
The Arrival of the Emotionless Manipulator

The Arrival of the Emotionless Manipulator The fanfic "The Arrival of the Emotionless Manipulator" follows the story of a mysterious character who travels to the world of Naruto and gains strange abilities from a mysterious ROB. He is an emotionless manipulator who cares only for power and control, and as he delves deeper into the world of Naruto, he uses his abilities to manipulate people and situations to his advantage while uncovering dark and dangerous secrets of the universe. However, the more power he acquires, the closer he comes to an inevitable confrontation with forces beyond his understanding. Will he be able to maintain his advantage and achieve his objectives without losing himself in his own manipulative game?

traveler_dream · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs

Chapter 1: The Arrival of the Emotionless Manipulator

He couldn't remember how he got there. The last place he remembered being was in an underground laboratory surrounded by advanced scientific equipment. But now, he was in a completely different world.

He looked around, taking in the tall trees and wooden houses. He saw people wearing strange clothes and carrying old-fashioned weapons. He didn't know what kind of world he had reincarnated into.

But he didn't care. He didn't care about anything. He was an emotionless manipulator, a remorseless psychopath. He had been created in a laboratory, where he had been subjected to experiments that made him this way.

But something changed when he arrived in this world. He felt a strange energy pulsing through his body. He felt stronger, more powerful.

He didn't know what it was, but he knew he needed to explore more to find out.

He began walking through the village, watching the people pass by. He saw children playing, merchants haggling, and ninja trainees.

He decided he needed to learn more about this world. He needed to figure out how things worked here so he could manipulate people to his advantage.

That's when he stumbled upon a strange device floating in an empty street. It was a mysterious ROB, introducing itself as a robotic assistant that would aid him in his journey.

The emotionless manipulator decided to test his abilities and asked the ROB to grant him a power that would make him even more powerful.

The ROB granted his request, and the emotionless manipulator felt a wave of energy wash over him. He felt like he could control the world around him, like he could manipulate people's minds to his will.

He smiled, but there was no joy in his expression. He was just pleased that he was even more powerful now.

He began practicing his new ability, manipulating the people around him to do his bidding. He made merchants give him food and money without paying, and even convinced local guards to let him into restricted areas of the village.

He didn't care about the consequences of his actions. He had no emotions to feel guilt or remorse. He just wanted power and control.

And so, the emotionless manipulator began his journey in this strange world, determined to dominate and manipulate it to his will. And with his new power, he knew nothing could stop him.