
The Apex Alpha.

Usual guy dies and gets reincarnated into a tv-show with some wishes and then does whatever he wants. had to create this one while i take a small break from my other fanfic, the other one is not dropped, i am still writing but it will be a bit before i update it.

LonerZN · テレビ
7 Chs

Chapter 6: Magic Bullet

Over the next few weeks, things were pretty quiet, at least for me and my pack. Scott, on the other hand, has been having some trouble juggling his new life as a werewolf and trying to be expected. This time, he did not have to worry about dating a hunter's daughter since I stole Allison for myself, which has been going great, and we have been getting closer other than the fact that she does not know that I and the rest are werewolves. 

This morning is the morning when the school finds the bus driver that Peter attacked the night before as a pack bonding bullshit lesson with Scott. Like how it went in the original, Scott had a 'dream' about the attack and thought that he was the one that attacked and 'killed' the driver, which the latter was proven wrong when the paramedics were wheeling him out, and he suddenly sat up and started screaming.

I did not want to get involved in their little game, so the rest just observed what was happening from a distance to ensure neither of the two idiots would bring us unnecessary trouble. It helped that Laura was alive and keeping Derek and Scott in check, as well as teaching Scott how to control his shift. Speaking of, Sam and I paid a visit to the burned-down Hale manor to see the pair of Hale siblings and how Laura was adjusting to the life of the living again. 


Arriving at the Hale house with Sam and Lucy, we came at a time when Laura was outside with Derek and Scott, teaching Scott how to calm down after being forced to shift. 

"Well, looks like everyone is having fun over here," I said, gaining the attention of the three werewolves as they looked at me in surprise, not expecting people to show up unexpectedly.

"What are you doing here, and who are you people?" Derek asked, walking before Laura and Scott while glaring at us.

"Derek stops; he's an alpha and a mighty one," Laura said while pulling him back behind her before turning to me. "What do you want Zade." 

"Ouch, do I need to want something to come and visit my favorite pair of Hale siblings?" I said jokingly, earning an eye roll from Laura and a growl from Derek.

Taking my eyes off them, I looked at Scott, standing behind them, looking at me puzzled.

"Hi there, Scott; it would seem you finally decided to get some help instead of trying to take this on by yourself, one of your smarter choices." 

"you- you're a werewolf as well? And Sam and Lucy?" he said in disbelief.

"Quite slow on the uptake, aren't you, Scott? Yes, we are all werewolves. AnywaI, I just came to check up on you guys, see how Laura was adjusting to her new life, and to see how you guys were dealing with your alpha problem since I'm sure you know who it is by now, right Laura?" 

Hearing what I said, Derek and Scott looked at Laura in surprise.

"Oh, you haven't told them, have you," I said with a chuckle.

"What does he mean, Laura? Have you known who the alpha was this whole time?" Derek said with agitation growing in his voice with each word.

"Well, it would seem that you two need a family discussion, so we shall take our leave, Scott. We shall see you at school." I said with a smile before turning away and walking back into the woods with Sam and Lucy following behind.

(Flashback end) 

After that night and Laura coming clean about Peter killing her, their little group has been in a back and forth with Peter in trying to track him down and kill him. It didn't help that once he found out Laura was alive, he had his nurse hide him somewhere where he could rest when it wasn't a full moon.

On another note, I had made my way into the Argent household since after that one time when I was visiting Allison, her mother brought me a glass of water that was laced with wolfsbane, but since the only way for it to affect me was to have ash from the center of the world, I just drank it without any worry. After that moment, both Victoria and Chris relaxed and started warming up to me, Especially when they found out my parents died when I was younger.

Honestly, aside from the fact that they hunt my kind, they can be charming people, and Victoria is one hell of a cook. Maybe she won't have to die this time since I do not intend to end up in the same situation that Scott did when she tried to kill him. 

As the days continued, I got some news from Allison when I was at her place during a movie night. She told me that her aunt was coming to town, which means that crazy Kate is on her way to fuck things up, but it also means that this little chapter is coming to an end, and Peter is about to die for the first time. 

A week later, I heard a bunch of howls coming from downtown, and I knew it was Laura and Derek chasing after Peter. I made my way over and got a good seat at the show from the top of a building on the opposite side of the road. I watched as Laura and Derek ran after Peter on the rooftops. Ka.te was getting out of the car after it was trashed by Peter and headed to the trunk, where she pulled a rifle with the special wolfsbane-laced bullets. From there, it was the same as in canon as she took aim at the werewolves running on the roof of the buildings and took her shot, causing one of them to let out a painful cry before falling.

Derek, who had just been shot, lay on the ground holding his arm in pain. When he lifted his sleeve to check the wound, a bluish-purple smoke came out of it. A few seconds later, Laura showed up with worry as she helped him up and got him out of there, heading back to the Hale house. Seeing as everything was finished, I returned home, knowing that someone would come asking for help sooner or later.

The next day after school, as we were all getting ready to leave, Laura showed up to find me with a worn look on her face, as it would seem she had been up all night. 

"And what can I do for you, Miss Hale?" I asked while looking at her, although I already knew what she wanted.

"I need your help." 


"Derek was shot with a special bullet that won't heal unless we get another bullet of the same kind or cut off his arm. I know that you and the Argent princess are together and that you have them fooled into thinking that you're a normal human and have access to their house," she said, looking me straight in the eyes.

"My my, have you been stalking me?" I replied with a smile.

"just say if you're going to help or not."

"And what do I get out of it?" I asked curiously.

"What do you want?" she asked with apprehension.

"Hmm, I do this, and you must join my pack."

Hearing my answer, Laura stood there for a few minutes, her face changing as if she was going through tremendous inner turmoil until finally she released a breath and said, "Fine, I agree."

"Great, you'll have the bullet by tonight," I said before walking away 

Later that evening, I arrived at the Argent's house and knocked on the door. After a few seconds, the door opened to reveal Kate standing in the doorway. 

"And who might you be handsome?" she asked with that pedo look she got when she also met Scott.

"Hi, you must be the aunt Kate I have been hearing about; I'm Zade, Allison's boyfriend," I said, introducing myself, and at that moment, Victoria appeared at the door as well. "Ah, Zade dear, come in. I just put dinner in the oven," she said with a smile.

I walked in and said hi to her before going upstairs to meet Allison. The evening flew by with us watching a movie since I wasn't like Scott, who needed help studying. Of course, we hardly even watched the film, but it was just making out and some foreplay since I had been saving having our first time for her birthday.

"Allison! Zade! Dinner!" we heard Victoria shout from the bottom of the stairs.

Getting up and fixing our clothes, we left Allison's room and went downstairs. "Shit, I forgot my phone; I'll meet you down there." to which she nodded and went downstairs while I headed back towards her room before making a detour into the room Kate was using. Knowing where she kept the bullets from watching the show, I didn't have to time fumbling around trying to look for them and wasting time getting caught by Kate as Scott did.

Getting the bullet, I got out of the room and grabbed my phone from Allison, then headed downstairs. Walking into the dining room, I saw the rest seated around the table, with Victoria having just put the food on the table. "Smells good, Mrs. Argent." 

"Thank you, Zade; come have a seat." 

I didn't stand on ceremony and grabbed the free seat next to Allison, grabbing the spoon to take some food to put on my plate. Once we all had food on our plates, Kate started her interrogation.

"So Zade, how did you manage to get our little Allison here to fall for you?" she said teasingly, which made Allison blush. "Kate!" she said in embarrassment.

"Well, obviously, with my good looks and charm plus a little showing off on the field," I said, giving Allison a teasing smile as well, which earned me a hit on the shoulder and a chuckle from Chris and Victoria.

We continued with the back and forth, with Kate asking questions and me answering, with some of them earning me a slap on the shoulder from time to time until it was time for me to leave. Me and I said goodbye at the door. I kissed her before getting in my car and driving off.

After leaving the Argents, I headed towards the animal clinic, surprisingly, for the first time. Pulling up, I found Stiles's jeep already parked in the front, to which I'm guessing Scott must have found out about Derek's condition. I got out of the car and walked inside to come across the site of Laura and Scott holding Derek down while Stiles had a saw in his hand, looking ready to cut Derek's arm off.

"I can see that if I made it any later, then Derek would 've had to learn to be left-handed after tonight." 

"Did you get it?" Laura asked me with a bit of anger, which I'm guessing is because I was late and they nearly had to make her brother handicapped.

"I did," I replied, taking the bullet out from my pocket and throwing it over to her. She caught it and rushed over to the table before breaking open the shell take, taking out the powder inside, and lighting it to pick up the now-lit powder and jam it into the wound on Derek's arm. Derek let out a shout of pain while all the black veins that were covering his arm received, and a puff of that same bluish and purple smoke made its way out of the wound before it healed.

"Since my job is done here, I shall take my leave. Laura do not forget our deal, I will be stopping by at a later date to collect on it." I said before making my way out of the clinic and driving off back home.