
The Arcane Tamer

A child grew up limited to his power, to his life there are many obstacles, everything was a struggle, he is weak. Yet he had a good family not resenting their fragile child. Both of them we're protective and still let him choose free will of his life. He grow up at the City of Starling Crest where mages, wizards and sorcerers live to enhance their potential. Yet he wasn't normal to bare anything regards it all. He was born through magic, having his own core and can't even use it properly. But despite those burdens he found a key, that still regards him connected to magic but it was a different type of class, it was taming. He became fond of it and he wanted to become one, aside wondering the what is the world on the other side, he wanted to be an adventurer, to travel the world as wanted to see it for himself. He wanted his life to have meaning, even it is wearing him off for so many times. He set foot upon his journey, along the way he found his loyal companions and went through his travels together them. But not all happiness are meet with a great success. His travels come in vain when he met a strongest opponent that even he could not handle. How will he fight him regardless of being weak? How will he survive regardless of the painful truth? Was that the end? Is there any chance of survival? Will he even make it out alive? Notes: I'm not a native speaker. Chapter's will be posted once a week. Join my discord server if you're interested: https://discord.com/invite/5rpG2nJ5

StrangeEvette · ファンタジー
34 Chs

Peek from the Past

As Ikaria left right after, while Seyric's eyes were fixed in the room's ceiling with a wide smile across his face, as he feel in a distant thoughts.

He chuckled before finally hid under the covers and slept.

- - -

In a distant past, it's been a week after the carriage incident.

Seyric slept in a room full of Divine Aura emitted by an artifact shapes like a staff, placed in the center of the room next to Seyric's crib.

Crafted by elders of Divine Priest of Sun with the Priestess, Keisha. It had mask a protection and stabilized the revulsions of one's elemental mana core.

The divine aura illuminated rays of ethereal light that enveloped over Seyric's tiny body; he had a pale face and showed rhythmic breathing.

It preserved his weak physique as a one-month-old. His mana core gleamed in dull-gray, the only remaining element created a circular motion.

A woman with chocolate-brown hair marched inside the room and accompanied by a man in white-short hair.

The walls engraved with golden pattern, and an encrypted language was carved underneath the pattern emitting a faint glow.

"How is he...?" Ikaria whispered to Euris.

Euris briefly looked at Ikaria's face and sighed deeply, "I don't know..."

"His fine," A voiced echoed outside the room, followed by two figures appeared into view.

Both approached towards their direction, the man that resemblance of Euris in contrast was holding him the Priestess by his arm.

Upon entering, the tall-white tinted doors slowly closed behind them, clanging shut.

"Seyric is finally stable but his mana core and his body suffered had a massive imbalance due to the amount of elemental mana he lost." Keisha stated, Seyric's parents landed their gaze on her.

"I must say, the dark spirit was quite unnatural. We haven't encountered such a power within a dark spirit for 30 years, possessing the ability to absorb powers of elemental mana cores. Fortunately, Euris acted swiftly, preserving some power for Seyric..." Magnus sighed, patting Keisha's shoulder.

"As for Seyric's elemental core, it appears to have mutated in an inexplicable way," Keisha said with squinted eyes, murmuring softly as a grayish aura hovered above Seyric's body, forming an orb that orbited slowly.

Ikaria's face frowned as she held Euris' hand.

"It seems his elemental mana has been nullified, or in other words, he doesn't possess any element whatsoever," Keisha concluded, Magnus nodding in agreement.

"Well, as long as he's safe, none of it matters," Euris responded. Keisha and Magnus exchanged a glance, sighing.

"We'll leave you both for a while. He'll be under supervision for a month, he'd be unable to return home until his condition stabilizes," Keisha added before waving her hand, the grayish orb dissipating into thin air.

"Yes, thank you for your help, Keisha," Euris said, bowing his head. She smiled at him and Ikaria.

"No need to thank me. I'm doing this on behalf of my husband. Besides, we are family," Keisha said, motioning towards the door as she was facing Magnus.

Magnus nodded after her departure. Glancing at Euris, he gently patted his back. "Don't worry, Euris. He's fine. We'll be here if anything happens. Don't be too hard on yourself."

Euris squeezed his eyes shut, nodding repeatedly. "Y...yes, brother. I'll be fine."

Magnus smiled. "Good." He glanced at Ikaria, their gazes meeting, and smiled at her. "Don't blame yourself either, Ikaria. Look out for each other, okay?"

"Yes... I'll do my best, Magnus." Ikaria's face held a gloomy look, forcing a smile.

"Magnus!" Keisha called, Magnus giggling slightly and scratching the back of his head.

"Coming." He jogged off as the door opened and shut right after their departure.

- - -

In the wide hall, Vesper sat at the edge of a polished oak trestle table. Tableware and plates were laid out along the tabletops, his eyes fixed on his hand as he held a knife, gently maneuvering it back and forth to slice the steak, using a fork for stability.

Persephone glared at her husband, holding a tankard and downing her beer with a huff. "Why display such gestures to impress the Lady of Cloudflaw?"

Vesper chuckled and waved his hand. "No, don't be silly."

She rolled her eyes, pouring herself another beer, as Vesper smiled at her.

"I've never seen you act so decent in front of me. Where is my husband, responsible for eating a whole feast like a wild beast?" She

"I've never seen you act so descent in front of me? Where is my love responsible of eating a whole feast like a wild beast..." She whined.

Vesper slightly flustered, cheeks reddening, he cleared his throat and retracted his gaze away. But his eyes accidentally glancing at the empty seat next to Persephone.

"My love, where is Calliope...?" He pondered aloud before noticing Persephone drinking her beer and slamming the tankard on the table.

"She's feeding your pets!" She snapped. "— And why are you changing the subject...?" Her cheeks reddened from the alcohol contents, eyes piercing at him.

Vesper slightly flustered from her words as his cheeks lit up in red and cleared his throat, as his eyes accidentally brush at the empty seat next to Persephone.

"Aw, come on, love." Vesper said, placing the knife down, standing up his chair, and moving toward her, placing his hand on the back of her seat, meeting her gaze.

"Could you be a little nicer? We have company here at the manor. Please? Let's not cause chaos or scare them," Vesper murmured gently.

Persephone cleared her throat, looking away. "I... I'll be the... the judge of that. Get away from me." She pushed him away, Vesper chuckling. "Besides, Ikaria is fragile, and so is her son. I don't bully the weak."

Vesper chuckled once again as he shook his head, smiling broadly. He patted her hair before his gaze moved away as footsteps echoed along the hall as they entered the dining hall.

While Vesper stood beside Persephone's chair as his hand remained place on her seat, they were greeted by Hethron with his cold distance eyes as he lowered his head immediately upon sight of their presence.

"Pardon, my rudeness, your Grace. I have brought them." Hethron stated as he remained fixed in his stance while Vesper slowly moved away from Persephone and sat back to his seat and picked-up the knife once again.

"Bring them in."

This is only a brief update, I don't know when will I be able to post new chapter anytime soon but here.

The book is on hiatus but I don't have any plans of dropping it.

I did have encountered problems in my plot and writing my book, making it much harder to move the plot again, but I'll do my best to be motivated and start writing once again.

I had a person ask me to keep writing whatever happens, it did gave me a motivation to write again but I'll try my best to keep my motivation back up so I may write constantly. Although please expect... I'll be busy with the this and next following week with real life reasons so, updates won't be posted anytime soon.

Thanks for reading!

StrangeEvettecreators' thoughts