
The Anti Hero System(Discontinued)

Surya used to be a hero with lowest power working with Superhero association. Due to his low power level the other superheroes used to make fun of him and humiliated him when they got any chance. He suffered and also had keep his head low to make earning for his family. For 7 years he endured until supervillains attacked him and his family. He fought the villains and failed. The superheroes told that they would investigate rather than bringing justice. Surya took it upon himself and brought death to those villains. The heroes caught him and neutralize the powers inside him. He was thrown into a wild world through dimensional gate. After 5 years of surviving he returned through a rogue gate when he decided to be an existence who will make both superheroes and supervillains tremble. "Does the host wish to bind with Anti hero system?" said a voice. Thus begins his anti hero journey.

ashwiniprasad · ファンタジー
11 Chs

First adventure quest and First cleansing

The next day after Surya woke up at 8am in the morning. He wanted to brush his teeth and take a nice bath. So he is waiting to be released.

After 10 minutes a guard appeared and opened his cell door. "Your free to leave but pay 50 colls at the guard desk".

Surya nodded and went out. He reached the guard desk and put 50 colls. He is left with 50 colls. So he decided to buy a toothbrush and toothpaste for 10 colls and take a bath near the water fall which is outside southern side of the town. He went to a small vendor near the guard station and brought the items.

He started going to the southern side of the town. The last time he came to this town there weren't many people. Now the town is filled with people. "It may be due to the joint investment of Mark group of Industries and Rayne Enterprises Inc co" thought Surya.

When he is passing through he saw a bazaar filled with all types of products and good. Even livestock is being sold. There is a lot of rush at that time. There is a lot of shouting, purchases and selling going on at that bazaar.

After he passed through the bazaar he saw the entire southern area filled with rich and clean houses. Surya though "It must be the houses of bureaucrats and businessmen". What he guessed is right because this area is definitely filled with houses of bureaucrats and businessman and that too corrupt ones are lot more than others.

The buildings were well constructed and had may sculptures carved on them. Surya felt mesmerized by the architecture of those buildings. He knew that he can never have a building like that because he is an anti hero. He can never be in one place.

After passing through those houses and coming outside of the town he went left for a kilometer where the waterfall is present. He observed the surroundings near the waterfall it is filled with soap nut trees.

He felt truly happy because he can cleanse all his body in one go. He brushed and after that he collected soap nuts from the trees. He sat on a rock near the water fall and cleaned the body with the cleansing agent inside the soap nuts.

He then went under the waterfall and he felt immense pressure of the falling water but he also felt relieved. After taking bath he put the items in the inventory and equipped himself with the weapons and armor. He desperately need to buy new clothes but the money he has is very less.

He made his way to the adventurer guild. At first no one recognized him because he has put on a steel helmet and it covered most of the face. He removed the helmet and went to the board. Then the people identified who it was.

The parties didn't care who it is now. He caught a glimpse of the adventurers. Some of them are afraid to look at him. While some of them smiled looking at him. There are some large adventurer groups that still showed arrogance but they were in minority.

He saw there is a different receptionist. He remembered Sally say there is an other receptionist. Sally is professional girl that is what he came to understand from the day he joined. He went to the receptionist and asked "I am new here where can I find D rank quests?"

The receptionist looked at Surya with a sarcastic smile and said "You might have been told that all the quests are posted on the board. Damn people don't even have common sense nowadays".

Suddenly adventurers were startled. They know what happened at the Inn because some adventurers were present there. They all thought what a fool she is for provoking him.

Surya did it on purpose because he wanted to check that attitude of this girl and she has presented her true self perfectly in front of him. Surya did not reply but just nodded and went to the board.

She was perplexed because people would be angry at her for such comments but Surya did not even care. She started bubbling with anger. Surya could see her expression and thought "What an attention seeking woman?"

He saw the quests under D rank.

1)Quest: Kill 20 Trolls in the Rehara forest and bring their skin.

Reward: 5000 colls

Quest giver: Tanya Merchant group in Galleon.

2)Quest: Annihilate the "Red Wyvern Bandit" group which is terrorizing the Larna village in the east side of the town.

Reward: 30000 colls

Quest giver: Galleon town hall.

3)Quest: Collect 10 Hazelweed flowers and deliver it to the blue warehouse in the northern galleon.

Reward: 90000 colls

Quest giver: "Gella pharmaceutical company.

When he saw the third quest he felt something suspicious because Hazelweed is a beguiling flower which can make people slaves. The fact that some pharmaceutical company is asking for that means there is something fishy going behind the scenes.

Acquiring Hazleweed is not easy because they grow in the interiors of the Rehara forest where wild plants and monsters are concentrated. Only D rank and above adventurers dare to go to the interiors. The flower is purple in color with firm roots. It needs less sunlight and more water so they can be either in deep of the forest or near water bodies.

He decided to put that thing aside for now because the second quest is more interesting to him than first or third. The first one can be done but it will be possible to get any special rewards from the system.

As for the third one without knowing anything he cannot do that quest as it may cause deep trouble for him.

Since they told to annihilate a criminal group it would be useful in acquiring new skills from the system.

He took out the bandit quest from the board and took it to the girl. "I am going to do this quest" said Surya to the receptionist.

Since she is bubbling with anger she decided to mess with him. "Are you really sure you are capable of eliminating those bandits because you look like a weakling and incapable man?'

Surya kept his calm even though he is feeling angry. This girl is testing his limits. Over the years he has learned to hide his anger and put a calm exterior. He with a normal tone said "I am taking this quest and please mark it in my name".

"Which party are you going with?" she asked in a sarcastic tone. "None, I am going individually" said Surya.

"You are an overconfident brat aren't you. These bandits are cruel and many adventuring parties died easily. You think you are powerful because I can't sense any power coming from you" she said and sneered.

Surya narrowed his eyes and said "It is not mandatory to go in a party. The quest paper has not specified anything like that" with serious tone.

She could not say anything but looked at him as if he is a mortal enemy. "You are fool as you are definitely going to die and I am gonna be right" she said with a half smug smile.

Surya massaged his forehead because this girl is testing his patience. He thought he would have to bash her to make an example. The adventurers there looked at the scene and looked at Surya.

They know what is going to happen as they heard about what happened in the Inn. When Surya's face turned into a cruel smile everybody over there including S rank adventurers felt shiver in their spine.

When he saw at her with that smile her body started shivering with fear. She crashed in the chair. When he is about to bash her a voice came "Martha stop being petty and rude. Do your job properly".

When Surya looked at the source of the voice he found Sally. His irritation and anger disappeared after seeing her. Sally came to the reception desk and said to Martha "Providing quests, enrolling adventurers and only warning them about the dangers is our work. Whether they heed the warnings or not is up to them. You cannot force them or coerce them like you are doing".

Sally looked at Surya and said "Sorry for the trouble caused by her". "It's okay" he said. Martha became silent after that.

"One more thing Mr. Surya I forgot to give you your guild tag" said Sally and gave him his tag which is a silver plate with his details and rank. Sally marked the quest in Surya's name and bid him farewell.

Martha looked at Sally with a smile "He is going to die with his overconfidence because that quest is about to be promoted to S-Rank and army was about to be deployed".

"I can't deny that possibility of his success is near zero but the way you behaved is also shameful" Sally shouted at Martha.

Sally is a senior receptionist in the guild so she has some authority so that is why she could shout at Martha for inappropriate behavior.

Surya came out of the guild and immediately made his way to the east. He took a small carriage which runs with a mana engine. Nearly 10 people can fit this carriage. Since there are no bikes or buses the people had to rely on these mana engines who has a driver.

He reached the village after 45 minutes and when he looked at his watch the time is 10:30am. He went to the village chief of Larna village Arnold. When he entered the village chief's house he saw well furnished house with many magical communication orbs. He felt something odd in the house.

The village chief Arnold came through the stairs and asked who Surya was. Surya told him about the request in the guild.

"So where is the base of those bandits? Have you found it?" asked Surya. "Yes the base is in "Rana Mountain caverns" north of the town and there are nearly 100 bandits hiding there. They would always invade at night and rob the people. Even the security cannot keep up with these people. Many guards have been killed due to their attacks" said the village chief.

"Do you have any information on who is leading them?" asked Surya. "No, the leader is a very secretive person and does not come out of that central cavern. Even with magical technologies he cannot be harmed" said Surya.

Surya bid Arnold farewell and left for the Rana mountain caverns. He saw the caverns from the distance and saw large number of people dressed in red shirts with a wyvern paining on them.

"System detects a lot of traps in the area and I advise the host to be careful"

Even if the system hadn't said he knows there are traps hidden. He decided that he will use these traps to kill the bandits.

He went very near the caverns avoiding all kinds of traps. The bandits have already seen him. He went directly without sneaky methods because he needs to increase his level and his body is tingling to slaughter criminals.

When he is 150 meters away the bandit archers on right and left of the mountain cliff fired arrows. Surya took out the trident and started twirling it in such speed that it turned like a motor wheel.

He deflected every arrow by twirling it in very direction arrows came from. The bandit vanguard which were filled with superspeed fighters made their way. There were nearly 25 such bandits.

Surya's eyes were filled with an excitement to battle and slaughter. That day everybody would come to know about what Surya is capable of.

Though there are 25 bandits who had superspeed they could not do anything as Surya kept escaping every hit. He jumped, ducked and did acrobatics which is unfamiliar to this world.

As soon as he got an opening he thrusted his Trident into the throat of one of the superspeed bandits.

"Ding! The host killed a "Red Wyvern Bandit". The host is awarded 1000 recognition points and 5000 Anti hero points" said System.

He asked the system to explain the uses of both the points. "Host Anti hero points can be used to increase your level and Recognition points can be used to buy skills, items, weapons, armor etc from weapons shop. You can also use them to clear the loan if you borrow something from the system" explained the system.

Surya smiled happily and focused on the bandits. 5 superspeed bandits surrounded him with swords and spears targeted at him. They all used their superspeed and pounced on him. Surya with a cruel smile jumped above and rolled over in air to other side. The bandits weapons pierced through each other and they died on spot.

"Ding! The host killed a "Red Wyvern Bandit". The host is awarded 1000 recognition points and 5000 Anti hero points".

"Ding! The host killed a "Red Wyvern Bandit". The host is awarded 1000 recognition points and 5000 Anti hero points".

"Ding! The host killed a "Red Wyvern Bandit". The host is awarded 1000 recognition points and 5000 Anti hero points".

"Ding! The host killed a "Red Wyvern Bandit". The host is awarded 1000 recognition points and 5000 Anti hero points".

"Ding! The host killed a "Red Wyvern Bandit". The host is awarded 1000 recognition points and 5000 Anti hero points".

The voice kept on ringing in his head. Seeing what happened the bandits became cautious and called for their mages and martial artists.

The reason bandits did not talk with Surya is because he is not in guards dress or other bureaucratic dress. They know a bounty has been put on their heads. No army is behind Surya so they know he is an adventurer.

There are 10 mages and 15 martial artists who came from inside. The mages were all types as they had powers of fire, Ice, Water, Darkness, Light, Wind. The Martial artists used their qi to strengthen their bodies and used the qi to throw qi blast and qi waves.

Surya smiled and let all kinds of spells hit him but he lost only 50 HP after he got hit by all kinds of spells and qi blasts. The reason is the stats of Surya are very high compared to bandits. Their level may be 15 or 20 but it is according to the standards of this world.

Surya came from Bloodhold and systems levelling is different.


Name: Surya Vikramarka

Job: Anti Hero


HEALTH: 4950/5000





LUCK: 800

Cosmic Energy absorption: 0.3%

Recognition Points: 6000

Anti Hero Points: 30000

Main quest: The town of "Galleon" is plagued by criminals and corruption. Cleanse the town of criminals and corrupt people.

Reward: Ancient Trident art knowledge, All stats +600

Now it is his turn to attack. He propelled and dashed towards the mages and martial artists. The speed is much faster than lightning. With simple wave of the trident he cut 7 mages bodies in half.

He moved to the martial artists immediately and spun his body clockwise and slashed them diagonally. The martial artists tried to defend with qi barrier but they could not withstand the attack and 9 martial artists got cut in half while others jumped away.

Surya turned his attention to superspeed bandits and he started spinning his own body anti clockwise. His body spun like a tornado and whenever it got near a superspeed bandit their bodies got cut into pieces.

In just 7 minutes he killed the remaining superspeed bandits. The recognition points and anti hero points kept pouring.

When he looked at the status:


Name: Surya Vikramarka

Job: Anti Hero


HEALTH: 4950/5000





LUCK: 800

Cosmic Energy absorption: 0.3%

Recognition Points: 41000

Anti Hero Points: 175000

Main quest: The town of "Galleon" is plagued by criminals and corruption. Cleanse the town of criminals and corrupt people.

Reward: Ancient Trident art knowledge, All stats +600

There are only three mages and six martial artists left. He ignored and focused his attention on archers. They are completely reloaded and ready to launch their arrows again.

Surya has an ability of jumping to very long heights. He jumped and immediately caught a ledge at 30 meters height. He gained this ability in that wild world. The archers kept shooting at him but they missed him because as soon as he caught the ledge he entered a gap in the cliff. The cliff was narrow and there is only a small portion visible to launch the arrows.

He climbed up and he is immediately greeted with arrows. He dodged all the arrows and reached where archers were. The archers tried to put a distance but their speed is very less compared to Surya.

There were 20 archers and all of them were killed just within 3 minutes due to his speed. The bandits mages and martial artists started shaking in fear because this is an one sided massacre.

One of the bandit mages blew a horn and 29 gigantic bandits came out. They were bandit berserkers. Their strength is high and prefer closed combat.

Surya jumped down the cliff and kept the trident on his shoulder. All the 29 berserkers stormed at him. He ran away from them. They kept chasing him in the "Berserker" Mode.

First he led them to a poisonous trap which is triggered upon stepping on the thread. 6 bandits got hit with poison arrows and died immediately.

The remaining evaded the trap. The others chased him from other direction. When they got near he swiftly moved beside 8 bandits and pushed them using his trident's whole body. They fell on a wire which triggered the acid trap.

Their bodies burned like hell and they died after few minutes. Out of other 15 only 6 chased him and Surya activated the lightning trap and threw it at the 6 people they got electrocuted.

The remaining nine stopped chasing him and taunted "If you are a man fight us head on". "Yeah you are just a coward hiding behind traps".

Surya laughed maniacally and said "You morons died by your own traps and you call me coward".

"I will fulfill your last wishes" Surya said and stormed at them.

The nine of them also went at him but Surya swiftly moved behind them and kept on thrusting the trident on them. In less than 2 minutes they were all killed.

His body is covered with blood of all the bandits he has killed. He looked at mages and martial artists running away. He stormed and killed them with few slashes. He only lost 1000 Hp due to some hits.

After all of them were killed he looked at his status.


Name: Surya Vikramarka

Job: Anti Hero


HEALTH: 4000/5000





LUCK: 800

Cosmic Energy absorption: 0.3%

Recognition Points: 99000

Anti Hero Points: 495000

Main quest: The town of "Galleon" is plagued by criminals and corruption. Cleanse the town of criminals and corrupt people.

Reward: Ancient Trident art knowledge, All stats +600

After looking at the points he closed the window. Immediately he heard huge footsteps coming out.

It is the bandit leader "George Gravel". He wore a red devil mask and he has a superhuman suit on his body.

"You dare kill my men. Today I am going to make an example out of you" said George. He took out a gigantic sword and rushed towards Surya.

Surya cruelly smiled and used his trident to block the sword. The bandit leader was a brute and only relied on strength. Surya knows about George Gravel because one of the superheroes arrested him for thievery many times.

"You are a fool George and you always have been" said Surya. "How did you know my name, not even the people of the village know who I am?" shouted George.

"Information Brokers" said Surya and it is a lie. He knows about it from the documents in guard station of Galleon. The guards kept the bandit leader identity a secret to gain more money from town hall to snatch George.

George started dealing heavy blows but could not even put a wound. If many people were there they could at least damage Surya but he is only one. He may be a strong berserker but when compared to Surya and his techniques he is very bad.

He kept slashing and slashing Surya. After 2 minutes Surya got bored and immediately pierced the face of bandit leader. George wore a superhuman suit so Surya cannot damage his body but his face and neck are exposed. Surya plunged his trident into George's throat and George died.

Surya took sometime and rested for 5 minutes. He cut the head of George and put it in inventory. He went inside the cavern and saw a door. He opened the door and observed a vast room. He went to the desk and searched through the desk. After sometime he came across a document which made his eyes widened.

"WELL, WELL LOOK AT THIS. SOMEONE HAS BEEN NAUGHTY AND YOU PARTNER GEORGE" said Surya in a sarcastic tone and laughed maniacally.

The first cleansing is done and a bandit group is wiped out. Surya is leaving to deal with partner of George.