

"Why?" Ethan frowned, "Does everything need to be as complicated as you are? I mean really. Sometimes you say things that make me think you've got a brain somewhere in that thick skull, but then in the same breath you say something really idiotic."

Irritation flashed through me, but I let it drop since he was probably right. I hated that he was probably right, but I was still stuck at the level of a ten or twelve year old mentally. I was gradually leaning towards the older end of that spectrum as I leveled up slowly. I didn't like the mental instability that came with it, but I really couldn't change it quickly. I decided to ignore that for now, and focus on all the space I was about to have full access to.

Plus, I would be able to hunt. Hunting was way too much fun to think about my problems right now. I was just too excited. My feet started tapping as I thought about it.

"Stop fidgeting," Savannah had her warning tone, "You'll draw attention."

"Ethan's got the scanner right?" I smirked, "Our scanner is better than the school one so we're going to get noticed either way."

"That doesn't mean we want to be noticed for you smiling, and fidgeting like a stalker," Savannah smacked the back of my head.

"Oh," My hand went up to my face, "I didn't realize I was smiling. I haven't smiled for real in a long time. Sorry it came out so creepy. I'll try not to do it again."

I started playing games on my watch while glancing up to keep track of how many people from the school were hear, and if there was anyone I'd bothered to remember. Most of the club had shown up by now. Some of them looked nervous, and others looked confident. The rest of the club had split into three different groups for the trip. They ended up migrating our way when they noticed me, and Savannah on the bench together.

Ethan got a couple curious glances since he wasn't part of our club.

"So you guys are a group?" Illium looked at Ethan funny, "Where'd the rest of the group go?"

"It's just us three," My face went blank as rage boiled beneath the surface, "Do you have a problem with that? Does my team look weak to you? Is that why you're questioning the size of our group?"

Illium looked like he was staring at the personification of death. The others seemed to feel it as well. That's odd. I knew they wouldn't question us anymore on the matter so I calmed my seething rage, and relaxed back into my seat. Everyone in front of me visibly relaxed.


Looking into a dragon's eyes can have a feat inducing affect. That combined with the group mentality that humans sometimes experience spread the effect to the rest of the group.

How many did I effect directly?

8 students were affected directly. The rest were affected indirectly.

That's not bad, but I didn't realize I could cause such an effect. Please tell me it isn't active all the time.

No. This effect can only be achieved through rage or intent to kill.

I sighed as I relaxed into the bench slowly. I couldn't have something like that hanging around me all the time. My murderous intent was bad enough. Why did I have so many skills that made it so I could win without actually fighting? I was slowly turning into a living tank only much lighter while the skills I was slowly collecting seemed to discourage anything from fighting me in the first place.

Wait. Why didn't this ability pop up sooner? I'd be angry plenty of times before now, and nothing like this had ever happened before.

Most that you have faced up until now have been physically or mentally stronger than you. This innate ability only works on those that are weaker than yourself.

Oh so it's a scare off the opponents that are a waste of my time ability.


Thank you system.

Naturally. This is my duty. I do not need thanks.

Stupid system. You're supposed to just say you're welcome.

Adjusting system response to thanks from user to you're welcome. User preference set. User can change this setting at any time.

The system had totally gotten a little smarter. I knew it was almost time when I spotted Goliath. He never showed up late, but he also avoided affecting our decisions when it came to our survival. He wanted us to figure out the right course of action on our own. He started looking over the equipment that his club members had one by one.

Nodding in approval if he liked what the saw, and making a thoughtful face on others. He didn't say anything though. We got to choose our own weapons in a real battle so it was an important lesson for us to survive. Choosing the wrong weapon was a huge handicap when fighting in a real life or death kind of battle. This was one of things that made people not like Goliath.

I didn't need weapons so this didn't change much for me in the first place so I chose a mid to long range rifle, extra ammo, and a dozen grenades. I figured that this combination worked best for my human form to use. Even though rifles weren't super effective against most magical beasts. I only needed it to draw their attention or distract them. The grenades would be the main damage dealing tool for me.

When I was pretending to be human anyways. The rest of the rime I could use my claws, and talons. I was so glad that we were pretty much allowed to go anywhere we wanted once we got to the planet. According to Goliath we wouldn't be able to go too far, but we had plenty of room to roam. I looked up because it was finally time to go.

"Took them long enough," I smirked as I stood, "Lets go. Lets get some hunting done."