
The Artifact creator.(Dropped.)

Archaes is a young boy of 9 year's old,who is nothing but a street rat that eats after others leftovers. But fate always comes with changes and surprises,so did his fate. The story of a how a mere street rat became the one of the greatest figures in history.

ShreShan · ファンタジー
44 Chs

Ch39:The game changer.

Two years had passed since the discovery of the mana-infused spring, and the expedition had made remarkable progress. Resources flowed steadily from the newly mapped territories, and the Seekers, along with their fellow squads, had established a more stable foothold in the unknown land.

The plateau group had mapped out six mines, a small forest area, and, of course, the Mana water spring—the prized discovery of the Seekers. This valuable resource had proven to be as beneficial as anticipated, providing an unparalleled source of pure mana water.

Meanwhile, the desert group had found three oases and two mines. The oases, with their life-sustaining water, were invaluable in the arid landscape, and the mines offered a wealth of minerals and gems.

However, the greatest progress came from the plains group. They had managed to figure out a method for agriculture. Though still on a small scale, this achievement was a significant step toward self-sufficiency for the expedition. It was a testament to the resilience and ingenuity of the squads.

Elara stood at the entrance of the Seekers' camp, watching the activity around her with a sense of pride. "We've come a long way," she remarked to Draven, who was beside her sharpening his blade.

Draven nodded. "Indeed. It's hard to believe it's been two years. Remember when we first set out? We had no idea what we'd find."

Elowen approached, holding a small bundle of herbs she had gathered. "And look at us now. We've secured the Mana water spring, mapped out new territories, and even started farming. It's incredible."

Archaes joined them, carrying a vial of mana water. "Speaking of which, I've been experimenting with the mana water again. The purity is still unmatched. I think it might be the key to enhancing our magical capabilities even further."

Rhiannon, perched on a nearby rock, looked up from her map. "We've made great strides, but there's still so much to explore and learn. The plateau group's discoveries are impressive, but the plains group's agriculture—now that's a game-changer."

Elara grinned. "True. It means we can sustain ourselves better. No more relying solely on foraging and hunting."

Borin walked over, a sack of explosives slung over his shoulder. "And let's not forget the mines. The materials we're finding are going to be crucial for crafting better equipment and fortifying our positions."

Archaes nodded. "Absolutely. Each group has contributed significantly to our survival and progress. We're no longer just surviving—we're building a future here."

As the Seekers continued their conversation, Chancellor Lysandra's voice crackled through their communication rings, calling for an update from all squads. Archaes answered, summarizing their recent activities and achievements.

Lysandra's voice was warm with approval. "Excellent work, Seekers. Your progress with the Mana water spring has been exemplary. Keep up the good work, and continue to share your findings. Together, we're forging a new path in this land."

After the call ended, the Seekers gathered around their campfire, reflecting on their journey.

Elara poked the fire with a stick, watching the sparks fly. "We've faced so many challenges, but we've overcome them. What do you think the next year will bring?"

Draven shrugged. "More challenges, I'm sure. But also more discoveries, more achievements. We're just getting started."

Elowen smiled. "And we're in this together. That's what makes us strong."

Archaes raised his vial of mana water in a toast. "To the Seekers and to our future. May we continue to thrive and discover the wonders of this land."

The others raised their cups, echoing his words. "To the Seekers!"

As the night wore on, the fire crackled and the stars shone brightly above them. The Seekers knew that their journey was far from over, but with each other by their side, they were ready for whatever lay ahead.

One afternoon, the communication rings of the Seekers buzzed once again, summoning Archaes and his team to another conference call with the Chancellors and all the squad leaders. The air was tense, the weight of unspoken words pressing heavily on everyone present. It was as if the very atmosphere was stretched taut, ready to snap at the slightest provocation.

As the minutes ticked by, the silence grew more oppressive. Finally, Chancellor Lysandra spoke, her voice cutting through the tension like a knife. "We have received momentous news. The Phoenix Guard have discovered a ruin."

Murmurs erupted, but what Lysandra said next silenced them all. "The architecture of these ruins perfectly resembles that of our homeland."

Shockwaves rippled through the gathered leaders. Elara, listening intently, turned to Archaes. "Did you know about this?" she whispered.

Archaes, maintaining a facade of surprise, shook his head slightly. "I suspected there were ancient secrets here, but this... this is unprecedented."

Rhiannon's eyes widened. "Could it be possible? An ancient civilization connected to us?"

Borin frowned, his brows knitting together. "How can that be? We've always believed this land to be untouched by our kind."

The Chancellors continued, their voices carefully controlled. "This is an extraordinary discovery," Chancellor Thrain announced. "It points to our ancestral roots from a long-forgotten past. The Phoenix Guard have made a remarkable achievement."

Archaes couldn't help but notice the rehearsed tone in Thrain's voice. The Chancellors knew more than they were letting on, but for now, they had to maintain the illusion of shared astonishment. He glanced around the room, reading the expressions of his fellow squad leaders. They, too, were grappling with the implications of this revelation.

Chancellor Idris spoke next, his voice imbued with a solemn gravity. "As of now, we are prioritizing the investigation of ancient ruins. These sites could hold invaluable knowledge and resources that will aid our mission here."

After what Archaes could only describe as a ceremonial charade, the Chancellors ended the call, leaving the squads to process the information. The Seekers huddled together, their minds racing with possibilities.

Elowen broke the silence. "If there are more ruins like this, it could change everything we know about this land—and ourselves."

Draven nodded. "We need to stay vigilant. Other squads might see this as an opportunity to assert their dominance."

Rhiannon looked thoughtful. "It's not just about the ruins. It's about what they represent. History, culture, perhaps even magic beyond our current understanding."

Archaes agreed. "Exactly. We must approach this with both curiosity and caution. The Chancellors' directive is clear, but we need to ensure we don't rush into danger."

Elara, always the pragmatist, asked, "What's our next move then?"

Archaes took a deep breath. "First, we need to secure our existing resources. The Mana water spring is still our top priority. But we also need to start scouting for potential ruins. If the Phoenix Guard found one, there are bound to be more."

Borin grinned, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "More discoveries mean more opportunities to outshine the other squads. Let's get to it."

Elowen raised a hand. "But let's not forget the dangers. We're not just dealing with creatures and the environment anymore. We're dealing with history, potentially powerful artifacts, and maybe even rival squads willing to break the rules for a piece of the pie."

Archaes nodded. "Agreed. We proceed with caution and intelligence. No unnecessary risks. Let's make our preparations and stay alert for any signs of ancient ruins."

With their path set, the Seekers dispersed to ready themselves for the new phase of their expedition. As they moved, a shared sense of purpose and anticipation filled the air. The discovery of the ruins had added a new layer to their mission—one that promised both great rewards and significant risks.

As night fell, Archaes found himself staring at the stars, wondering what other secrets this land held. The expedition had taken a turn he hadn't entirely predicted, but he was ready. With his team by his side, they would uncover the mysteries of the past and secure their place in this new world.