

A boy seemingly no older than eleven lay on a sandy shore, unconscious. He seemed to be of Asian decent, as his short, black hair shined almost unnaturally along with the sun above him.

His clothes seem like those for cold climates, as his arms were covered by the long, white sleeves of his shirt. But, the sands of a beach on afternoon could not be considered a cold area, as the boy shifted uncomfortably.

The boy seemed stirred, his face warping from somewhat calm to scared, almost as if a trauma from the past showed itself to him in his sleep, or something of the sort. The waves came closer, sometimes splashing water.

The boy woke up suddenly, opening his eyes to a bright blue sky. The fear on his face disappeared as if it never was there. He examined himself warily, ending after he stood up. He didn't know much, he wasn't even sure who he was. But he knew one thing, and that was that he was lost in unfamiliar lands.

-- -- --

Where am I? Or rather, who am I? I don't remember much, only that I was surrounded by people, almost asleep...I think. My memory ends there, along with a blinding light. I may not know where I am, or even who I am, but I know that this place feels dangerous.

I tried moving myself, dragging my limbs across the sand, bringing myself up. I looked around, finding myself in a beach, bordered by a large forest to my feet. To where my head originally laid was a vast sea. Maybe I was swept away from somewhere by the tide?

No, I would've been drowned if that happened. No matter my origin, I still don't know where I am. I examined myself, seeing my clothes relatively intact, albeit covered in sand.




Maybe, just maybe can find out where I am if I climb a hill or something similar. It might not help me find out where I am exactly, but maybe I can familiarize myself with the surrounding so I can plan from there.

Yea, let's do that.

I tried following the coastline to my right, only finding a long line of boulders too steep to climb. A wall of boulders covered my path when I aimed to my left. If I swam past, I could try to swim past the boulders, but I'm not confident in my swimming skill. And so, I resolved myself and headed towards the forest, as the sun shined above me.

Checking the pockets of my dirty pants as I walked through the forest, I found sand, sand and sand. Oh, and a small candy bar in it's wrapper, neatly sealed. Neat

-- -- --

'Wonder how people put stuff in these sealed wrappers.' The boy pondered, as put it back in his pocket for later.

The jungle seemed all encompassing as he went further into the jungle, casting an enormous shadow on the boy as he walked.

He tried looking for any wildlife, but the forest was silent, which unsettled him.

'Now that I think about it, what was my name again? Everyone, my mom, my dad, even my brother had a name that I memorized, so why have I forgotten mine?'

In a dilemma in his mind after uncovering another forgotten memory, he walked blankly, in deep thought paying no mind to what was in front of him as he murmured...

"Maybe it was Emerson? No, wait, that's the name of my old friend. So what was it...may-ah."

...Until a tree root tripped him from atop a hill, making him tumble down, almost comically. He blacked out whilst he fell down to the foot of the rocky elevation.

Meanwhile, a pair of glowing, blue eyes observed him from a large bush, it's impetus unknown.

I am now at peace with my writing, come, see and judge before I redo this out of spite for myself.

Ywefacreators' thoughts