
The Archangel of Fallen : Divinity Slayer

I, am the Heavenly Being who once occupied the highest rank among all beings in the universe. I am the only one who deserves to be honored by heaven and earth, Hell and Heaven, because I am the Archangel who rules over all domination. However, everything changed when I committed an unforgivable sin. And that sins too, has made me loses everything that I am proud of. They would call me a Cursed Being more evil than a Satan, they consider me to be an impure Being and they also consider me to be a being who destroys all hopes of Humans, Angels and all other living Beings. But what they didn't know, they had absolutely no apparent reason to think of me that way, because they knew absolutely nothing about me and how I could fall from all my Grace and Glory. However, even though they all think of me as such, I am still an Angel who will remain faithful to my Creator. I will fly back to Heaven, to cleanse every evil they have bestowed upon me. Because I, am the Archangel who can never fall! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Watch the Story of a Fallen Archangel, to return to Heaven and cleanse all his unforgivable sins in the latest Fanfic Story: ×The Archangel of Fallen: Divinity Slayer× © Highschool DxD • Ichie Ishibumi ©

Maulana_Skyiz · アニメ·コミックス
18 Chs

Chapter 4 : Master of darkness! The Fallen Archangel Has Finally Returned!

Master of darkness! The Fallen Archangel Has Finally Returned!


Chapter 4.

Night was approaching, darkening part of the earth's surface to pitch black, and indicating that the harsh day was finally over.

But such a thing does not seem to apply to two young boy and young girl who are around the Kuoh city park area. They both decided to take a break, after a full day of dating.

They are Issei and Yuuma, who just finished their first date. They have now decided to rest near a fountain in Kuoh City park.

"Ne, Issei. Don't you mind doing somethings for me?"

Yuuma, who from the beginning seemed to be hiding something, seemed to be starting to carry out her plan. By pretending to be an innocent girl, of course, Yuuma will very easily deceive and trick ordinary people in general.


In fact, the acting went very smoothly against Issei, the perverted young man didn't have the slightest suspicion of Yuuma who was actually planning something for him.

Hearing this, made Yuuma unravel the smile on her face, and as a result, the smile managed to make her beauty even more, according to Issei. But actually, the smile contains a very, very unexpected meaning.

"Then, die for me!"

Yuuma, who previously had the face of an innocent teenage girl, has now turned into a woman aged 20 years and over who has a sharp gaze. Instantly the clothes she was wearing were torn, revealing all parts of her naked body.

This incident, in fact, did not make Issei frightened or anything like that, in fact, he felt very excited when he saw Yuuma's naked body. Didn't know what's on his mind, but it's too late, Yuuma has entered the final part of her plan.

Yuuma's naked body was instantly wrapped in forest cloths that appeared out of nowhere, and on the back of her back, two pairs of black wings appeared. From her right hand, a purplish light spear emerged.

Issei immediately fell to his feet when he saw the perfect change from Yuuma, who originally looked like an innocent teenage girl, has now turned into a woman aged 20 years and above, and even more surprising, the appearance of a pair of jet-black wings on her back.

"Playing a date game with you feels very exciting, Issei-kun."

The woman smiled very broadly when she saw Issei who was scared to death. Yuuma, from the beginning, was actually not an ordinary human, but a supernatural being, who had more power than ordinary humans in general.

she went on a date with Issei, certainly not for fun, of course, there was something inside Issei, which required one of the creatures to plan something bad for Issei.

Now that everything is too late, there is no retreat for Issei, seeing that Yuuma is carrying a spear, making him think that the girl will kill him soon.

At first he couldn't believe the terrible events that happened to him, however, this was a reality! Yuuma is not an innocent teenage girl in general, but a terrible creature.


Without waiting any longer, Yuuma immediately threw her light spear right towards Issei's neck. The spear shot out very quickly, without being able to be followed by Issei's vision.

But before the spear stuck right into Issei's head, suddenly the spear of light stopped completely. Yuuma was immediately surprised, she didn't expect that something like this would happen.

Apparently, the spear was caught by a young man who suddenly came out of nowhere. He came just right in time, if he was late for just a second, it was certain that Issei would die with a spear stuck right in his neck.

Yuuma, who saw it, was very surprised, moreover, the young man stopped her spear with only his bare hands, without the slightest magic visible. No injuries were received by the young man, on the contrary, this time it seemed that the light spear had received damage.

From the young man's hand, a billowing and creeping black mist appeared to envelop the blade of Yuuma's light spear, until finally the entire spear had been completely enveloped by the black mist.

With just a blink of an eye, the black mist suddenly disappeared along with Yuuma's spear of light, leaving nothing left of the spear.


Yuuma instantly bulged her eyes very widely, when she realized that her spear had disappeared into nothingness. But what was more shocking than it all, was the black mist released by the mysterious young man, only this time she saw such a mysterious power.

Subconsciously, Yuuma also took a few steps back, and extended the distance from the mysterious young man. Meanwhile, Issei, who had been rescued, suddenly fell on the ground, with a thick black mist covering all parts of his body.

"I want to bring this young man back."

The mysterious figure shook off his hand which was shrouded in black mist, before finally staring at Yuuma with his extremely flat gaze.

Yuuma was stunned for a moment after seeing the incident, thinking whether she should run away or fight the mysterious young man. To escape, she was confident to do so, but in order to resist, she felt a little hesitant, even more so after seeing his strange power.

Needing no answer from Yuuma, the mysterious young man suddenly turned around and knelt beside Issei's body that was lying on the ground. It can be seen that the young man is touching Issei's chest, regardless of Yuuma's presence behind him.

"Hey! What do you think you are doing?!"

Annoyed and angry because she felt that her presence was ignored by the young man, Yuuma quickly threw another spear of light. Now the target is not Issei, but the figure of the mysterious young man who appeared out of nowhere.

The spear shot out very quickly, piercing the air and creating a purple trail of light behind it. However, when the spear was about to hit the young man's back, the strangeness was repeated.

The spear immediately stopped completely, even though there was no magic around the mysterious young man's body. At first there was nothing unusual about the spear, which seemed to be just stopped in the air.

However, the spear began to show strangeness when the young man began to rise and stand. Her light spear, suddenly seemed to be forced to lengthen, and continued to extend, until in the end it was forced to shrink and immediately disappeared out of thin air.

Yuuma was shocked when she saw the strangeness, she was currently feeling scared and panicked, if until the mysterious young man decided to attack her right now.

The young man was seen standing with his back to her, his black robe blazing in the wind. Black mist slowly began to appear around the young man's body, which made the atmosphere of the surrounding area feel very tense.

"Get lost, you Fallen Angels!"

Unexpectedly, the mysterious young man turned his body and glared his eyes right at Yuuma. As a result, this action managed to make Yuuma very scared and immediately flew away at full speed.

Yuuma felt very scared not without reason, she felt very scared when she saw the two eyes of the figure. Both eyes shone deep red, and from within them, she could see the endless darkness. Moreover, the strong aura radiance from within the young man's body, further strengthened her to immediately escape to escape.

The pitch-black aura instantly spread in all directions very quickly, and was able to blow away anything in its path. The moon, which had previously shone very brightly in the night sky, had now disappeared, covered by the darkness of densely colored clouds that out of nowhere suddenly appeared.

From a distance, there appears to be a winged human figure who is seen flying away very quickly, accompanied by various black feathers falling on each figure flapping its wings. The black feathers fell around the garden area, all the black feathers falling from Yuuma's pair of black wings. The young man stared flatly at each of the black feathers, before finally deciding to catch one of them.

He looked at the black feather carefully, before finally squeezing it with his right hand and turning it into a void. At the same time, he felt the presence of someone from behind him, whoever it was, who was certainly not an ordinary human being.

"I'm sorry, but I intend to take him."

The figure who just arrived is a girl who has long blood red hair, her long blood-red hair looks fluttering in the wind domineeringly.

"Miss Gremory, I entrusted him to you. He has a great power in his body, I hope you can make good use of him properly."

The young man did not face the figure of the red-haired girl at all, but only glanced at her slightly, just to confirm that she was a harmless girl.

The red-haired girl was immediately shocked when she saw the eyes of the mysterious young man, even if it was only a glance, she could still feel the horror emitted by the red eyes of that young man.

"I'm sorry, but this is my family's territory, creatures that have no importance to my family are forbidden to cross this area arbitrarily!"

The girl warns the young man that this area is her family's territory, and only creatures who were had importance with her family can pass through this area. Although she felt that the young man was much stronger than her, but this was her territory, the territory of the underworld Devil Nobleman's Gremory family.

"I see, Miss Gremory. If you don't mind, I intend to stay in your family's territorial area for some time..."

The young man actually understood that this place and almost the entire area of Kuoh city belonged to the Gremory Yang family, in fact, this was the enemy's territorial territory. But even so, this city is also the only place where he feels comfortable.

"I can't let other creatures creates a messing on this city!"

The girl still felt unsure about letting the young man stay in her territory, not only was the identity of the young man unknown, she was worried that the young man was harboring something evil in her territory.

"Don't worry, Miss Gremory. I will do nothing that could disturb your existence or this City."

The young man retorted with his voice softened slightly, but the young man still stood with his back to her, and only allowed herself to catch a glimpse of part of his face covered by a black robe.

"What's the guarantee that you won't harass me and my family?"

The girl still does not believe the words of the mysterious young man, her territory has now been hit by serious problems, whose territory has been successfully breached by some Fallen Angels, she does not want to add to the problem by presenting one more creature of unknown type.

"How could I possibly do that kind of thing, whereas you are the Successor of the Gremory Family, which, being such a powerful Devil Noble family."

"I've been around here too for all this time, but what? Nothing happened, right? In fact, I am currently the one who saved that Dragon."

The young man explained that he had actually been in Kuoh City for quite a while, which immediately surprised the red-haired girl. So all this time this unknown creature has been living in her territory without her knowledge, but she also feels a little relieved, that it turns out that the young man did not attack her family's territory at all before.

"Alright, but what do you mean by "Dragon"?"

In the end, the girl agreed to the young man's request and allowed him to stay on her territory for some time. But afterwards, she just realized that the young man had previously said that he had saved "the Dragon". What did he mean?

Hearing this, the mysterious young man then turned his eyes back to the red-haired girl who was confused. He began to walk away from the garden area while taking off the robe he was wearing.

"Someday you will find out for yourself, Miss Gremory. Thus, please allow me to say goodbye."

The young man suddenly stopped his steps, and slowed his right hand slightly to the red-haired girl who was behind him. After that, he removed the black robe he was wearing, and revealed a pair of jet-black Angel wings that had suddenly appeared on his back.

With a blink of an eye, the young man shot up the sky and flew through the dark night sky. As the young man left her, the moon that was originally covered by dark clouds, now began to appear, and the atmosphere that previously felt very tense, now began to feel like before.

From above the sky, the red-haired girl could see the pitch-black feathers that were falling from the air previously passed by the mysterious young man.

She felt very surprised and did not expect, that the young man was actually one of the Fallen Angels, but even so, the young man had promised not to disturb her territory, and most importantly, he had saved a figure who would be very useful for her later.

Either she should feel grateful to him, or even more wary of him, because he is a Fallen Angel, who could pose a threat to her and her family one day.
