

"You really don't know that much about them?" Goliath looked confused, "What would you do if you came face to face with one?"

"A dragon?!?" the alfa's tone was surprised, but jovial, "Depends. If I'm to believe all the stories. Pissing off an adult dragon is suicidal at best." he paused, "Adolescents, and hatchlings are much less dangerous than the adults. The book doesn't specify as to why they're less dangerous."

"What classifies an adult dragon?" Goliath glanced past the screen to me as I watched him, "Are they dangerous normally or just when you piss them off?"

"An adult dragon?" the alfa mused, "From what I can tell by what's written here." I could hear pages flipping, "Dragons are highly intelligent species. With intelligence on par with humans. Their dispositions towards humans, and size are determined by their environment, and age." the alfa flipped pages again, "But adult dragons at the smallest have a body the size of an elephant."

"That big huh?" Goliath looked at me again as I watched him.

"These questions are kind of specific," the alfa started laughing, "What, did you manage to find a living dragon?"

Goliath rotated the screen so it was facing me. It caught me kind of off guard. My head came up quickly as I collected myself. The alfa went quiet as he looked me over slowly.

"You actually found an extinct species," The alfa leaned forward slowly, "Where the hell did you find a dragon?"

"Technically," I snorted as I narrowed my eyes, "I found them first."

"He speaks," the alfa's eyebrows shot up, "How old are you?"

"Is it any of your business?" I coiled my body up so my tail was wrapped closely around my body.

"Suspicious, and cautious?" the alfa looked me up, and down slowly.

I looked him up, and down cautiously. He had black hair, and a lean muscular build. Similar to the build I adopted onto my old appearance. I snorted as I dismissed the image in front of me. An image was just an image, and images weren't dangerous.

"You can't let the military kill him," the alfa snapped the big book in front of him closed, "Is there a way for you to get him to our island?"

"I'm afraid its not that simple," Goliath frowned as he came forward, "He got here by impersonating a student. You know how suspicious they are when it comes pack matters. They'd never let him go without a thorough physical evaluation." he started pacing slowly, "Why is his life so important to you?"

"Dragons are Earth's Origin species," alfa looked me up then down again, "You said he was impersonating a student. How?"

"I'll show you," My head came up a little further, "If you make me some of those fancy clothes your wolves wear."

"Fancy clothes?" the alfa looked confused.

"The ones that fix themselves," I snorted as if it were the most obvious thing in the world, "The mana clothes."

"Sorry but you'd have to make the thread yourself," the alfa snorted out some laughter, "I still don't see why you need it."

"Do we have a deal or not?" I smiled slowly, "I know the curiosity is eating you up inside by now."

"I never said I didn't agree," the alfa leaned forward clearly wanting to see what I would do."

"I can only do this twice in a day," I snorted, "You'd better not be wasting my energy."

I'd figured out something not to long ago. If I focused on mana absorption I could drain all the mana from the nearby environment into myself. There wasn't much mana in here, but it was enough for me to pull off a transformation. I switched forms quickly. It wasn't in instant transformation.

I didn't like being naked in front of a bunch of strangers, but I hoped it would be worth the embarrassment. Plus these guys had probably seen naked bodies before. Being werewolves, and all. I stood up, and cracked a tense point in my neck. They only one here that had ever seen me turn human before was Goliath so the surprise on the faces of all the wolves here was more than worth it.

"You can shrink that much?" the alfa sounded the most surprised of the group.

The other two had seen me in my human form before. They just didn't realize how much I had to shrink to be human.

"Impressed?" I chuckled a bit nervously, "Still not a fan of loosing all the scales. Do you see why I want the mana clothes now?"

I shifted back to my true form. I wanted to stretch my wings, but I got the feeling that I was underground.

"Are we underground?" I looked around the room, "Are you guys going to say something?"

"Yes," Goliath patted my back, "We're underground."

"I don't like it," My muscles coiled, "I don't like this at all. I'm guessing that the hallway out of here is just as narrow as the door."

"You'll be fine," Goliath went to shove my head away from him.

"Don't," I snapped at him, "I don't want you touching me."

Goliath stopped short of actually touching me, and gave me that look he liked to give me so much. I moved away from Goliath closer to the wall. I touched one of the anti mana chains, and flinched away from it. I looked at them.

"Those aren't made for me," I cocked my head at the wolves.

"Yeah," Soren dropped his eyes, "They're made for us."

"Why?" it took actual mental effort not o cock my head.

"Because sometimes we lose it," Soren glanced up for my reaction.

"Did Goliath tell you everything?" I focused on Soren specifically, "Or did he keep it need to know only?"

"Need to know," Grett still really didn't seem to like me.

"Leave," I used the length of my neck to push the screen back into the wall with my nose, "I'd like to tell Soren. I like him. He can decide to tell the others if he wants."