

Her Life or Your Honour? Sarah Rhodes, the princess of Marc Rhodes and Arabella, was married off by her parents without her consent to the heir of a prominent and powerful family, The Abrams. Luke Abrams, the sole child of Silas Abrams and Delores. Sarah quit school to live her parents' dream life, to fulfill her parents' wishes. Soon the decision became a crusher for Sarah's life. Luke, who appeared as an attractive and fine man, switched into a ruthless monster. Sarah's life is filled with pain, heartaches, betrayal, and most of all, living with a man that had no place for her in his heart. Shortly, those led Sarah to discover a murky secret of Luke Abrams and his family. Sarah was left with one option; to seek justice and expose Abrams. Her presence in their life is where their nightmare starts. The real war of JUSTICE is about to begin.

Jaya_Sindhu · 若者
45 Chs

Chapter 44

"Sarah, Luke, lunch is ready." Mom shouted,

"Will be there" I said.

Luke slid his eyelids open. "You startled me."

I smiled. "Lunch is ready."

I got up from my bed.

"Wait for me" I said.

Together, we left the room and walked to the dining room, where dad assisted mom with setting the table with food.



I sprinted over to give him a bear embrace.

"It's nice to see you again, Luke," said dad.

"It's nice to see you too, sir," said Luke.

They hug each other.

"Could you please help Mom for a moment?" said Dad.

"Sure, dad"

I returned to the kitchen.

Dad wrapped his arm around Luke's shoulder and said, "I'm willing to say this to you, please call me dad."

"I'm your parent too, not your boss."

"I'm sorry about that, dad." said Luke.

"Now you make sense," said dad.

They giggled.

"I've got one more thing. There is a sizable gathering with my coworkers the day after tomorrow. I'd want to introduce you to them if you're free." said dad.

"Some of them can't make it to your wedding" dad explained.

"Yes, I will be honored, dad, of course," said Luke.

"Sit down gentleman, no more talking", said mom.

We have a seat.

"I thought you only made Luke's favorite dish," I said.

"Wrong thinking, I won't make a single meal for my precious guests," said mom.

We all gathered in the family room as soon as lunch was over.

"So, dad, how did you and Mom meet?" asked Luke.

"When I think back on those memories, it was a fascinating tale.", dad blushed.

"Darling, do you want to tell her the story or me?". Dad

"You, I'll keep blushing instead of telling", mom

"We met in college. She was my junior. I just knew she was my woman the moment I laid eyes on her." said dad.

"I was a bad guy at that time. I approached her right away. I go "I want to know you more, I want to have a meaningful relationship."

"I looked at him stupidly. It was my first day of college, my first year, and he arrived to ruin my life." mom smiled.

"I walked away from him without saying anything. I was scared since I had heard negative things about him." said mom.

"I avoided him. I don't want to see him anymore."

"What made you change your mind?" asked dad.

"One evening when I walked alone with my groceries, I came across you at a petrol station.", mom

"He worked there. I waited for him until midnight, about 11 pm."

"I followed him behind, he stopped at a not-so-luxurious restaurant, and bought dinner."

"He took my heart away at that precise time. He lives a humble life, yet he supports those who need it more than he does. He fed the homeless."

"And you started approaching me the following day. How come I didn't notice this?" dad was shocked.

"Next?", I said.

"I bumped myself into him, making excuses for him to take me home" said mom.

"What were you discussing in the middle of the night?", I smirked.

"Nothing" said mom, anger on her face.

"Fishy" I said.

"He walked in silence, which drove me insane! I was really enraged."

"I deserve it" said mom, feeling sad.

"Surprisingly, he came back to see me again. It was extremely sweet." mom blushed.

"Sweetness in a cranky man," said mom.

"From the next day, things became more intense between us," said dad.

"I went to her house and talked to her parents. They outright rejected me. I understood I was poor as hell."

"Even so, the relationship kept going. We see each other more frequently, almost every day." said dad.

"Sounds intriguing. Tell me more" Luke smirked.

"I got your mom pregnant," said dad.

"You became pregnant before you were married?" I was astounded.

"Yes! It was the most joyous time of our lives." said mom.

"We were extremely happy" said dad.

"Did my grandparents know?" I asked.

"I conceal it." said mom.

"I decided to marry her. I visited her house once more. I expressed my intention. You already know what their response is," said dad.

"My parents were furious, they wouldn't let me out. I was in tears." said mom.

"Where's our hero?" said Luke.

"Hey" dad

"I switched into villain mode," said dad.

"With the help of my friends. I got her out of her house, where her parents were deeply asleep." said dad.

"And then we fled." said mom.

"We have been together till now," said dad.

"My man is a hard worker, responsible, never ashamed of how small that job is. He forbids me from working. Even more, he advised me to put my studies first," said mom.

"I made up my mind to look after my priceless family," said mom.

"I quit college and put my attention on building my family and career" said dad.

"It seems easy to elope in your days," said Luke.

"It was"

"In today's world, they will track you down, no matter where you are, and divide you up.", Luke

I locked my gaze on Luke when the flashbacks hit him.

"What are your thoughts on that, Dad?" asked Luke.

"It depends. If you're getting married to someone who isn't even good for you. Split is the best thing to do" said dad.

"If it's the opposite, what a family does is awful. A man like us has to battle for the woman we love," said dad.

"They did separate them in some way. What should that man do?" asked Luke.

Is he sharing his story?

"Take time to recover. Distance himself from his family. If she is his soul mate, they'll meet no matter what," said dad.

"He couldn't find his woman. On the other hand, he is compelled to marry and he is now married," said Luke.

Dad sighed. "Poor life."

He looked at me and said, "Somehow the man revealed the truth to his wife, and his wife chose to help him get his woman back."

"Wow, who is that woman?" dad

Your daughter.

"She had a big heart" said mom.

"The man has two lovely women in his life. He began to feel something for her. How should he proceed?" said Luke.

"In this case, let your heart guide you, allow things to unfold naturally," said dad.

"What if his wife wants to keep a distance from her husband?" asked Luke.

"It implies that she does not want to be hurt or feel guilty. I'd say enjoy your marriage, it's not in our hands, it's life." said dad.

"Women, don't make a gap in your husband. You can't handle it." dad smirked.

"Do you hear that, Sarah?" Luke smirked at me.

"I have a question, dad. Why did you get me an arranged marriage?" I asked.

"Because you don't have a boyfriend?" dad smiled.

"You can wait until I get my man," I said.

Luke gave me a hard stare.

"Your husband is here, Sarah." mom smiled.

"I'm just being honest," I said.

"We couldn't resist the proposal. Don't you love your husband?" said Dad.

"I do" I said.

"Then? You wed your man." dad smiled.

It was simple for him to say that. I find it challenging to live life.

"Dad, I'm curious, why didn't you buy your castle?" asked Luke.

He smiled. "I have one more story to tell you about that."

"I've known your father for a very long time. A friend introduced us at a social event where we first met." said dad.

"We clicked, we had a lengthy conversation, and your father brought up the housing issue."

"He is looking for a spacious house for his big family."

"I said, same here, I haven't found a home I'm interested in."

"Silas suggested, why don't we search for it together? I'll have a friend to share my opinion"

"Sounds like a plan. I could use one."

"I picked up your father early the next morning. We strolled around the city. Instead of a house, we got land. We had the same architect for our houses," said dad.

"When I walked into this half-finished house, I instantly fell in love. It's not about how big the house is, but how homey it feels," said dad.

"Wow, despite the fact that you appear defiant, you are kindhearted," I said.

"Yeah, I get too emotional at times. I wasn't that person until I met my wife." dad blushed.

"Woman changed everything", said Luke.

"Their presence illuminates our lives," said dad.

"Where are Sarah's brothers?" asked Luke.

"They live in different countries and maintain the branches of my antique business" said dad.

"Are they married?" asked Luke.

"Not yet. They are having a good time with their girl." said dad.

"Are their girlfriends from wealthy families?" asked Luke.

"They are typical citizens," he said.

"You approve of it?" Luke

"I don't give a damn about any of that. As long they're good people, they take care of each other, it's enough for me." said dad.

"Why Luke? Have you ever dated someone who wasn't from our circle?" asked dad.

"Sort of" said Luke.

"I'm sure your father disapproves," dad smiled.

"How do you know?" Luke was astounded.

"I know his past. Those ordinary folks constantly step on him and knock him to the ground. Since then, he has been irritated seeing them." said dad.

"I can't entirely blame your father. We each have unique situations." explained dad.

"They hurt us when we are at our lowest points and detest us when we are at our highest," said Luke.

"That is the nature of humans. They don't enjoy seeing others who are happier than them," remarked dad.

"So Sarah, I heard from your mom that we'll soon be grandparents," Dad said.

"What?", Luke was puzzled.

"How did the pregnancy test turn out?", mom inquired.

"What pregnancy test?" asked Luke.

"You didn't know?", mom

"I know nothing about pregnancy tests," said Luke in surprise.

I'm dead!

"You kept it from Luke?" asked mom.

"I was going to surprise him with the result," I said with my face red for lying.

"However, it turned up negative."

Mom wrapped her arms around me, "Oh dear, maybe it's not the time yet."

Mom stroked my shoulder, as I stared at Luke, with sorry written all over my face.

"Don't worry, you'll have it soon" said mom.

Dad patted Luke's shoulder and said, "I'm really sorry to hear that son."

He's going to kick my ass.

(Back to the room)

"What the hell was that about?!" Luke was enraged.

"It was the thing I hid from before we went to Jack's house," I said.

"Is there anything else you're keeping from me?"

"Only this one."

"Why didn't you tell me about the pregnancy test?"

"I didn't take any pregnancy tests" I smiled.

"Was it a lie?" he softened.

"Yes, I made that up."


"Mom called me and broached the matter. I can't help but tell lies."

"There is no way I can reveal our relationship to them."

He drew me to his chest and said, "I've troubled your life, haven't I?"

"Don't make me sad by saying that. I love to be around you."

"Enough of our sadness, we promised ourselves to celebrate every moment of our life" said Luke.