
The Artifact creator.(Dropped.)

Archaes is a young boy of 9 year's old,who is nothing but a street rat that eats after others leftovers. But fate always comes with changes and surprises,so did his fate. The story of a how a mere street rat became the one of the greatest figures in history.

ShreShan · ファンタジー
44 Chs

Ch25: Exam and more…

The journey aboard The Sanctuary continued, the fortress gliding steadily through the vast expanse of the ocean. Archaes spent his days diligently training, refining his skills, and preparing for whatever awaited them on the distant shores. One morning, an announcement echoed through the fortress, summoning all recruits to the main hall. The room was abuzz with chatter as hundreds of recruits gathered, curious about the news.

As the recruits settled into their seats, the nine chancellors took their places on a raised platform. The room fell silent as the chancellors reintroduced themselves, their authoritative presence commanding attention. Cyril stood among them, his gaze sweeping over the crowd, eventually settling on Archaes for a fleeting moment.

"Recruits," began Chancellor Elion, an elf of striking presence, "we have gathered you here today for an important announcement. In two months, we will select squad leaders to lead the expedition teams upon making landfall. Those of you who wish to participate should begin your preparations immediately."

A murmur of excitement and determination rippled through the hall. The opportunity to become a squad leader was prestigious, offering the chance to gain recognition and honor. More importantly, any new discovery made by a squad would be credited to its leader or whoever the leader chose. Archaes knew this was his chance to make a name for himself, but he was also acutely aware of the risks. If he made a particularly valuable discovery, the candidates deployed by influential figures would undoubtedly be after him.

Determined, Archaes applied for the selection process, knowing it was a gamble worth taking. He spent the next two months pushing himself to his limits, honing his combat skills and studying leadership principles. The day of the combat exam arrived, and the participants were paired off to fight. Archaes faced his opponents with a blend of strategy and skill, wielding his spear, whip, and dagger in a seemingly chaotic but calculated dance. His unconventional style earned him the reputation of a show-off, but it worked in his favor, catching his opponents off guard.

Among his competitors was Sir Eldric Voss, a tall and muscular young noble with a reputation for his prowess with the greatsword. Eldric's striking features and confident demeanor made him a favorite among the recruits. In another corner stood Lady Seraphina Draegon, a sharp-eyed and agile warrior with a mastery of dual short swords. Her precise movements and quick thinking earned her respect and admiration. Both were from high-born families, their lineage and training giving them a clear advantage.

Archaes, though, had his own strengths. His agility and adaptability allowed him to exploit weaknesses in his opponents' styles. His opponents, initially dismissive of his seemingly erratic approach, soon found themselves outmaneuvered. By the end of the combat exam, Archaes had proven his mettle, leaving his competitors wary of his unpredictable tactics.

The next day, the oral exam was held. Participants were questioned on the core values of leadership, decision-making, strategy, logistics, and various hypothetical scenarios by the chancellors. Archaes stood before them, his heart pounding. He knew this was a critical part of the selection process, and he needed to make a strong impression.

"Archaes," began Chancellor Marla, her voice firm, "describe a situation where you had to make a difficult decision under pressure. How did you handle it, and what was the outcome?"

Archaes took a deep breath, recalling a moment from his past. "During my time on the streets, there was an incident where a rival gang cornered a group of children I had been looking after. They were outnumbered and unarmed. I had to decide quickly whether to confront the gang directly or find a way to outsmart them. I chose the latter. Using my knowledge of the area, I led the children through a series of alleys and hidden passages, creating distractions along the way. We managed to escape without any casualties. It taught me the importance of quick thinking and the value of using the environment to one's advantage."

The chancellors nodded, taking notes as Archaes spoke. Cyril watched him intently, a glimmer of interest in his eyes. The questions continued, each designed to test the participants' knowledge and judgment. Archaes answered each one with as much clarity and confidence as he could muster, drawing on his experiences and the lessons he had learned.

When the results were announced, the tension in the hall was palpable. Out of 300 applicants, only 30 had passed—10 from each race. Archaes was among them, a sense of triumph washing over him. However, he quickly noticed that all the other human participants who had passed were from higher backgrounds, their noble status giving them a distinct advantage.

Chancellor Cyril addressed the new squad leaders. "Congratulations to those who have passed. You have proven yourselves worthy. Your next task is to recruit team members and come up with a squad name by the time we arrive at our destination. Remember, the success of your squad depends on your ability to lead and inspire."

Archaes looked around, noting the confident smiles and determined expressions of his fellow leaders. As the crowd dispersed, he found himself standing alone. The realization hit him hard—no one wanted to join his squad. His inferior background and the fact that he had the lowest score among the participants worked against him.

Seeing as no one wanted to be in his squad, Archaes decided to recruit oddballs and outcasts. His first target was a she-elf named Elaria, who was rumored to have excellent sword skills. This was peculiar, as Elvenkind was naturally adept at magic, and swordsmanship was considered an oddity among them.

Archaes had heard whispers about Elaria. She was often seen training alone at the edge of The Sanctuary, her blade moving with a speed and precision that belied her slender frame. Rumor had it that she had been ostracized by her own kind for her refusal to pursue magical studies, choosing instead the path of the sword.

He decided to look for her next morning,for now it was time to sleep.