
The Arthimoi

A boy with the power of creation who is a part of group called The arthimoi fights demons and keeps the human populations safe loses his powers

Ahmed_A · ファンタジー
7 Chs

The Explanation And The Return

June 18th 2025

"The demon kings death was a very very big obstacle on the demon race, however before he died a prophecy was set out that the demon kings death will bring the demon race glory and victory that the demon race has not seen since time began to flow" Nzuri finished looking around the room

Unu yawned and stretched

"I have a question" a local police officer stated

"Why don't you just use your power to erase the entire conflict?" the officer asked

"I have been around for 2000 years, I was created at the start of time by an outside source or as the demons call it when time began to flow" unu said but continued

"However I was not given unlimited power in fact my power shifts depending on what body I receive" unu said

"Body you receive?" Another officer asked

"I reincarnate I am not immortal and some bodies can handle more then others can for example my current body as a 15 year old is only enough to kill around 5000 units of any soul, however the more I use the less I can use think about it like the battery in your phone, also with the power of creation I don't have the ability of all things what I have is merely a speck of my creator the restrictions as follows, I can not bring souls back, I can not give my self unlimited power, I cannot summon the under world or the other side" Unu finished explaining

"Other side?" The officers were confused

"As logic would have you know as the underworld exists there must be an opposite as I call it the other side some call it heaven" unu answered their confusion

"So is God and the angels real? One of the officers asked

"Very much so however he is not the God everyone sets him out to be he merely watches over everything and doesn't include himself in any of the worlds issues so as far as I'm concerned his existence is minimal" unu said with disappointment

"You don't seem to enjoy his presence" nzuri stated

"My relationship with him is as a father and son type relationship he can do anything but chooses not to to me seems completely logical and rational but my emotional side has a small displeasure from that" unu answered

"So how come you can enter hell but not heaven?" an officer asked

"Oh well that's simply the underworld isn't hell. Think about it like this the living world is a circle then outside this circle is another circle surrounding this one that circle lies the under world and lunar castle which is where we are right now and those 2 circles are what you and the rest of the local police force know about. however the outside of these 2 circles are completely different beings hell has up to a hundred floors, from floor 100 all the way down to floor 1 which is the devils floor. the deeper it is the more despaired and powerful the demons become the demons within hell are completely unfathomable 1 demon from floor 100 could destroy all of the underworld. The underworld is merely an entry to hell a front lawn as you could put it. The outside forces at play are way stronger more powerful then anyone could imagine, the basic imagine the living world the small circle surrounding it as a bigger circle which is the underworld and lunar castle and surrounding that is a even bigger circle which is the wall that keeps everyone here at bay and keeps my powers limited and outside that wall is the world of the unimaginative." Unu answered in a grim tone

"Now we've gotten my weaknesses and I explained the unreachable world, I will explain my strength, I have the power to create and destroy I can do almost anything the human can imagine. I can create souls and memories, which might make you asked why can't I just create dead humans souls, I cannot make a dead person comeback to life best way, I can explain it is they won't be the same person they aren't gonna have the same memories they will only have the same memories as far as we are aware or it" unu said disappointingly

"My creations fell out of line because the memories I gave them were too much to bare. I ruined their lives and mine through my actions" unu said saddened

"Now kaksi can create all things as well however he can affect everything other then himself, and he cannot directly affect something I have done " unu stated

"But with us fighting together we have no weaknesses. Which is why this is completely up to you and your power usage unu" kaksi said from the other side of the room

"Now any questions?" Unu asked

"How does your reincarnation work?" An officer asked

"I either live a full life or die to a regular cause like murder I cannot be killed by disease or injury as far as my powers are active however when I die the ideal age of when my powers start coming in is around 10-12 and memories come in around 12-13 I start by noticing what I want to make happen seems to happen and the odds are always in my favor then I start remembering my past lives and at first I feel like I'm lying to myself about it then they fully come in one night and I gain complete control of my power, still limited by body" unu answered

"We can not waste anymore time prepare to head out" Vier shook the room with his words

"Thoba, Create a portal for Nzuri to go to the underworld" Vier said

As Nzuri walked through the portal

"You are quite interesting unu maybe I'll stick

around longer" nzuri said under his breath

As they begin to head out

"Hmm quite boring they should arrive anytime now" Unu said




set for explosions erupt.

"Took them long enough, now this is quite interesting" Unu said

everyone turns around to see 5 humanoid figures floating

"This feels much better" one of the humanoid figures said

"Undici it took too long for you to show up" Unu stated

"While I was in recovery, from your power affects, somehow you got caught up with these lowly fake demons" Undici replied while in the air

"I listened in on your meeting, and it seems like you've used up almost half your powers, also we found out that this isn't the only world that exists there is a place outside called the unreachable dubbed by you Unu" Undici said

Kaksi lifted his hand at them from the ground

"Damn it" Kaksi exclaimed

"Kaksi don't get careless W are a direct creation of Unu your power cannot affect Us" Undici said

"I need to touch Unu in order to figure out how to cross over to the unreachable realm" Tredeci whispered to Unu

Muru looked around the room and thought to herself ^Time stop is completely useless against them, Valu can't touch them with her air manipulation as her air manipulation causes you to be able to see it, Vier is looking into possibilities of how this fight can turn out, this might work^

"Aren't you guys missing a person" Muru says outloud

"What!?" Undici looks shocked as he turns around to see only 3 other of his group members

On the floor in front of Unu lies Tredeci the person who could've stolen all of Unu memories,

Undici looks at Muru to see her right arm completely gone

"I turned my arm into the air around us as it became a complete replica of air you couldn't see it" Muru said

^thank you Muru, this is how I'm gonna get to them^ Unu thought you himself as he quickly went to grab Tredeci by the head

"So you want to get to the unreachable? The god realm? Completely fine by me" Unu said in calm tone as he is holding Tredeci by the head

"I'm assuming you looking for power, maybe to end me?" Unu kept talking as Tredecis eyes began to flash with white

"However what I'm giving you right now is only a map to the door and the key is myself" Unu revealed this to everyone

"You guys remember what I told you a year ago?" Unu asked

Undici became mad

Undici yelled "You said we're like your children but you left us to die!"

"You gave us human emotions, human life and all the love that came with it, but you know what happened instead?" Undici asked

Unu stares at him with deep sadness

*almost a year ago*

June 20th 2024

Undici fought the shadow figure in the middle of the living room, with the walls of the house and the floor covered in blood, the dinning table completely destroyed,

His mom and dad lay dead on the couch

A cake splattered all over the floor

His sister on the floor on the brink of death

"Happy birthday" posters hung torn from the stairs

Swinging back and fourth

*back to present day*

"It replays over and over in my head," Undici said while holding his face in

His hand with his other hand holding a sword

Undici continued "where were you?, you watched over us correct? Where were you? You completely abandoned us" Undici said still with his mad and depressing tone

"But you know what? All that love for my parents, all that love for you, it turned into hatred, I blame you for that day" Undici changed his tone to a calm one

"Give Tredeci back to them" Unu said as he turned around and began to walk out

"I have someone to talk to" Unu said

Everyone was surprised as how sudden this was

Muru levitated Tredeci back into the group

"You will not leave the castle" Vier said falling out of his state of power

"Unu might have been soft on you, but this isn't up to him" Vier stated

"You guys are an even bigger threat then the demons" Vier continued

"Allowing people such as you completely unconsciously is idiotic, Unu if you continue to think like this you have no reason to stay apart of The Arthimoi" Vier stated

"Vier let the big man upstairs know That within the next 10 lifetimes I will visit him" Unu said as he continued to walk out

The room shook Began to shake The Ang Lima landed

The room became extremely bright

"Judge more carefully, live more carefully, you need to understand the devil has held these children hostage and you are letting them go" Vier stated

Unu stopped and looked a Vier over his shoulder

"Vier, I have a much bigger plan for all of you" Unu said his final words as he disappeared