
The Archivist's Ploy: A Tale of One Against The World

Far above the horizon, beyond the clouds and the apocalyptic storms under it, hovered a yellow-haired old-looking man. His yellow eyes gave off a bright radiance, and countless books floated around him. Throughout history, the man was known by many names, (The Watcher - The Chronicler - The Historian - The Custodian - The Recordkeeper) But during this Era, he was known as The Archivist. The Archivist's perception inspected thousands of kilometers far and wide, Yet 'Nothing interesting is happening' His frustration grew 'What's the point of a worldwide perception if there's no apposite change to perceive?' 'The world has become mundane' 'And no one is doing anything about it' Ergo, The Archivist will take matters into his own hands 'I'll orchestrate a worldwide, All-embracing scheme against an oblivious individual' With a sinister smile on his face, he devised his plan 'Turn the entire world into a person's antagonist, Then enjoy the show' And he had the perfect plot for it 'First, Utter Despair that would cause immense Pain' 'Then, More Despair that would turn the Pain to Loathe' 'Then, As the Loathe grows, The Despair will transform into Rage' 'The Rage will make the Being Crave Revenge, and the intense Crave will result in Devotion to his goal' 'Finally, The Despair, Pain, Loathe, Crave, and Devotion will all be used as fuel for the Rage, Transforming it into an even extremer emotion' "WRATH" How would a single person unleash his Wrath against the entire world? 'That's what I'm going to find out' "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" The Archivist's maniacal laughter echoed loudly 'The world is about to be entertaining' He looked up and asked with a reverberating, Bleak voice "Who will be the unlucky one?"

Adhaman · ファンタジー
295 Chs


Inside the house of a newlywed couple, a blue-haired beauty was trying to wake up her husband from his sleep

"Wake up honey"

Her husband, Felix, became an Elite Knight approximately two decades ago, which meant that he required only occasional sleep.

However, like many of his peers, he succumbed to complacency and abandoned the pursuit of further evolution after encountering a challenging bottleneck.

Content with securing a stable job and leading a semi-luxurious life, the idea of becoming stronger or advancing further was dismissed with a common excuse shared among most Elite Knights:

"There's no time for that."

And now, Felix spends his life enjoying the little things, Like nice food and good nights' sleep.

Felix stretched his body and asked for the classic

"5 More Minutes"

Then covered his face with the blankets and immediately started snoring

The blue-haired wife, Arleen, crossed her arms and furrowed her brows

"It's almost dawn already! and you just took 5 minutes.

Felix, If you don't get up now, I'll pour water on your face."

As soon as Felix heard the word water in the same sentence as his name from Arleen, his eyes shot open and his position changed from lying down to sitting

"Baby, don't be so serious."

"Hmph, Nobody told you to take the dawn shift, Could've opted for either the noon or the evening shift."

Felix stretched his hands again

"Honey, only the dawn and the night shifts pay extra, I wanted the night shift but you were adamant against it"

"OF COURSE!, What will I do alone all night? Did you marry me so you can spend the nights working and the days sleeping?

Now get up and quickly eat breakfast before it becomes cold"

Felix sighed and mumbled something Arleen didn't hear, Then got up and followed her to the lobby

"Yawn, What did my lovely Arleen cook for breakfast"

After hearing that from him, Arleen kept excitedly talking about her great cooking skills for a while,

Felix didn't concentrate on her words but gave occasional nods, Ah, and Hmm sounds, until he sat on the chair and saw the breakfast himself

'Eggs, Steak, and an apple, Delicious'

Seated at the table, Felix engaged in a mealtime conversation with his wife. Arleen took the lead in initiating most of the talk, as Felix, deeply engrossed in his food, responded to her questions without actively seeking to inquire about anything.

In all honesty, Felix would prefer if he ate in silence, however

'Eating in peace is good, but if I don't answer her questions then she becomes scary.'

Felix shivered remembering how on his first day after taking the dawn shift Arleen poured icy cold water on his face to wake him up.

"So how is work going"

"Ahmm, It's amazing, Yumm yumm.

Since the Young Master came, the Master became so busy he rarely gave us any work, And I didn't even see him the entire last week, He secluded himself somewhere in the library.

Sadly, yesterday was the last day of his seclusion, but still, I just never get any extra work anymore."

"Really? That's so good. Do you know anything about that Young Master?"

"Hmm? Anything like what?"

"His name, age, skills, I don't know, anything interesting?"

Felix shook his head

"Nope, no idea, I don't care."

" ... You should try to communicate with people more"

"Hmm, yum, sure, I'll keep that in -cough- mind."

Arleen waited for a minute so Felix could swallow his food and asked

"What could the Master be doing for an entire week in the Library?"

"Pahh and how will I know? Even if I could know I wouldn't bother asking because I don't really care.

Probably some fancy magic tricks that'd cost an arm and a leg."

"Ughh you're too boring, You don't know anything"

Felix nodded


Arleen sighed and changed the subject

"Did you hear the news? They're saying that a spy for the Dynasty was caught in a Duke's Mansion!

Something about him chasing all the Young Lords and Ladies and asking them weird questions.

The only reason he got caught is that one of the maids' daughters got jealous that he brought sweets for the other children to get them to answer his questions and didn't bring her anything, So she exposed him to her mother who reported him to the Mansions' Guards, Leading to him getting caught."

"Mhmmm ... Really? Strange, I recently heard something about a Dynasty spy getting caught as well, I don't remember the details but it's something about kidnapping a child of one of the nobles in the Vice Kingdom .... Looks like, Mhm, The Dynasty is up to something"

"They're definitely up to no good ... Why are they back of young kids? So scary ... Do you know anything about that? Did you hear the Librarian talking about it?"

Felix just shrugged and continued eating

Arleen sighed and changed the subject once more

"Anyway, Now that you are getting paid extra money, I want us to go and watch The Crimson Battle Royal tournament next year or the one after it!"

Felix's plate was finished, So he picked up the apple and started biting it

"*Munch* Is that so? Not a problem, If you still want to do that next year, then remind me. Now I have to *munch* go, I'm running late. *munch*"

Felix said that and got up and went to take a quick shower

After showering, Felix put on his blue armor, Kissed Arleen goodbye, and left the house in a good mood.

Felix walked to a specific spot and met another, Red haired man wearing identical blue armor,

That man was Robert, his partner in the dawn shift.

Felix nodded to Robert and they walked together, Heading to the Library

"How are you doing, Robert?"

"Everything is good, What about you, Felix?"

"Fine, I'm just not liking getting up at this time"

"Really? Well, It's worth the money"


They both laughed about it.

They walked together until they reached their destination, The Crimson Library.

The night shift Library Guards stood tall in front of the Library's door, waiting for Felix and Robert to arrive and relieve them of their duties.

Upon Felix and Robert's arrival, they exchanged handshakes with their fellow guards and took their positions.