

Her Life or Your Honour? Sarah Rhodes, the princess of Marc Rhodes and Arabella, was married off by her parents without her consent to the heir of a prominent and powerful family, The Abrams. Luke Abrams, the sole child of Silas Abrams and Delores. Sarah quit school to live her parents' dream life, to fulfill her parents' wishes. Soon the decision became a crusher for Sarah's life. Luke, who appeared as an attractive and fine man, switched into a ruthless monster. Sarah's life is filled with pain, heartaches, betrayal, and most of all, living with a man that had no place for her in his heart. Shortly, those led Sarah to discover a murky secret of Luke Abrams and his family. Sarah was left with one option; to seek justice and expose Abrams. Her presence in their life is where their nightmare starts. The real war of JUSTICE is about to begin.

Jaya_Sindhu · 若者
45 Chs

Chapter 22

Our lips came together. I ran my finger through his hair as we lost ourselves in the pleasure of our lips. He drew me in closer till our bodies were mashed against each other. He pushed me down on the couch and captured my neck with his mouth. He lowered my dress. I grasped his hand."Not yet, Mr. Luke"

"Sorry, I lost control."

I straightened my clothes. Again he hauled me back into his lap.

"Am I a good kisser?", he asked.

"You are Mr. Luke. I want more of those kisses," I said, pecking his lips.

"Then, why are you stopping me?", he asked.

"Why should I let you?", I smirked.

"Don't try my patience, Isabel. I'm not good at it", he said.

"Let's see how long you can hold out," I said, pressing my lips all over his face.

"Don't...", he said

"It's a long path to be inside me, Mr. Luke," I said.

"Whatever it takes to be with you, luv", he said.

We spent the rest of our days cuddling on the couch and making up jokes about steamy stuff.

(Luke POV)

"She's back!", I called Jack.

"I told you! That's how they function", he said.

"We were out of touch for days. I went out once, and she was looking for me," I explained.

"Women are like puzzles. We have to be extremely skilled at putting everything together," he remarked.

"I couldn't believe she was looking for me" I exclaimed.

"Me neither", he said.

"Scuse me?", I asked

"I can't believe she fell for a player", he said.

"Shut up. It's all in the past", I said.

"A memorable past!" he exclaimed.

"Did you two hook up?" he asked.

"We didn't", I said.

"Hard to believe you, Luke Abrams", he said,

"She's not some b**** that I slept with, she's my woman!", I said.

"Look who's talking! Is this you Luke? I thought you longed for her body", he said.

"I'm not that guy anymore, I'm a man in love", I said.

"Deep", he said

"Bye, I've to go!", I said.

"I'm looking forward to our double date, dude," he said.

A date? Not a bad idea.

After two months, our bond became stronger with each passing day. Waiting for her to introduce me to her family, I decided to take the matter into my hands, and meet her family today. I rang the doorbell.


After a few knocks, a woman neatly dressed was standing in front of me.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" the woman softly said.

"You don't know me, ma'am. My purpose in being here is to speak with Isabella's parents". I said

"May I know what it is about?", she asked.

"Isabella", I said

"Oh, come on in," she said, making room for me.

I stepped into a lovely house.

"Please have a seat. I'll inform my husband and daughter," she said.

"Thanks", I said.

The couple entered the living room. I got up to greet him.

"Hello sir", I said.

"Hello", he said. We shook hands.

"Please have a seat", he said.

"I apologize for not introducing myself. I'm Luke" I said

"We are Isabella's parents. You wanted to talk about Isabella?", he said.

"Yes, I came for that," I explained.

"Did my daughter do anything wrong?", he asked.

"Isabella didn't do anything", I said.

"We're relieved to hear that", she said.

"Then what is this all about?" he asked.

Isabella walked into the living room, and gasped with her lips, saying, "What are you doing here?!"

"Since Isabel is here, I'll get right to it," I remarked.

Their faces turned serious.

"Sir/ma'am, I've been seeing your daughter for the last couple of months. I'm in love with her," I said.

"We're now in a serious relationship," I explained.

They were astonished and glanced at each other. Their attention was drawn to Isabella, their only daughter.

"Everything he said is true", she bowed.

They turned to me. "We don't even know you."

"What do you want to know about me, sir/ma'am? Please ask me", I said.

"You, your family, your occupation", he said.

"I'm Luke Abrams", I said.

"YOU WHAT?!", she said.

They got up from their seats on the spur of the moment.

"ABRAMS?! SILAS SON? The owner of EMPIRE MINES?", he said.

Their faces were covered in shock.

"Yes sir", I said.

"I...I...can't believe it"

"We heard about your gossip... and..", said her mother.

"Don't believe everything they say, ma'am; that's how the press works," I advised.

"You said the news was fake?", he asked.

"This is me, sir, I need one woman for the rest of my life", I said.

They sat back.

"I'm at a loss for words," he said.

"Did your parents approve of this relationship?", he asked.

"I haven't told them yet. I don't care if they disagree. Isabella is my wife", I looked at Isabella.

Tears trickled from her eyes as she smiled.

"We believe in love. We have experienced it up to this point. We approved your relationship", he said.

"We won't separate you", she said.

"Is this real?" I said.

"Take care of our daughter", he patted my shoulder.

"She is in good hands, sir", I said.

"Sir/ma'am, may I take Isabella out on a date?" I asked,

They exchanged smiles. "Take her", he said.

"Mom, dad, thank you!", she dashed to her parents and hugged them.

"Did you just give us permission, Sir? I mean, you can take some time to think about it", I said.

"Absolutely no necessity. You wouldn't dare to meet us if you were a bad person," he continued.

"I can't thank you enough", I said.

As her parents disappeared into their own space, I cuddled her to my body.

"How was my performance, Mrs. Luke?", i said

"A bomb! I'm sweating over here.", said Isabella.

"I won't wait any longer, Isabella", I said.

She enveloped my neck. "Yet, I'm glad it happened. You did it, Mr. Luke"

"I've one more surprise for you".I picked up a gift box that I placed on the couch.

She accepted the box and asked, "What's this?"

"Open it", I said.

She lifted the lid, "Magnificent!", when the blue gown caught her eye.

"Do you like it?", I asked.

"I adore it!" she exclaimed as she pulled out a blue gown.

"Hang tight, I'll be back", she pecked my lips.

(Isabella POV)

I undressed and started putting on makeup.

I tucked in a royal blue sleeveless v-neck gown. Last touch, I colored my lips with pink nude lipstick. I posed in my heels and looked at myself in the mirror, Mrs. Luke, you're set!

When I stepped into the living room, his eyes surveyed me from head to toe, his lips saying, WOW!

I pivoted and exposed my bare shoulder, saying, "Like what you see, Mr. Luke"

He rose from his chair, the tip of his finger grazing my arm."You're fantastic", he said softly, kissing my shoulder.

"Why don't we spend a little time in my cabin?" he said as he turned me around.

"We have a date to attend to, Mr. Luke," I said as my fingers caressed his chest to curl around his neck.

"Perhaps another time," I said.

He looked down with a smile, "Let's get going, and get back early", he said.

He pushed open his car door.

"What a gentleman", I said.

"I appreciate your compliment, Mrs. Luke"

We buckled up and drove away.

"You haven't told me where we're going," I pointed out.

"It's a surprise. You'll treasure it." he assured.

We arrived at the restaurant.

He kissed my knuckles and said, "I'd like to refuel our energy before our spectacular night."

"Perfect, my stomach is growling", I said.

I slid my hand up his arm. When we walked in, I spotted a round table with a flower-shaped candle on top and two chairs facing each other. On the outskirts of the room, it is surrounded by a bed of vibrant flowers and illuminated by oval-shaped lamps.

He drew my chair, I took a seat. The waiter approached us with a bottle of wine. He filled our glasses with wine and then left our table.

"The restaurant deserted or only for a couple?", I asked.

"I rent the restaurant", he said.

She gaped.

"It's our night, just the two of us," he said, taking my hand in his.

"Come here, Isabel, sit on my lap," he said.

"No! They are watching us", I said.

"Let them watch, Isabel", he said.

"I'm not doing it in public", I said.

"Oh, you wanna do it in my room?", he smirked.

"This isn't the time for sexy stuff," I explained.

The waiter interrupted us as he served the food.

"That idiot wrecked my mood" he said.

I laughed.

Luke drew me to the dance floor after we finished our dinner.

Romantic music is playing, and he spins me and back into his arms.

"Allow me to make you mine, Isabel", he said.

"Take me, Luke", I said.

"Isabella...", he said

He carried me inside his car. He tugged me to his side, and I rested my head on his chest.

The car halted right at his place.

He slapped his arm around my waist. Our tongues glided into one other's mouths.

He locked the door. I turned around, my heart skipped a beat when he stripped me bare.

"Incredible!" he exclaimed, his voice deep.

His hands traced the curves of my body, inducing a burning sensation in me.

"Show me, Isabella," he said, his breath becoming thick.

My cheek flustered, not daring to look him in the eyes.

"Look me in the eyes, Isabella," he said, as he raised my chin.

I lost myself the instant I met those penetrating green eyes.

He put his face to mine. His lips brushed my cheek as he took my hands away from my breast.

I let out a soft moan when he squeezed my breast.

He loosened my lips before placing me on the bed. He climbed on top of me, his tongue nibbling on my n******. He went down, yanked on my underwear, and exposed my precious part. He planted a kiss while his tongue traveled up and down.

"ahh...", I gripped his hair.

He pushed his middle finger inside my untouched vagina, sending electric jolts through my body. I moaned loudly.

He stripped off his pants, flaunting his big c***.

He thrust in


He pushed harder till it splintered. He interlaced his finger in mine and moved quicker inside me. He sat me on top of him and let his part go within. He rocked my world, with each position.

We left gasping for air.

"Promise me, you won't leave me," he said, gazing at me intently."

"I promise. I'll always be with you, even if the world is against us," I said.

He sealed it off with a kiss.