
The Artifact creator.(Dropped.)

Archaes is a young boy of 9 year's old,who is nothing but a street rat that eats after others leftovers. But fate always comes with changes and surprises,so did his fate. The story of a how a mere street rat became the one of the greatest figures in history.

ShreShan · ファンタジー
44 Chs

Ch43: Price and Prize.

The Seekers cautiously stepped into the vault, their eyes adjusting to the dim, ethereal light that bathed the chamber. Each step echoed softly against the stone floor, amplifying the sense of reverence and awe that filled the air. The atmosphere was thick with the weight of centuries-old secrets and the promise of untold treasures.

The first section they entered was lined with rows of weapons and armor, meticulously arranged as if waiting for their bearers to return. Swords, spears, shields, and helmets, all gleaming as if newly forged, despite the clear passage of time. Rhiannon ran her fingers over the surface of a sword, marveling at its pristine condition. "No enchantments, yet everything is untouched by time," she noted, her voice filled with wonder.

Archaes nodded, examining a suit of armor. "It's as if the craftsmanship itself is a form of magic. Whoever made these was a true master."

Elara picked up a shield, testing its weight. "This is incredible. Imagine the battles these could have seen."

The second section revealed a vast array of tools and apparatus for blacksmithing, forging, and smelting. Large furnaces stood silent, their chimneys connected to intricate magic circles designed to draw out smoke. Workbenches were covered with hammers, tongs, and molds, all meticulously organized. "This is a blacksmith's paradise," Borin said, his eyes gleaming with excitement despite his injury.

Draven inspected the magic circles, tracing their lines with a finger. "These circles are dedicated to keeping the air clear. It's an entire production line, meant for large-scale operations."

At the end of this section were three doors. The right one led to a storeroom filled with various ores and materials, neatly stacked and labeled. "This is a treasure trove for any craftsman," Elara said, picking up a chunk of ore and examining it closely.

The left door opened into a small alchemy lab. Shelves lined the walls, filled with jars and vials containing a myriad of substances. Strange apparatuses, both familiar and unknown, were arranged on workbenches. "Some of these instruments are like nothing I've ever seen," Elowen said, her eyes wide with curiosity. "This could advance our understanding of alchemy by centuries."

The fourth section was almost blinding, filled with treasures that glittered under the soft light. Jewels, gems, gold, and silver lay in heaps, casting a dazzling array of reflections across the walls. There were golden chalices, silver plates, and even a cutlery set made entirely of precious metals. "This is more wealth than we've ever seen in one place," Draven said, awe in his voice.

At the far end of the room, standing apart from the rest of the treasures, were two items that caught everyone's eye: a white staff and a red bow with golden outlines. The staff seemed to emit a faint glow, a sense of power radiating from it. The bow, equally striking, seemed to hum with latent energy. "These must be the true treasures of this vault," Archaes said, stepping forward to examine them.

Elowen approached the staff, her fingers tingling as she touched it. "This feels... different. There's a purity to its magic that I've never encountered before."

Rhiannon reached for the bow, her hand hovering just above it. "And this... it's like it was made for a legendary archer. The craftsmanship is exquisite."

The Seekers exchanged glances, the realization of their discovery sinking in. They had uncovered not just a vault of wealth, but a trove of ancient knowledge and artifacts that could change their world. "We need to be careful," Archaes warned. "These treasures could bring as much danger as they do fortune."

Borin, cradling his bandaged arm, nodded. "We've come this far. Let's make sure we get back to tell the tale."

As they carefully gathered their finds, the Seekers felt a renewed sense of purpose. They had unlocked a piece of the past, and with it, the potential for a future shaped by the secrets they had uncovered.

The Seekers retraced their steps through the treacherous vault, the memory of Borin's injury serving as a stark reminder of its dangers. Each trap they had previously navigated seemed even more menacing now, and they moved with heightened caution. The light from outside gradually grew stronger as they approached the exit, and when they finally emerged, the sun was high in the sky, blinding them momentarily. They had no idea how much time had passed since they had entered the structure, but the bright sun was a welcome sight after the dim and dangerous depths of the vault.

Returning to their camp, they were greeted by Corax, the crow, who cawed excitedly as they approached. Elowen immediately set about replacing Borin's bandages, her hands moving with practiced efficiency. Borin winced but managed a grin. "Good to be back, huh?" he said, trying to lighten the mood despite the pain.

Archaes approached Draven, who was examining the path they had taken. "How far do you estimate the distance between the Mana water spring and this cave?" Archaes asked.

Draven squinted at the horizon, his mind working through the terrain they had covered. "I don't have an exact measurement, but it should take us about three to four days to cover the distance," he replied thoughtfully.

Archaes hummed in acknowledgment before retreating to his tent to write a detailed report of their findings. He was meticulous in his descriptions, but he made sure to omit any mention of the two artifacts they had found in the vault, downgrading the rest of the information just enough to avoid raising any eyebrows.

A few weeks later, the Chancellors called for another conference with all the squad leaders, as was their usual practice. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation as each leader prepared to share their latest discoveries and developments.

In the desert group, the Crimson Vanguard and Bloodthorn Marauders had collaborated their efforts and discovered a Mana water spring in the desert, alongside an oasis. Both squads had decided to share ownership of these valuable resources, marking a significant achievement in their expedition.

However, the Ebonblade Enforcers had been disbanded after suffering massive casualties against a sand Hydra. The remaining members had been absorbed into the Shadowclaw Rangers and the Starlight Defenders, a move that highlighted the perils of their mission.

The Stormwatch Brigade now claimed ownership of a huge pyramid-shaped ruin that they had discovered. This ruin, with its formidable magical defenses, had been transformed into their base of operations, providing them with a secure and strategic location in the desert.

In the plains, the Celestial Knights had taken ownership of an ancient temple, which would serve as their base of operations. The Phoenix Guard, working alongside the Golden Lion Guard, had finally deciphered the inscriptions of the ruins they had discovered. The inscriptions turned out to be instructions for creating a powerful magic device. This significant discovery meant they would soon be joined by Chancellor Lysandra, Chancellor Idris, and Chancellor Cyril to begin the construction of the device.

The Ironwood Protectors had made considerable progress in their agricultural endeavors. They were now expecting their first harvest in six months, a milestone that would be closely monitored by Chancellor Doran, as the produce was crucial for the expedition's logistics.

The Dragon's Roar Regiment and Silvermoon Sentinels were currently exploring a rocky ridge near the border area between the plains and the plateaus, hoping to uncover new resources and potential sites of interest.

In the plateau group, the Iron Fang Legion had found new types of ores in the three mines under their ownership. These ores would be studied alongside Chancellor Thrain, who was known for his expertise in metallurgy and mining.

Nightshade had discovered a mysterious black substance in the mine they controlled. This discovery would be examined in detail by Chancellor Marla and Chancellor Seraphine, whose knowledge of alchemy and dark magic would be crucial in understanding the substance's properties.

Gryphon's Wrath had made a literal namesake discovery: a horde of actual Gryphons. This find was both thrilling and dangerous, and they would be studying these creatures with the help of Chancellor Rowan and Chancellor Sonargon, who were experts in magical creatures.

The Frostfire Company was still diligently exploring the two mines under their ownership, hoping to uncover valuable resources or artifacts that could aid the expedition.

When it was the Seekers' turn to present their report, Archaes stepped forward. He detailed their findings about the ruin and the vault, carefully omitting the part about the two artifacts and downplaying the significance of their other discoveries. His cautious approach ensured that their report didn't attract undue attention from the other squads or the Chancellors.

However, the most heart-wrenching moment of the conference came when the captain of the Thunderstrike Battalion broke down in tears. His squad had suffered devastating losses while exploring a ruin, only to find it completely empty, with nothing of value inside. The emotional toll of losing so many comrades weighed heavily on him, and his distress served as a sobering reminder of the dangers they all faced.

The conference ended on a somber note, with the Chancellors reminding everyone of the importance of their mission and the need for caution. As the leaders returned to their respective squads, the weight of their discoveries and losses hung heavy in the air.