
The Archivist's Ploy: A Tale of One Against The World

Far above the horizon, beyond the clouds and the apocalyptic storms under it, hovered a yellow-haired old-looking man. His yellow eyes gave off a bright radiance, and countless books floated around him. Throughout history, the man was known by many names, (The Watcher - The Chronicler - The Historian - The Custodian - The Recordkeeper) But during this Era, he was known as The Archivist. The Archivist's perception inspected thousands of kilometers far and wide, Yet 'Nothing interesting is happening' His frustration grew 'What's the point of a worldwide perception if there's no apposite change to perceive?' 'The world has become mundane' 'And no one is doing anything about it' Ergo, The Archivist will take matters into his own hands 'I'll orchestrate a worldwide, All-embracing scheme against an oblivious individual' With a sinister smile on his face, he devised his plan 'Turn the entire world into a person's antagonist, Then enjoy the show' And he had the perfect plot for it 'First, Utter Despair that would cause immense Pain' 'Then, More Despair that would turn the Pain to Loathe' 'Then, As the Loathe grows, The Despair will transform into Rage' 'The Rage will make the Being Crave Revenge, and the intense Crave will result in Devotion to his goal' 'Finally, The Despair, Pain, Loathe, Crave, and Devotion will all be used as fuel for the Rage, Transforming it into an even extremer emotion' "WRATH" How would a single person unleash his Wrath against the entire world? 'That's what I'm going to find out' "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" The Archivist's maniacal laughter echoed loudly 'The world is about to be entertaining' He looked up and asked with a reverberating, Bleak voice "Who will be the unlucky one?"

Adhaman · ファンタジー
295 Chs


Leus walked out of the basement and noticed something interesting

'They changed the design of the House'

Somehow, there was now an exit directly from this room to the outside, and some guys were carrying the dust and debris out of this room and bringing the materials inside.

Leus looked outside and noticed that there were big walls built around the house and there was a gate, just like the gate of the Base.

'Seems like a lot has changed here too'

Leus was just impressed by the changes, but a loud sound pulled him out of his thoughts

"Bring more wood!!! And clear the area of dust!!!"

There was a brown-haired middle-aged man giving commands and supervising the process.

Leus was looking at the man

'This must be the engineer that guy spoke about, I never seen him before'

Suddenly, the man turned around and locked eyes with Leus, for a moment, he was taken aback by Leus' appearance, but he quickly regained his wits and spoke

"Why are you not doing anything?"

"Hmm? What?"

"It's the first time I see you, are you new here?"

Leus shook his head

"No, it's not lik-"

"Then carry some wood in or some dust out"

"Oh? I wish I could help, but I have to meet Scar first"

The man just waved his hand with an annoyed expression on his face

"If you aren't going to do anything useful then go away, you're wasting my time and taking unnecessary space in the room."

Although the man was being rude, Leus didn't feel offended at all

'It's amusing'

He didn't say anything to the engineer and walked out of the room.

He walked to the lobby and was cleaning his shirt and pants from the dust when he heard a voice he immediately recognized

"Boss! Welcome back, it's so amazing to see you again!"

"Maxton? Hello, it's nice to see you too"

Maxton shook Leus' hand vigorously with a bright smile on his face

'Such a fanatic indeed'

"Where is Scar and the rest?"

"They're inside, let me take you to them"

Maxton walked Leus a couple of steps to the lobby then pushed the curtains open.

Scar, Bones, and Kyle were discussing something among themselves, but when they saw Leus, the three stood up.

Kyle immediately came to greet him

"Saint! Welcome back, how are you doing?"

"I'm well, what about you, Kyle?"

He said jokingly

"The Boss is drowning us in work, save us!!"

"I can help with that"

Leus cast Mana Augmentation on Kyle, immediately restoring his stamina

"Oh wow, magic is wonderful ... thank you so much, I feel a lot better."

"I'll create more Po- Holy Water before I leave"

Scar and Bones were also standing and waiting to greet Leus, so Leus got closer to them and then he felt something different.

'A Knight?'

Leus concentrated on Scar's aura that he was now sensing in his Domain and then grinned

"You evolved"

Scar nodded

"I did, about 2 or so weeks back!"


"It would have never happened without you, Leus, I owe you a lot."

Bones added

"We owe you a lot"

Leus just waved his hand

"Don't make it about me, you trained a lot to achieve it"

Leus shook both Scar's and Bones' hands then the four sat down, Maxton stood behind Leus' seat.

Leus sighed

'Is he still into all that Escort thing?'

But he didn't say anything about it and just looked at Scar

"So how are things going?"

"Overall, things are going well, but a couple of things happened, I'll let Bones explain the details."

Leus looked at Bones and waited for his elaboration, and Bones started talking

"Three days after the incident with the Crimson Guards, they came again, but this time they didn't enter our area.

Instead, they drew a long Crimson Line around the entire area from all four sides.

I assume that if we'd have been able to see it from above it'd be like a rectangle of sorts."

Bones paused, so Leus asked

"What is that line for?"

"They didn't explicitly say anything, matter of fact, they hardly talk. But from the way it seems, they're doing it to stop us from expanding any further.

Whenever we got out in groups they followed us, and there was always a guard or two somewhere around the line.

When I asked one of them to say clearly what they wanted he said

(I'm just following orders)

Unable to understand what was going on, and not looking for any more trouble, we decided to stop expanding."

Leus scratched his chin in thought

'These bastards are smart, I told him that I don't want any policies in my current and future territory, but I didn't think they'd just wait outside of it.'

He asked Bones

"Is that causing you any problems?"

Bones shook his head

"No, not really. Actually, regardless of them, we'd have slowed down on expanding anyway.

Our territory is really big now. We control the area that previously 5 gangs and two Protectors controlled, there's no need to push things further."

"I see, that's pretty good. So, what are you all doing now?"

Scar replied

"Remember my original plan?"

"To leave the city?"

Scar nodded

"Yeah, I planned on causing a ruckus near a gate and then escaping, right?"


"Well, I thought of a much better idea"


Scar smirked

"Exactly! We began with a test tunnel about 600 meters long, it's the one to the base. Since it is perfectly built, now I'm planning for something much longer."

"How long?"

Scar shrugged

"I don't know, the main tunnel will probably be 10 Kilometers or maybe 15, it should lead to the outside of the city walls, all your share is being spent on this project. The plan is to ultimately build a huge tunnel network that we fully control."

"I see ... well, it's a pretty good plan, but make sure not to get caught, otherwise, it'll be quite troublesome."

"Don't worry, we won't"

"When do you expect it to be over?"

"I don't know that either, but it won't be soon, it'll take at least months. Even the engineer doesn't know. But he said that it has a high success probability"

Bones said with a chuckle

"Probability? The engineer's life depends on the success of this, that man is taking too much money."

They all laughed then Leus asked

"What about you two? Kyle and Bones, assuming that the tunnel works, are you two going to leave the city with Scar?"

