
The Archivist's Ploy: A Tale of One Against The World

Far above the horizon, beyond the clouds and the apocalyptic storms under it, hovered a yellow-haired old-looking man. His yellow eyes gave off a bright radiance, and countless books floated around him. Throughout history, the man was known by many names, (The Watcher - The Chronicler - The Historian - The Custodian - The Recordkeeper) But during this Era, he was known as The Archivist. The Archivist's perception inspected thousands of kilometers far and wide, Yet 'Nothing interesting is happening' His frustration grew 'What's the point of a worldwide perception if there's no apposite change to perceive?' 'The world has become mundane' 'And no one is doing anything about it' Ergo, The Archivist will take matters into his own hands 'I'll orchestrate a worldwide, All-embracing scheme against an oblivious individual' With a sinister smile on his face, he devised his plan 'Turn the entire world into a person's antagonist, Then enjoy the show' And he had the perfect plot for it 'First, Utter Despair that would cause immense Pain' 'Then, More Despair that would turn the Pain to Loathe' 'Then, As the Loathe grows, The Despair will transform into Rage' 'The Rage will make the Being Crave Revenge, and the intense Crave will result in Devotion to his goal' 'Finally, The Despair, Pain, Loathe, Crave, and Devotion will all be used as fuel for the Rage, Transforming it into an even extremer emotion' "WRATH" How would a single person unleash his Wrath against the entire world? 'That's what I'm going to find out' "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" The Archivist's maniacal laughter echoed loudly 'The world is about to be entertaining' He looked up and asked with a reverberating, Bleak voice "Who will be the unlucky one?"

Adhaman · ファンタジー
295 Chs

The Exam

Leus walked into the Guild, And his first impression was

'It looks just like a cafeteria'

It was basically a huge hall, Like a big cafeteria

The first half of the hall had many rectangular tables on both the right and the left sides, and at the other end there were 4 reception desks, three of which had a female receptionist behind them, and the fourth had a male.

Leus looked around him and inspected his surroundings

On the right end of the hall there was a wall that had many posts on it and at the northern end of the wall there were stairs.

'That wall probably has the Missions on it'

On the left end, there was a stall that had various objects on it, From stone-like objects to swords to armor, and many other shiny objects as well

Behind that stall, there was an old man sitting on a chair and reading a newspaper.

'I guess this is some sort of a shop'

People mostly gathered in groups around the tables, The size of the groups varied between 3 and 6, and only very few were sitting along

After Leus was done looking around him he looked forward, at the reception desks

'Three females, Each one with a different hair color ... interesting'

The male had red hair, like one of the females, And the other two females had blue and brown hairs

Blaze and Leus walked towards the desk that had a red-haired female behind it, and while they were doing that, Leus noticed that many people were looking at him

Some only glanced and then whispered to each other, while others fixed their gaze on him without averting their eyes

'I think those who glanced are talking about my hair color, While the others are focusing on my aura'

A specific man pointed at Leus and said in an enthusiastic tone

"That's a pretty good catch, Blaze"

When the man said that some of the people who were looking at Leus with interest looked at the man with disdain

Simultaneously, the whispers increased

Blaze nonchalantly kept walking forward toward the receptionist

When he reached, she welcomed him with a smile

"Welcome, Sir Blaze"

"Hello, Lisa"

"What brings you here today?"

Blaze looked at Leus

Leus understood the gesture and moved forward

"I want to register as a member"

Lisa eyed Leus up and down and quickly noticed his sword

She opened a drawer and brought out some papers then asked

"As a Knight, Correct?"

"No, A Warrior-Mage"

Lisa looked at Leus with interest, Then she looked at Blaze for confirmation

Blaze nodded at her

Lisa looked back at Leus and asked

"Are you aware that to gain this role you have to pass the exam?"


"Very well, Give me a moment"

After she said that, she got up and walked to a door further behind her, knocked on it, then entered

A few minutes later Lisa came out with a man and they both came to Leus

Lisa stepped forward and introduced the man

"This is Master Ishaan Inferno, The Guild's Deputy Master

He's responsible for managing exams and entries for special roles"

Ishaan was a tall, red-haired man with red eyes

His body was well built but looked physically weaker than Blaze's, He looked quite confident, Even a bit condescending, and he had a red Emblem on his chest, The Emblem had the drawing of the Guild with bright orange flames both above and around it

He was wearing a red robe with a touch of majesty

Overall, He looked prestigious

Seeing the robe, Leus was almost certain that Ishaan was a magician

'He looks exactly like how you'd imagine a noble magician'

'Maybe he's Ignatius' son? Or brother'

The man inspected Leus and then spoke in a neutral tone

"Introduce yourself"

"My name is Leus Inferno, and I want to be a member of the Guild, A Warrior Mage"

Ishaan looked at Blaze

"Long time no see, Blaze, Is he your son?"


Ishaan nodded and looked at Leus

"I can tell from your aura that you are a Knight, But a Warrior Mage? You must pass the test"

"I understand"

"Follow me"

Ishaan went towards the stairs and went down, Leus and Blaze followed him underground

'I didn't notice that there was an underground floor here'

While Leus was thinking that to himself he heard noises behind him, So he looked behind

'What the -'

There were many, many people following them

When Blaze saw his confused expression he said

"They are coming to watch"


"Yeah, There's no reason not to, Some people are interested, others are just bored"

When Leus thought about it he realized

'That's ..... not surprising honestly'

They entered a hall as big as the hall above them, but it was mostly empty

Ishan looked at Leus and said

"This is the training hall, Walk inside the circle"

Leus looked around him, On the wall beside him there were many different swords, Long ones and short ones, and also wooden ones.

In the middle of the hall, there was a complicated-looking magic circle, Its diameter was around 30 meters.

Ishaan picked up one of the wooden swords and said

"The magic circle will generate a barrier that will stop all the magical attacks from exiting, So you can attack inside it without any worries.

The exam is simple, First, You attack me three times with magical attacks, and I'll evaluate the strength of your attacks, After that, I'll attack you three times with the sword, If you block two hits out of the three you succeed"

"I understand"

Leus stood at the edge of the circle and Ishaan stood in the middle of it

Ishaan put his hand on the circle and was doing something

Seeing that, Leus immediately activated Mana Vision to see exactly what he was doing

'He's charging the circle with mana, Just like the stones that illuminate my room.'

After Ishaan was done, a dome appeared above the circle, and Ishaan walked to the other end of the barrier

A crowd gathered around the dome to watch, usually, they'd bet on outcomes. But because Leus came with Blaze, an Elite Knight, it was clear Leus would pass. The only question was how well he'd do, and that's what people were talking about.

Leus listened to people talking about him, from interested to not caring to being downright rude. But he didn't let it bother him.

He never cared what others thought of him

'Just focus on the target'

Ishaan spoke

"Whenever you are ready"

Instantly Leus silently cast three spells and released them at full speed

Hydraulic, Dagger, and a Fire Ball

Ishaan's eyes opened wide


Nonetheless, he managed to block the dagger and the fireball with a stone wall

Leus was taking notice of what magic Ishaan was using

'Is that a stronger version of Shield'

Hydraulic passed the wall because of its speed, so Leus couldn't see exactly how Ishaan had blocked it

'But he definitely did block it'

After Leus' attack, The room became deathly silent.