

Her Life or Your Honour? Sarah Rhodes, the princess of Marc Rhodes and Arabella, was married off by her parents without her consent to the heir of a prominent and powerful family, The Abrams. Luke Abrams, the sole child of Silas Abrams and Delores. Sarah quit school to live her parents' dream life, to fulfill her parents' wishes. Soon the decision became a crusher for Sarah's life. Luke, who appeared as an attractive and fine man, switched into a ruthless monster. Sarah's life is filled with pain, heartaches, betrayal, and most of all, living with a man that had no place for her in his heart. Shortly, those led Sarah to discover a murky secret of Luke Abrams and his family. Sarah was left with one option; to seek justice and expose Abrams. Her presence in their life is where their nightmare starts. The real war of JUSTICE is about to begin.

Jaya_Sindhu · 若者
45 Chs

Chapter 40

"Hold on a second. Before we head up, show me our dinner date location", he said.

"In the beach area, you can go by yourself", I added.

"Nope, you are coming with me", he said.

He pulled me toward the shoreline.

"Damn! I missed the date. I could use some mental rest." He was in awe of the lovely seaside setting.

"I'm glad you miss it. Otherwise, I'd be in the dark about your tragic event", I said.

"And where I stand in your life", I added.

"Where do you stand?", he asked.

"On the brink, standing like a lone human," I uttered.

"It's not true", he stated.

"Sadly it is. Watching people around me have a blissful and loveable life.", I said

"You have us", he said.

"The 'us' were absent throughout my melancholy.", I said.

"You made irrational assumptions!" he said.

"It will eventuate. I can see that", I said.

"You can't predict what life has in store for us. Maybe you should stop eating up your bad thoughts", he remarked.

"They're not bad thoughts, but life statements," I replied.

"Let's head to our room. I can't win an argument with you", he stated.

We entered the elevator and rode all the way to the seventh floor.

Upon entering the room, unpleasant memories surfaced in my head.

I was dressing for our dinner date at the time. That hope vanished when the untold love tale unfolds.

"Is this the room where you chose to spend a steamy and romantic night?", he asked.

"Did you embellish it that evening?", he questioned.

"No, we just organized the dinner.", I said.

"There's a lot of space. Do you want us to get messy in every nook and cranny?", he smirked.

"Never paid that much thought.", I said.

"What an inexperienced woman" he said.

"Better than being spotted by the press leaving the hotel with an unknown man," I said.

"Do you mean me?"

"I'm not saying that."

"It's me, I know it."

"I'm more proud to be a bad guy than a good girl like you"

"As you please, a-hole"

"That's a kind thing to say to your husband."

"Didn't you mention you're a proud bad guy? I just pointed that out."

"Men are unable to win over women"

"I'm glad you admit it."

He sat on the bed next to the nightstand. He pressed the number while holding the telephone to his ear.

"Hello to whoever you are, bring me a bottle of whisky to room 707"


He hooked the telephone back to its cradle.

"Are you going to drink it all?"

"Yes! You're welcome to join me"

"I'm fine, thank you."

Shortly thereafter, Knock! Knock!

"Room server."

Luke answered the door, let the server in.

He sets the bottle and glass, then he excuses himself.

He sat opposite me. He popped open the bottle and filled his glass with the booze.

He sucked it in. "Heaven"

"This is the key to entering paradise"

"You mean hell?", I said.

"No! The world we live in is hell."

He kept slurping down the whisky. In a shorter time, the bottle is halfway gone.

"Could you please slow down? You and Isabella are going to be together," I said.

"We're going to split apart," he said.

"It's amusing to see a man get wasted while breaking up with a woman he never really loved", I smiled.

"What are you? Ms. know it all?!" he exclaimed.

"Watch me guzzle this bottle down."

"You're not doing that", I seized the bottle.

"How dare you interrupt my enjoyment!" he snatched the bottle and shoos me back to the couch,

He drained it in an instant. He flung the liquor bottle to the ground.

He attempted to stand up and nearly fell.


I wrapped my arms around him and put him on the couch.

"You have no idea how I feel for you, you know nothing about my feelings," he muttered.

"You merely feel sorry for me," I said.

"I'm a grown man, I know the difference between feeling and sympathy!", he said.

"It hurt me when you announced you were going to move away. It pierces me when you distance yourself," he said.

"I want Isabella, likewise my heart is cluttered. I'm at a loss for words when it comes to how I feel about you," he said.

"You're confused about your situation, your affection for me is temporary. It will all go away after you two are together. " I smiled.

"I doubt that. It'll hurt me again," he said.

"You'll get over it," I said.

"Things will return to normal. You and your little family, me and my new adventure", I said.

"You never fail to make me feel better," he said.

"What's your plan once we part?" he asked.

"Leave the city, maybe move to another country," I said.


"I don't know, let things flow."

"New city, new dude" he said with his face burning red.

"New person, new start" I said.

"The Second Marriage" he said.

"I'm not prepared to experience another horrible story." I laughed.

"I'm sorry"

"Would you live with another man knowing your heart is always set on me?" he asked.


"Yes, what if he is able to remove you from my heart?"

"I've to move on, live my life without hoping for you"

"Why is life so painful?" he said.

"If life brings us constant joy, we never learn," I said.

"Let's get you to bed, it's late." I said.

I led him over to the bed, I laid him down. He passed out in his sleep.

I took a spare pillow from the closet, I reclined on the couch.

Such a difficult way to cap off the evening.

Hard to picture my life without him. Letting go is the best choice to make your loved ones blithe.

The room server knocked on our door the next morning, which startled me.

"We brought your breakfast, ma'am, sir."

I yawned as I stretched my body. I got up and unlocked the door.

They set the meal on the table.

I went into the bathroom and washed my face with the available soap. I unwrapped the toothbrush, soaked it in water, and smeared it with toothpaste. I brushed my teeth.

I gargled and emerged from the bathroom.

He was still dozing off. I tapped him on his shoulder. "Luke..Luke"


"Wake up, breakfast has arrived" I said.

"5 minutes" he said.

"You can sleep back after breakfast,".

"You won't eat that when it gets cold"

"We'll get some other warm food. Let me sleep, please." he said.

"Fine. Don't be fussy if you're starving", I said.

I dig into my breakfast.

He awoke an hour later, yawning. I turned off the TV.

He rolled out of bed.

"I'm famished" he said.

I handed him his food.

"It's cold" he said.

I looked over at him.

"Place a repeated order for me"

I exhaled and made a call to the receptionist.

"Hello, Could you bring me the same breakfast?"

"For room 707. Yes, thank you."

"My head is spinning so badly. Do you have any medicine?" he said.

"There's a bottle of whiskey in my bag. Would you like some?"

We drove back to the inferno.

"Have you given it any thought?", I questioned.

"Regarding?", he replied.


"We aren't going anywhere," said Luke.

"Why? It will be much easier for us to accomplish our goals without your family snooping on us," I said.

"Plus, I can have my own bedroom. And spend some quiet time without them bothering me all day." I said.

"You're moving out soon, no need to leave behind any more upsetting memories," he said.

"I can take you to a hotel if you need some time alone," he said.


"My parents called yesterday, they are expecting us." I said.

"If you don't want to relocate, at least let us stay at my parents' house for a few days." I said.

"After I get my schedule in order," he said.

We reached Abrams Mansion.

"Get my things ready, I'm off to work today" he said.

"You have a headache, go get some rest," I said.

"I must attend the meeting, I'm in charge of the new project."

"Take an aspirin before you leave."

I got Luke's work attire ready while he was in the bathroom.

He left for work and I'm enjoying a break after a revitalizing shower.

I woke up at noon with a growling stomach.

"Everybody look! The queen has just got off her throne.", Sadie called out as I walked into the dining room,

"I appreciate the praise, my subordinate," I said.

"The lunch looked fantastic! Could you pass me a plate, Sadie?" I said.

"I'm not your assistant! Behave, unless you miss my slap "

"You can do whatever you want, Sadie", I grinned.

"Make sure to pack your belongings in advance before my husband throws you out," I said.

"Your husband can't boot out my guest. I am entitled to both invite and evict them", Delores stated.

"You have to recognize where you stand, Sarah, you're just a wimpy daughter-in-law!" Sadie stated.

"If you perceive me in that way, you're greatly mistaken.You haven't forgotten what happened to Reggie, have you?" I said.

"Imagine what would happen if I told Luke you slapped me and dragged me out of my house." I smirked.

"Don't make up stories, I'm not dragging you!", Sadie

"Yes, you do, Sadie," I said.

"Do you like the way I handle things, Dee? I learned it from you" I said.

"Dee, I didn't do anything to her!", said Sadie.

"Did I detect fear?" I smirked.

"Sarah! Do not attempt to cause my guest any trouble.", Delores

"Why not? I'm gonna do it anyway," I said.


"I've also reminded you how much I enjoy stepping over your lines," I said.

She got to her feet and grabbed my neck. I pushed her away.

"Dee!" Sadie rushed to her.

"Are you trying to kill me? I'm worried about you Dee. What's your son going to do to you?" I said.

"By the way, I'm enticed by your food. But, I'll just eat out, bye ladies" I said.

"Buckle up! For the next explosion" I said.

I walked out and drove away.

I parked the car and went into Luke's favorite restaurant. They ushered me to the table where he used to sit.

"Are you free?", I texted him.

"Little busy. Why?", he replied.

"I'm at your favorite restaurant. Wanna join me?"

"I think I'll pass. I have a few files that need to be reviewed."

I put my phone back. I sighed.

Eat alone, spend time by myself. I need to adjust to living in this way.

As I was about to stand up after finishing my meal, my gaze landed on the man and woman who were passing me.

Is that?

I tailed behind them.


They turned to me.

"Sarah?" Ava shocked.

"I mean Mrs. Luke. Why are you here?" said Ava.

"Can't I eat in a restaurant?" I said.

"Oh! I'm so sorry!" said Ava.

"My mind is not in the right place, you know, a lot of cases need to be resolved," said Ava.

"Cool" I said.

I glanced over at the male by her side. I squinted my eyes. "Your face rings a bell."

"I bet I am" said the man.

"I'm Alex, one of the security guards at Abrams Home"

"Oh, you didn't work today? How are the kids?", I asked.

"I'm taking a half-day off due to Ms. Ava needed to speak with me," he said.

"The kids are safe and cheerful as they used to be. They really missed you, ma'am," he said.

"So am I. It's hard to go out these days," I said.

"I understand ma'am. Each of us was rattled by the attack,"

"My nightmare." I said.

"If you don't mind me asking, how do you feel now?"

"I'm great, thanks." I said.

"Do you know each other?" I asked.

"We.. umm...It's related to your case, ma'am." said Ava.

"We had a discussion about security at the Abrams home and about that attacker if he ever showed up," she said.

"Shouldn't the police discuss this at the site, along with the security check?" I asked.

"We're unsure who the insider is. We do not want our strategy to be overheard by them," she said.

"Alex has been selected as our police force's confidant, thankfully, he is eager to work with us," she said.

"Any further developments in my case?" I asked.

"Still that four suspects, ma'am"

"Did they catch them?" I asked.

"Two people have been apprehended; the other two have not."

"It'd be excellent if you could catch that individual as soon as possible before he puts anyone else at risk," I said.

"We'll give our best, ma'am." she said.

"Anyhow, I've got to get going," I said.

"Allow me to take you, ma'am." she said.

"Not necessary, I drive "

"I'll be right behind you, for safety reasons," she said.

Ava was following me in her car while I was driving. When I got home, she waved at me and speeded off.

My phone vibrated, a group message from Chelsea.

"Guys, I got a message from one of the numbers" said Chelsea.

"What's written there?", Luke

"You should read by yourself. It's disturbing"

"We'll be there", said Luke

My phone rang once more. It's from Luke.

"Where are you now? You must have read the message."

"I just got here. I'm still in your mansion yard." I said.

"Jack and I went straight to his house. We'll meet there."

I pulled the engine and headed back out.

(Ladies Pov)

The ladies on the balcony were watching Sarah go in and out.

"We should spy on her, she seems fishy," Indy said.

"Like husband, like wife. Probably she went to meet her friends, her parents, or her husband", Beth

"Nothing wrong with making sure everything is secure", Indy added.

"Secure?", asked Delores.

"The Past" said Indy.

"She wouldn't have thought of that," said Delores.

"She will find that out," Sadie responded.

"Where will she look for it? Nobody knows except us", said Delores.

"The past has been buried deep. No one can unearth it," Delores explained.

"Luke knows half of the past. What if he tells her?", Sadie

"He won't. He's aware of the consequences. Our lives will be destroyed.", Delores

"I keep wondering, why does Luke adore her? Has he lost sight of Isabella?" asked Indy.

"Good if he forgot the woman," said Delores.

"At one point, that's a giant question mark we haven't figured out" said Beth.

"I'm not sure Luke can forget Isabella easily, he's crazy about her. Do you think they are doing something?" said Indy.

"Like what? Finding Isabella?" Delores

"Maybe. He deceived Sarah and got assistance from her and her father." said Indy.

"Even if he uses them, he won't find anyone. No human will be able to find them" said Delores.

"I'm over this conversation. You guys don't make assumptions about things that never happened."

"For now, all I really want to know is who the devil attacker is!". Delores