
The Archivist's Ploy: A Tale of One Against The World

Far above the horizon, beyond the clouds and the apocalyptic storms under it, hovered a yellow-haired old-looking man. His yellow eyes gave off a bright radiance, and countless books floated around him. Throughout history, the man was known by many names, (The Watcher - The Chronicler - The Historian - The Custodian - The Recordkeeper) But during this Era, he was known as The Archivist. The Archivist's perception inspected thousands of kilometers far and wide, Yet 'Nothing interesting is happening' His frustration grew 'What's the point of a worldwide perception if there's no apposite change to perceive?' 'The world has become mundane' 'And no one is doing anything about it' Ergo, The Archivist will take matters into his own hands 'I'll orchestrate a worldwide, All-embracing scheme against an oblivious individual' With a sinister smile on his face, he devised his plan 'Turn the entire world into a person's antagonist, Then enjoy the show' And he had the perfect plot for it 'First, Utter Despair that would cause immense Pain' 'Then, More Despair that would turn the Pain to Loathe' 'Then, As the Loathe grows, The Despair will transform into Rage' 'The Rage will make the Being Crave Revenge, and the intense Crave will result in Devotion to his goal' 'Finally, The Despair, Pain, Loathe, Crave, and Devotion will all be used as fuel for the Rage, Transforming it into an even extremer emotion' "WRATH" How would a single person unleash his Wrath against the entire world? 'That's what I'm going to find out' "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" The Archivist's maniacal laughter echoed loudly 'The world is about to be entertaining' He looked up and asked with a reverberating, Bleak voice "Who will be the unlucky one?"

Adhaman · ファンタジー
295 Chs

The Lords

(The ∅ Lord: The Archivist

In the grand tapestry of our world, The Archivist stands as an immortal spectator, devoid of personal goals.

His sole purpose is the accurate documentation of every significant event, no matter how infinitesimal it may seem.

Across countless Eras, The Archivist has borne witness to the ebb and flow of civilizations. The rise and fall of empires, the intricate dance of power, and the myriad paths humans tread for dominance and power—all have unfolded under his unblinking gaze.

Humanity, with its boundless potential, often weaves its own tale of demise. Civilizations crumble for reasons as seemingly trivial as a slight disrespect toward a Lord, or succumb to the forces of nature.

Amidst the chaos, The Archivist remains an unchangeable presence—ever-watchful, ever-observant, and unceasingly committed to his sacred duty of documentation.)

Leus was both confused and impressed

'What does he mean by ∅? Does he mean that the Archivist is out of the rating?'

'Also ... is he talking about himself?'

He read the cover again and on it, it was clearly written that it was The Archivist's book

'Well, I guess he's talking about himself ... Maybe from a neutral perspective?'

'Nonetheless, it's impressive, He simply dedicated his life to documenting'

' ... I wonder how many books he wrote'

'Probably more than I can read in a lifetime'

Leus chuckled and flipped the page

(The First Lord: The Hurricane Lord, Tempest of the Skies:

In the celestial hierarchy of Lords, The Hurricane commands the domain of Wind with unparalleled mastery.

Legend whispers that over two millennia past, he conjured a Colossal Cyclone, shrouding the entirety of the Middle Continent—a feat that etched his name in history as The Hurricane.

The Hurricane possesses the capacity to unleash devastation on a massive scale. The echoes of his power reverberate through tales of severe destruction, a testament to his formidable might.

However, a veil of mystery envelops him, and his current whereabouts remain concealed from the prying eyes of the public. For centuries, no news has surfaced concerning his actions or whereabouts, yet a shadow of doubt cast upon his existence remains, for none dare to doubt the continued pulse of this enigmatic Lord.

The Hurrican Lord *REDACTED* 



' ... The Hurricane Lord seems pretty cool, But why is information regarding him Redacted?'

'Shouldn't the Archivist do something about the people messing with his books, He's a great Lord after all ...'

Leus sighed and flipped the page

(The Second and Third Lords, Raging Fire and Blizzard, Mystifying Kinship:

In the shrouded realm of Lords, the relationship between Raging Fire and Blizzard is an enigma, obscured by the veils of ambiguity.

Are they lovers, siblings, parent and child, or merely steadfast allies?

The truth eludes the curious minds of the world, yet the void of certainty has not halted the creation of Love Poetry spun around their mysterious bond.

Their renown spans the world, their contrasting affinities earning them a place in the whispers of every tale.

Raging Fire, the embodiment of Fire and Wrath, wields the unbridled force of flames.

Blizzard, his counterpart, an ethereal enchantress whose touch is the chill of ice.

Their specific abode remains elusive, a whispered rumor placing them atop a volcano veiled in ice, concealed within the Northern Continent's heart.

Whether it be by choice or design, the mystery surrounding Raging Fire and Blizzard only deepens, leaving the world to wonder at the nature of their connection.)

Leus wasn't interested in their love story, but something else

'That's interesting ... Two Lords allied, Doesn't that make them the strongest in the world?'

'Maybe they can rule the world if they want to ...'

Leus flipped the page

(The Fourth Lord, The Ancient Dragon Lord, Sovereign of Scales:

In the annals of ancient history, The Ancient Dragon Lord stands as a living relic, a being as timeless as the very fabric of the world itself. An immortal entity, he might well be as ancient as the dawn of creation, or so the legends claim.

Regardless, the heart of the Dragon Lord's concerns lies within his territorial domain—the famed Draconic Domain—an expanse as vast and enduring as the scales that encase his mighty form. Rarely, if ever, does he stray beyond its borders.

His supremacy does not solely stem from his individual might; it is the assembly of loyal subjects that elevates him to unparalleled heights.

Countless Dragons bend to his will, rendering him a force to be reckoned with.

While he might face challenges beyond the confines of his turf, within the Draconic Domain, he transforms into an indomitable force.

To confront him on his home ground is a monumental task, a venture that few dare to undertake, for success demands overwhelming might or the dire risk of inevitable failure.)

'Hmm ... The ruler of the Draconic Domain'

'Perhaps he stops the dragons from going outside of the domain? and in return, humans never step inside?'

'It's possible'

Leus Flipped the page and continued reading

(The Fifth Lord, The Demon Lord, Enigmatic Matron of the North:

In the frigid embrace of the Northern Continent, the enigmatic Demon Lord rules.

Her azure skin and twin horns mark her as an otherworldly entity.

The specific race from which she hails remains veiled in uncertainty, her origins shrouded in the mists of the unknown.

Her ethereal presence has only graced the Northern Continent, where countless demon clans revere her as their ancestral figure.

Monuments, colossal and profound, stand as tributes to her influence, etching her name into the very fabric of their history.

Despite her looming influence, the Demon Lord remains aloof from the affairs of humanity. She has not deigned to tread beyond the bounds of the Northern Continent, and it appears that her distant observation of human matters shall persist.)

Leus smirked

'A female demon that is an ancestor to all the demon clans ... Hmm Only one thing comes to mind'

It was something he heard about in his old life, but that's why he quickly lost interest and flipped the page

(The Sixth Lord, The Flood Lord, Aquatic Enigma:

Beneath the shifting tides and currents, the elusive Flood Lord reigns with an affinity for Water that echoes through the depths.

His current whereabouts remain a tantalizing mystery, whispered to be concealed beneath the aqueous embrace of the oceans.

A myth as ancient as the ebbing tides declares that The Flood Lord created The Blue River, an aquatic marvel that winds through the ages.

Whether this tale bears the weight of truth remains elusive.

The waters may hold the key to his submerged dominion, yet the truth remains as elusive as the currents that weave through the Ocean's vast expanse.)

Leus was skeptical

'Created a river? Isn't that a stretch?'

'Maybe ... With enough Mana, it's not impossible.'

'I can create a pit of water, Maybe Arno can create a lake, So I guess it's possible'

'But how much Mana would one need to create a river?'

'I'm not really convinced'

(The Seventh Lord, The Veiled Serpent Lord:

In the boundless expanse of the skies, the Veiled Serpent Lord, a figure of profound mystery, reigns as the master of all Beasts that roam below. His ethereal presence, cloaked in illusion, veils the true extent of his dominion over the creatures that tread the earth.

With a serpent's wisdom and an illusionist's artistry, he stands as the unseen sovereign, guiding the destinies of the Beasts beneath his watchful gaze.

As the custodian of the Beast Kingdom, the Veiled Serpent Lord orchestrates trials for those deemed worthy. Beasts of valor and strength are forced to face these mystic challenges, and those who succeed are rewarded with the gift of Evolution—a transformation that elevates them to greater heights, unlocking potential and securing their place as noble denizens of the wild.)

'What exactly is a Serpent?'

'Is it some kind of bird?'

'But I remember that Serpents looked like snakes ...'

Leus flipped the page, and when he read the name of the next Lord, his eyes gleamed.

(The 8th Lord, The Summoning Lord, Enigma from Distant Realms:

Whispers traverse the realms of legend about The Summoning Lord, a figure shrouded in mystery, rumored to have originally belonged to a world beyond our own.

His arcane practices have stirred controversy among scholars and common folk alike.

The Summoning Lord's true goals elude the grasp of speculation, though it seems he embarks on a quest to find someone—someone crucial to an unknown destiny.

Master of advanced Summoning Magic, he weaves spells that defy the boundaries between realities, conjuring forth countless beings, humans included.

Yet, a chilling aspect taints this art; should the summoned entity not be the sought-after individual, it faces an abrupt demise, replaced by another in an endless cycle.

Debates about The Summoning Lord have echoed through the corridors of time. Is he an ally to humanity or an enigmatic force with inscrutable motives?

Despite centuries of discourse, the debates persist in perpetual uncertainty.

The practices of The Summoning Lord have become a taboo, veiled in secrecy and guarded by the shadows that enshroud his mysterious existence.)


'Why did they draw such a black image of him, he's a pretty nice guy!'

'It's not like they lied tho ...'

'But damn ... The Archivist's information is scarily accurate'

'He truly knows everything ...'

Thinking of that, Leus flipped the page

(The 9th Lord, The Escape Artist, Phantom of Pursuit:

Another figure wrapped in an aura of mystery, the Escape Artist dances through the veils of rumors that weave around him, a spectral enigma that eludes understanding.

Whispers tell of his peculiar exploits, tales of him infiltrating Mansions, Palaces, and Castles solely to declare his presence.

A curious twist follows as he offers a reward to those who dare to catch him, initiating a thrilling game of pursuit. Yet, the enigma deepens as he employs no supernatural prowess during his daring escapes.

He remains an elusive phantom, having never been apprehended, and rumors circulate that he orchestrates these pursuits merely for his amusement.

The nature of his affinity and Skills remains as mysterious as his motive, but a peculiar trait distinguishes him—he inflicts no harm.

He invades spaces, leaving nothing but the echoes of his presence, enjoying the chase before vanishing like a ghost into the night.)

Leus chuckled

'This guy is living life'

'Imagine just becoming so powerful only to fulfill your childhood dreams of playing chase, There are indeed all kinds of people.'

Leus tried to Imagine what the Escape Artist would look like compared to all the other Lords

'He seems very out of place ...'

(The 10th Lord, The Great Mother, Guardian of Life's Tapestry:

In the ancient pages of time, alongside the likes of The Dragon Lord, stands the venerable figure known as The Great Mother—an entity whose existence is entwined with the very fabric of the world.

The Great Mother is no ordinary Dryad; her affinity transcends the realms of flora and fauna, reaching into the essence of Life itself.

She embarks on a ceaseless journey across the world as a guardian of flourishing life.

Barren lands find renewal in her presence, and where destruction has wrought devastation, she transforms into a colossal tree, a harbinger of life's resurgence.

After every fall of civilizations, The Great Mother emerges as a vital force, hastening the recovery of ravaged lands.

Her benevolent spirit wanders beyond Kingdoms and into the heart of verdant forests, a beacon of hope and renewal.

Described as a vision of beauty, she bears green skin and luminous emerald eyes.

Those fortunate enough to encounter her speak of her friendliness and willingness to aid those who seek her assistance. Yet, a word of caution resonates in the tales: those who incur her displeasure risk a swift transformation into desiccated husks, a stark reminder of the delicate balance she maintains as The Guardian of Life's Intricate Tapestry.)

Leus was impressed

'She sounds like an amazing being'

'Kind and scary at the same time'

Leus felt respect for her efforts and flipped to the last page

(The ∞ Lord, The Undead Lord, Phantom of Obscurity:

In the cryptic annals of Lords, a shadowy figure emerges—The Undead Lord—an enigma whose powers elude comprehension, and whose very existence veils itself in impenetrable mystery.

No rumors whisper through the air, no shreds of information flutter in the wind; the Undead Lord remains an elusive phantom, even to the scrutiny of fellow Lords.

An impenetrable shroud surrounds his every move, rendering his whereabouts unknown and his actions unseen.

During the Era that was called (The Zenith of Radiance), The Lords gathered in a clandestine assembly to unravel the mystery that enshrouded the Undead Lord,

a spectral phantom eluding even the keenest eyes among them.

As the debate unfolded, the room resonated with hushed voices, each Lord offering their insight.

Eventually, the assembly coalesced around two prevailing conclusions.

Some believed that the Undead Lord chose seclusion, a solitary figure nestled in the shadows of his abode.

Others, however, feared the darker alternative—that he was a harbinger of death, extinguishing the lives of any who dared to gaze upon his spectral visage.

Thus, in the Zenith of Radiance, the Lords departed the assembly hall with no definitive answer, and to this day, the Undead Lord remains a specter, a phantom wrapped in the shadows of his own obscurity.)

'That's ... unique?'

'And what does ∞ mean?'

'Also, if no one saw him, How can The Archivist be sure that he really exists and not just a myth?'

'Oh well'