero, your accomplishments are very noteworthy. In that case, we bid you welcome a whole new world. Welcome to the Realm Of Transcendent Heroes.]

I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye to this world, as a magic circle appeared on my feet, and its light covered my whole body.