
The Archangel of Fallen : Divinity Slayer

I, am the Heavenly Being who once occupied the highest rank among all beings in the universe. I am the only one who deserves to be honored by heaven and earth, Hell and Heaven, because I am the Archangel who rules over all domination. However, everything changed when I committed an unforgivable sin. And that sins too, has made me loses everything that I am proud of. They would call me a Cursed Being more evil than a Satan, they consider me to be an impure Being and they also consider me to be a being who destroys all hopes of Humans, Angels and all other living Beings. But what they didn't know, they had absolutely no apparent reason to think of me that way, because they knew absolutely nothing about me and how I could fall from all my Grace and Glory. However, even though they all think of me as such, I am still an Angel who will remain faithful to my Creator. I will fly back to Heaven, to cleanse every evil they have bestowed upon me. Because I, am the Archangel who can never fall! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Watch the Story of a Fallen Archangel, to return to Heaven and cleanse all his unforgivable sins in the latest Fanfic Story: ×The Archangel of Fallen: Divinity Slayer× © Highschool DxD • Ichie Ishibumi ©

Maulana_Skyiz · アニメ·コミックス
18 Chs

Chapter 13 : The Imprisoned Wings ... Are Back! (Part 3)

Chapter 13.

Chapter 13 : The Imprisoned Wings... Are Back! (Part 3)


The sound of chains rubbing against each other could be heard throughout the boundless darkness, as a young man with black hair tried to return to his original position, put his palms together, put his hands directly in front of his chest, while beginning to say words that no human even man knew what the young man was really saying.

All around, there was nothing visible but darkness, no light, the only source of light in that place was the blood of the young man himself, which was golden and gave off a very faint light. He constantly said a word, regardless of what was around him, the darkness that had previously been quite far away from him, now began to move closer and closer to him, because, the light that the young man had before, now began to dim, and it would not be long before the light would eventually disappear.


However, a completely unexpected strangeness occurred, in which, the two chains that bound the young man's hands, suddenly twitched and immediately slammed his body from top to bottom so very hard, not only that, the chains that bound his legs also moved, and did the same thing as what the chains that bound his hands did. Blood flowed from between his mouth, as his body was constantly slammed so hard by the chains that bound him, but even so, he made no effort at all to resist, because he thought, maybe this is the punishment he should get back for having the courage to set foot in Heaven again.

"How stupid... How stupid... You didn't learn at all... You don't learn from beings who share your fate at all, although, they will do the same thing you did... They are really stupid..."

From behind the darkness, the young man heard someone's voice echoing throughout the room, to the point that he was not at all sure which direction it was actually coming from, which was clear, he knew, that it seemed that he had a guest he had never imagined would visit.

"But, you are the dumbest of them all.... Angel of Death and Life... Who has all the highest glory among all beings created by God... Now it is nothing more than an unholy Fallen..."

The voice rang again in both ears of the young man, but even so, he did not really care what the voice said, because he had dedicated himself to always praying to God, despite the many trials he would experience, he would never stop praying.

"You should know, Archangel... Your obedience and obedience to God will have no effect on you, everything is over long before you know it... There will be no hope for you to return to the way it was, you have changed, you are a sinner... The sinner who has killed all the hopes of the creatures that exist in this world..."


The young man's heart felt like he was paused for a while, the mysterious voice felt very familiar to him, let alone the meaning of his words, he felt that he had committed a sin so great, however, he could not remember it at all, as if all his bad memories when he committed the great sin, had been completely erased from him.

"W-wait! Who are you? Have we met before?!" The young man asked aloud, he felt that the owner of the mysterious voice was not a very foreign figure to him, just listening to his voice, he felt that the figure had at least met him even once... But still, he couldn't remember it at all.

"How can you tell while you're closing your eyes? Open it, and look at me."

For the second time in thousands of years, the young man opened his eyes again, revealing a pair of red eyes that looked amazing but also looked terrifying on the other hand, from inside both eyes, implying pain, pain, regret and also sadness so great, even if all the sorrow and pain of mankind were combined, then it would not be worth the sadness and pain that he had experienced aforementioned.

"You finally saw me... Azrallik."

In front of him at this time, was a man with long red hair who was seen standing while smiling at him, when he first saw the figure of the mysterious voice owner who was constantly talking to him before, he felt that the figure was still unfamiliar to him, but on the other hand, he felt that the figure was no stranger, you could say, the figure used to bond with him.

"Who are you?" The young man asked softly, asking who exactly the figure of the deep red-haired man was because indeed, he did not know him at all, although, he felt that in the past, the figure seemed to have met him.

"I am your best friend, I am the one who saved you... And I, too, am the one you have banished..." The figure replied with his voice that sounded flat and cold, the look in both eyes seemed very sharp, it had been a long time since he had seen his best friend, the friend he had helped, and his best friend who had thrown him away after he had done so many things for him.

Azrallik couldn't say anything anymore, he felt very confused about what the figure meant, he said that he used to be friends with him, however, he couldn't remember the moments of his friendship with the figure at all, is it possible, the figure just intended to deceive him? He didn't know at all.

But then, to his surprise, suddenly a golden beam of light appeared that shone very brightly, illuminating the darkness that had previously surrounded Azrallik and revealing a lot of small grains of light of white, red, purple and more, these grains... It looks like a lot of eyes from creatures that even today are not known to exist.

The figure of the deep red-haired man who had previously stood right in front of Azrallik, also instantly disappeared back behind the darkness, merging with the many strange and mysterious grains of light. Meanwhile, Azrallik, who was surprised by the arrival of the light, slowly turned his head towards the dazzling light, which as a result, shocked him to death. For the first time, there was few of his kind who visited his prison, which is very unlikely to be done, considering that the abyss in which he was punished, no one knew about it, except God Himself.

"Yo-you guys...? What are you guys doing here?" Azrallik asked softly, asking the people why they were here, remembering that there was no way to get here except to use a sacred "Object" belonging to God that was made as the key to get to the Abyss of Death.

Indeed, this object is the key that can deliver a person to the depths of the abyss of death, it should not be surprising enough because he already knows, however, it is not surprising, but rather, how these people obtained the object, the sacred object that is predicted to have been hidden by God in a place that not even one of His Angels knew.

From behind the bright light, three human silhouettes emerged that looked very familiar to Azrallik, they were people who were very precious to him.

"Azrallik, are you okay? Has anyone else visited here?" Michael asked with concern, before he got here, he had a hunch that, there was someone other than himself who intended to visit the Azrallik prison, he didn't know what the purpose of the figure was to come to this kind of cursed place, unless... There was something that the figure wanted from Azrallik, something that would change the order of the universe forever.

"No... It's just that, there is a voice that always says some things to me..." Azrallik replied with his voice that sounded faint and faint, he decided not to say that in fact, there was a red-haired man who had previously come to him before Michael came, he felt, that it seemed that this figure was having an attachment to him, therefore, he felt that only himself could solve it.

"Then, we should leave here." Michael said firmly, it is no longer safe for Azrallik to be here, The creatures inhabiting this cursed place have begun to try to poison his brother with darkness, if he does not take him out of here, then he will never know what will happen to him.

"No... Not... I can't go... Can't you see that I am undergoing the punishment our Father has appointed for me?" Azrallik refused gently but firmly, he could not get out of here until his own Father would deliver him, during which time, he would not move from this place.

"Listen to Michael, Azrallik. You shouldn't be here, all this... Not for you... Therefore, we will not let you continue here." Azazel said firmly but softly, if Azrallik was kept here, he would only be tormented for sins that he did not intend to commit, indeed he sinned, but he did not deserve such severe punishment.

"No. Father has predestined this punishment for me, it has become part of my destiny... Imprisoned here." Azrallik replied softly, his gaze downward and he did not open his eyes at all to see his brothers and sisters who had taken the trouble to meet him and come to a place they should never have been.

"No, Azrallik... It is not our Father who condemns you... But... We are the ones who punished you!" Gabriel exclaimed while crying hysterically, she was no longer strong when she saw Azrallik who suffered his punishment, the young man thought that all these punishments were punishments given to him by his own Creator, but in fact they were not... All the punishments he received, were none other than the punishments his brothers and sisters had given him.

"I don't care! I am a sinful creature! No matter if this punishment comes from the Father or you, I will live it!" Reject Azrallik back, no matter who has given this punishment to him, he will continue to serve this punishment until it is finished, maybe only then, in the end little by little all of his great sins will be washed away.

"No! We will not leave you here any longer, our Father will be very sad if He sees you tormented for mistakes you did not make. Trust that..." Michael persuaded while holding back all his sobs as if he wanted to spill, he would not let Azrallik stay any longer here, there was no other reason that required him to be here, now, he would return to Heaven, return to the place where he came from.

The atmosphere fell silent again, all that could be heard was the sobs from Gabriel that sounded more and more broken, while Michael and Azazel, also seemed to be trying their best not to shed tears. Just imagine, seeing one of their brothers whom they loved so much suffering for a very long time for sins that he did not want to commit, plus, who decreed the punishment for Azrallik was themselves, how could they not help but grieve?

"I... Maybe you're right... Our Father had previously called me... Father intends to deliver me from my punishment.... True! That's right!" Azrallik said with great enthusiasm and pleasure, before, he managed to get out of here after he felt a very soft and soothing feeling in his heart, it was characteristic when his Father was longing for or calling him. Certainly! That's for sure! His Father has lifted up his punishment!

A most beautiful smile that Gabriel, Michael and Azazel had never seen other than that of their own Father, they could now see in Azrallik, his smile... Really looked very sincere and pure, after spending a long time in his torment, which had also taken away his beautiful smile, in the end, for the first time in thousands of years, the Angel of Death and Life, smiled again...



The chains that bound his hands, his legs, and part of his neck, instantly shattered into pieces, just after the appearance of a golden light emanating from within Azrallik's body. Now, he has no other reason to stay in this place, he will say goodbye to this place, because, he has been called by his Creator, he will never be able to forget this place for the rest of his life, all his suffering, sorrow and pain, everything he got in this place, but in the end, everything will be released from him.

Limping back, Azrallik tried to stand up again after a long time of constant kneeling because of all his sins, although he was a little struggling, but there were his brothers and sisters who would help him. From behind his back, a pair of pitch-black Angel wings also emerged, dropping every strand of deep black feathers from his two wings. Although he has been freed from his punishment, he still has the status of a Fallen Angel, however, his status will not be a problem for him, as long as he can still do good and remain loyal to his Father, he does not matter at all what status he will get.

Guided by Gabriel along with Michael, while Azazel is seen confronting any cursed creature that intends to approach them, Azrallik slowly begins to try to flap his black wings. Although it was very difficult, because every time he tried to spread his wings, he felt extreme pain in his back, either because he had not used his wings for a long time, or because of the chains that had previously bound his wings, obviously, the more he tried to use them, the more pain he felt.

"Don't give up!" Gabriel said as she gently rubbed Azrallik's back, which was full of golden blood, knowing that her brother now was very difficult to return to using his wings, but if he did not return to using his wings, then he would forever never be able to get out of his prison.

Despite the intense pain, Azrallik unyieldingly tried to flap his wings, trying to endure every pain he felt, for the freedom he had hoped for for thousands of years. Until finally, a thick black mist came out of his pair of wings, and began to envelop the two, making Gabriel, Michael and Azazel who saw it, very confused.

However, a second later, Azrallik finally managed to flap his wings again, after a long time he had never used it, at this second until the future, he will return to use it. The thick black mist of fog can also be seen still shrouding his pair of wings, although it looks astonishing, even for him, he doesn't care much about it at all, what he cares about, is that he, along with his brothers and sisters, must leave this place immediately.

"Watch out!"

But, unfortunately, the Cross is the key to exiting or entering the Abyss of Death, apart from Michael's sacred hand, just when he intends to protect Azrallik from a cursed Magic created by one of the many creatures around him. By creating a golden shield that appeared on his right hand, he managed to deflect the Magic, but unfortunately, the impact of what he did, had to make him suffer a loss as great as the loss if he could not protect Azrallik.

The cross fell freely down, into the darkness of the depths of the Abyss of Death that no one even knew if the abyss was bottomed, but certainly, none of them would be able to take back the Cross. Now, there is no other way they can get out of here, not even Michael, knowing at all, because indeed, in the past, the Father only told him that the only key to getting out and into the abyss of death, is the Cross which has now disappeared from existence.

"Michael, Gabriel, Azazel... It's okay... The hope that we could get out of here has not been dashed, before, I have been told by the Father about this Abyss, including how to get in and out, without the key." Azrallik said softly, which immediately made them silent with shock, long before he was imprisoned here, his Father once told him about a chasm devoted to punishing a creature who had committed a great sin.

Not only information about the abyss, not only information as well as a way to get in and out of the abyss, but his Father has also given him an advantage that will not be given to any other creature but himself. No being who can leap over dimension, space and time, without knowing any boundaries, except himself, is an advantage as well as a blessing that he gets from his Father, which will certainly be very useful for him.

"Hold every one of my wings." Azrallik continued with his voice sounding flat and cold, his brows furrowed, but his eyes still closed, in order to be able to bring someone other than himself to come with him in moving, the person must make physical contact with him, although also, in order for the person to teleport with him, the person must obtain permission from him.

Without much questioning, Gabriel, Michael and Azazel immediately obeyed Azrallik's words, the three of them immediately held Azrallik's two wings a little tightly, because indeed, he himself told them so. Gabriel and Michael on the right wing, while Azazel on the left wing, then, a strangeness they had never seen before, now occurred right in front of the three.

The darkness in front of them seemed to begin to show strangeness, which, from behind the darkness, appeared a small whirlpool, absorbing every darkness around it. Over time, the whirlpool grew larger, until in the end, the whirlpool had grown to a very large size, forming like a round-shaped tunnel at the end, there was a white light shining very brightly.

Because the dimensions of the Abyss of Death and the dimensions of the universe have been connected, it allows Azrallik to move very quickly, without the slightest danger coming with him, all thanks to the light at the end of the tunnel, which serves as a destroyer of any distress that tries to pass through. With one flapping of his wings, Azrallik along with Gabriel, Michael and Azazel, were immediately sucked into the whirlpool, only after they managed to enter completely, the vortex would immediately close and disappear again.

On this day, a creature who has been imprisoned in his excruciating punishment, has finally been freed, whether it will end in good or bad, which is clear and certain, that figure will cause a very drastic change in this world, and all the creatures that inhabit it. The Angel of Death and Life, has finally been liberated, with his status no longer as an Angel of Heaven, but as a Fallen Angel, a Fallen Angel who will change the destiny of this entire world forever.
