
The Anomaly: Arise

After a horrific astronomical event that almost desimated the entire world, an era where inhumane abilities called "Anomalies" are coming into the light. A group of individuals aims to survive against the force of the military which is totally against this humanity's step to evolution. The leaders of the Five Major Nations (Grand Britain, New America, Noble Asia, Gallant Africa and Proud Russia) are expected to cultivate peace among all citizens but it is a question of their willingness to accomplish this goal. Are they up for this difficult task? Anonymous figures have been doing their own agendas in the shadows as well may it be for the better or for the worse towards mankind. What are they willing to sacrifice to achieve their goals?

JayceClaymore · ファンタジー
48 Chs

Get Blasted

"Here we are! Where is he?" Anastasia asked Thandiwe referring to the guy they picked up at the east border as they met at the mansion's front door.

 "We moved him to the basement. It's too dangerous if we keep him in the living room." Thandiwe answered then they ran toward where the guy was. As they slowly closed in, they heard explosions making the basement smell burnt.

 "We're almost there." Thandiwe said.

 "Are the Banshee Sisters still dealing with the explosions?" She asked.

 "Yes, Medusa is still keeping the guy restrained. We also got Swift, Surge and Glass to assist us just in case something bad happens." Thandiwe confirmed.

 Just before Anastasia left to fetch Tobi, Thandiwe, and some other Anomalies restrained the new guy to suppress the explosions he was emitting and trying to figure out what was causing this some sort of seizure. The guy was strapped to a table in the mansion's living room with Medusa's sturdy hair. Medusa has an Anomaly of hair manipulation. Even though the guy is lying down restrained with his hands on his sides, he is still emitting powerful explosions from his palms. Medusa's hair keeps on being burnt by these explosions so they need to think of other ways to fight those off.

 The Banshee Sisters volunteered to use their Anomaly to somehow repel the guy's Anomaly and as the guy's hands start to glow which indicates an explosion, the sisters positioned themselves to where the guy is aiming. They screamed simultaneously while holding hands as an explosion came out and to everyone's surprise including the sisters, they did repel the explosion which avoided any damage to the mansion or to them. Swift has an Anomaly of enhanced speed. Swift can reposition the sisters just in case the explosions are redirected in a different direction. Surge has an Anomaly to absorb force and fire it at his will. Surge can absorb an explosion in case one of those slipped through Swift the Banshees. Glass has an Anomaly to harden the air and make it a defensive glass shield which he made a few to block the hallways connected to the living room so no one will come in and no explosion can come out.

 The three finally arrived at the basement and they saw Medusa still restraining the guy to a metal table which appeared to be damaged from the explosions. Glass removed the glass shield from the basement entrance that he put up earlier so the three could enter. They noticed that the Banshee Sisters were still trying their best to repel all the explosions. Suddenly, it looked like Medusa's grip on the guy slightly loosened which enabled him to change his aim. The guy unconsciously aimed his hands at Tobi, Anastasia, and Thandiwe then his hand started to glow. Swift ran towards the Banshee Sisters and repositioned in front of the three then the sisters screamed to repel the explosion. Medusa then tightened her grip on the guy again.

 "Thank you, Banshees." Anastasia said and the sisters smiled back.

 "What's the status here?" Thandiwe asked.

 "We noticed that his explosions are stronger than the last he makes which make it challenging to the sisters." Surge confirmed.

 "We're fine. We can still keep up." The Banshee Sisters said simultaneously.

 "Do we have a solid plan now on how to stop this guy?" Swift asked.

 "Yes, we thought of an option." Anastasia confirmed.

 "Is the option that guy?" Glass asked pointing to Tobi. "What's his business here? It's dangerous."

 "We believe that he can somehow turn off someone's Anomaly so he's here for help us." Anastasia said.

 "Beast, are you hearing this?" Surge asked looking at Thandiwe. "Is what your sister is saying is true?"

 "It's true that he's here to help." Thandiwe said. "Let's hope that my sister's right about this."

 "Tobi, I know you can do this. You're the only one who can do this." Anastasia cheered Tobi even though he seemed to be very astonished at what was happening. There's much Anomaly activity happening in one room.

 Tobi started to walk towards the restrained guy trying his best to not get distracted by explosions that were happening a few inches away from him. He hears Anastasia calming him down through thoughts to avoid being eaten by fear or nervousness. As he reached his desired place, standing close to the guy's head, he placed his hands on the guy's forehead and closed his eyes to concentrate. He thinks of stopping the explosions but he still hears them after a few moments of waiting.

 "Banshees, you should take a rest. Let me handle this." Surge said.

 "No. Not yet." The sisters answered at the same time. "We can still keep up."

 "Pandora, are you sure with this?" Glass asked looking at Anastasia. "Nothing's happening."

 "The sisters are having a hard time. He should do what his about to do and he needs to do it fast before this gets more ugly." Swift commented.

 "Give him a little more time. If don't want to trust him on this, trust me." Anastasia said.

 "Can you just calm this guy down with your Anomaly to stop him right away?" Medusa asked.

 "I've been trying to penetrate his thoughts from the time we met him until now but nothing clear registers." Anastasia said. "His mind is very foggy I can't see anything."

 "Incoming!" Thandiwe alarmed the sisters that the next explosion was about to burst out from the restrained guy's hands. The sisters started to scream as the string explosion came out. Tobi screamed his heart out to stop the guy's Anomaly the explosion didn't stop but the sister's screams were. Since there is no force to completely repel the explosion, the projectile hit them making them blasted to the wall and leaving them unconscious.

 "What the hell happened?" Swift asked everyone in confusion.

 "It happened again. Did it, Tobi?" Thandiwe asked Tobi in frustration. Be realized that Tobi aimed to shut off the guy's Anomaly but was redirected somehow to the screams of the sisters so even though they repelled half of the explosion's force, it wasn't enough to fend off the entire thing making them blasted to the walls.

 "I didn't mean to. I'm sorry." Tobi said still trying to suppress the guy's Anomaly.

 "The sister's are down! Swift, get them to safety. I'll handle this." Surge said then Swift carried the sisters upstairs. "I'll absorb the explosions and I'll let it out after this is all done so hurry up guys."

 "Liu, can you do this of not?" Thandiwe asked. "Just tell us so we can look for another way to stop him."

 "Brother, calm yourself down. We have a much larger issue to deal with right now." Anastasia calms his brother.

 The guy suddenly glows not just both of his hands but his whole body making him scream in pain as well. Everyone in the room knows what will happen next. An explosion will not just be coming from his hand but from every part of his body which means, everyone will get hit if they all stay in the basement. Surge is aware that an explosion that huge is impossible for him to absorb because if he does, he might die. Medusa thought of wrapping the guy with her hair but she might end up bald with this scale of explosion.

 "Guys, save yourselves. I can do this." Surge said even though he knew what might happen.

 "No, force this big would be difficult for you to absorb." Medusa said still trying to restrain the guy. "We should all get out of here!"

 "And what? Let the mansion destroyed? No, I will not" Thandiwe said. "There must be another way."

 "I think I can make a glass force field to enclose the in it and hope that it can withstand the explosion." Glass suggested.

 "I can layer my hair to that force field of yours just to be sure it will contain the explosion." Medusa added.

 "Good, start making the force field now." Thandiwe said.

 "It may take a few minutes to make, Beast. Let's just hope that he won't explode while I'm at it."

 "Guys, call that off. The guy glows brighter and brighter every second so he might not last for a few more minutes. Tobi's still with us. I believe he's going to stop this explosion." Anastasia said. The rest of them stopped their plans and tried to escape. Thandiwe, Medusa, Swift, Surge, and Glass managed to have everyone evacuate to the mansion's fields and as they went back to the basement, they still saw Tobi trying to stop the guy's Anomaly, and Anastasia was there to witness it all.

 The guy glows his brightest and they know it's about to happen. Swift tried to save Anastasia but due to the extreme brightness, he couldn't get to her. Everyone heard the guy's screams and Tobi's as well and just before everyone thought the explosion would happen, the guy stopped glowing and they saw Tobi fall unconscious to the ground which means he stopped the guy's Anomaly and everyone was safe. But, to everyone's surprise, everyone who is in the basement can't use their Anomaly.

 "Did he actually do it? Did he actually stopped the guy from self-destructing? " Surge asked in astonishment.

 "It seems like it." Swift asked. Thandiwe rushes to his sister to check if she's okay and they both fetch Tobi who went unconscious after his bold effort.

 "We should also take care of the explosion guy before he gains consciousness." Glass said.

 "Something's wrong." Medusa exclaimed as she tried to grab the guy with her hair but she couldn't.

 "What's wrong?" Swift asked.

 "My hair. My hair is not moving! I can't move my hair!" Medusa screamed in panic.

 "Don't be silly. You might've just been exhausted in restraining the guy earlier." Swift concluded but in curiosity, he tried to run fast but he couldn't. "Why am I slow? I've never been slow?"

 "I tried to release all the energy that I've absorbed earlier and I puked instead." Surge commented.

 "My Anomaly is not working too." Glass confirmed as he tried to create a shield. "Beast and Pandora? What's the meaning of this?"

 "Guys, we should all calm down." Thandiwe said. "As we told you earlier, this guy can suppress others' Anomaly but he can't control his powers yet so instead of him just stopping the Anomaly of the explosion guy, he happened to stop the Anomaly of everyone in the basement including me and my sister here." He explained. Anastasia gestured that she was fine so no one would worry.

 "Is this a normal thing? If it is, that would be very scary." Surge asked and the rest nodded in agreement.

 "No." Thandiwe confirmed and their friends brightened up. "Me and my sister went through this a lot of times. It'll just last for a few minutes and we'll get back to normal. Trust me."

 "Thank goodness." Medusa exclaimed.

 "Let's call it a night." Swift said. "I want to sleep my head off already."

 "Agree and hopefully my Anomaly will go back first thing in the morning." Surge commented.

 "I trust your words on this, Beast. I'll just take the explosion guy to the infirmary then I'll take my sleep." Glass said.

 "Let me help." Surge volunteered.

 "Fine. Let's go." Glass agreed then they both took the explosion guy and went off. "Good night everyone."

 The Montgomery siblings left the basement with Tobi and had him rest in one of the rooms in the mansion. Along the way, they came across other Anomalies who were also living in the mansion. They are anxious about what happened in the basement since everyone who came out from there is either unconscious or extremely exhausted. Thandiwe sarcastically confirmed that the show was over so everyone should go back to their rooms. Thandiwe and Anastasia went to their rooms as well after putting Tobi to rest.

 Due to being burnt out the previous night, Tobi woke up late and he wasn't that quick to realize that he must go to school so he immediately got up from bed after confirming that he was already an hour late for class. He realized that he didn't bring anything with him last night so he needs to go back to the Inoue's household to fetch his things. He didn't notice Thandiwe and Anastasia in the mansion so they probably took off to the Academy.

 "Man, you're still here?" Swift asked as they ran to each other in the hallways.

 "Yeah, but I need to go. I'm late for school." Tobi said in a hurry.

 "You want me to help you with that?" Swift seemed to have an idea to have Tobi catch up with his studies.

 "Do you have a ride that we can use? That would be very helpful."

 "Man, I am the ride. Have you forgotten about my Anomaly already? I can run fast. Very fast. Thanks to you I missed my Anomaly very much since last night. Good thing it came back first thing in the morning."

 "Did I do something wrong to you?"

 "Hell yeah you did and not just to me but to the rest of the crew back at the basement. Well, It's not entirely bad. You were able to stop the other dude from self-destructing but, you managed to stop everyone's Anomaly alongside with it."

 "I'm so sorry. I couldn't control my Anomaly that much but it's a good thing I did what I came for."

 "But yeah, we're cool now so would you like me to help you run to school?"

 "Is it safe for you to use your Anomaly outside?"

 "Don't worry about that. With what I can do, no one will see me coming. All they'll notice is a brief whip of air coming through.

 "Fine. Perfect. I could use your help but I need to drop by to where I'm staying first to get my things."

 "That's not a problem. Where is this place you're talking about?" Swift asked Tobi pulled out his phone and then went to the map to pinpoint the location. "I see. No problem. That's pretty close by. Come on!"

 "So how will we get there? Will you piggyback me or something?" Tobi asked in confusion.

 "Don't be foolish. I won't piggyback you." Swift confirmed. "Just stand right next to me, I'll hold you in the arm with one of my hands and the other will hold your nape to support your head and neck." He explained as he put Tobi in position.

 "So what now!?" Tobi couldn't finish his question properly as they suddenly started to run at a very high speed. Tobi couldn't even see anything clearly in the surroundings due to the immense speed. Then in a few seconds, both of them arrived at the Inoue house.

 "Wait me here. I'll be quick." Tobi said then ran inside. As he expected Raf and Eden already went to school because no one was inside anymore but he heard a wheelchair slowly closing in.

 "Tobi, what are you doing here? Raf and Eden already went out to school roughly an hour ago." Mrs. Inoue said.

 "Auntie Lyn, I'm sorry I was with a friend last night but don't worry. Nothing weird happened." Tobi explained.

 "Ok. Well, you should hurry up. You're already running late for school."

 "I will. And Auntie Lyn?"

 "Can we keep this a secret to Raf and Eden? I just don't want them to worry."

 "Sure. I can keep secrets."

 "Thank you. I'll get going now. See you later." Tobi said then continued to his room, brushed his teeth, cleaned his face then put on his uniform. Due to him already running out of time, he didn't get a chance to have a complete bath. After putting on his uniform and getting his school stuff, he went back to where Swift was waiting then they both ran to the Academy at full speed.

 Tobi came in running to their class and saw that a discussion was already ongoing. He checked if Raf was inside and he confirmed that he was since he was sitting at the desk behind his desk. He also noticed that Thandiwe and Saoirse were already in their places. Tobi silently walked towards his desk.

 "What the hell, man? Why didn't you woke me up?" Tobi whispered to Thandiwe but he just smiled.

 "Mr. Liu." Their advisor called him out. "You just came in so might as well listen to the discussion. We'll have a graded recitation right after." He added making the whole class sigh in disappointment.

 "Nice going Liu." One classmate said from the back rows.

 "Way to go man." Another one said.

 "You better stop that or we'll have a 40-item quiz with whatever we've discussed today." The advisor threatened and the whole class went silent.

 After a long day's work, the class is finally over. Thandiwe told Tobi that he'll head back to the mansion immediately to check on things. Tobi decided to see if he could catch Anastasia in the Academy's infirmary to ask some questions about what happened last but before he could go out of their classroom, Raf and Saoirse invited him to hang out.

 "T, we'll go to the arcade with Saoirse and the rest of the gang." Raf invited.

 "We'll go shopping too!" Saoirse excitedly mentioned. "Right, girls?" She said and their other female classmates who would come along screamed weirdly in joy.

 "I'm so sorry guys but I'll pass. I'm not feeling particularly well today." Tobi respectfully declined. "I'll just drop by to the infirmary."

 "Ok. Get well." Raf said. "You better treat us once you get better." He teased.

 "Why should I?" Tobi replied with a chuckle. "Fine whatever. I can go now, right?" He said.

 "I'll note that. We will all note that actually. We better get going now too. See you at home!" Raf said that he, Saoirse, and their group went off to do their thing and on the other hand, Tobi headed to the infirmary hoping that he'd see whoever it that he expected there.

 "What brought you here?" Anastasia asked. As Tobi expected, she's still in the infirmary.

 "I just want to talk about something." Tobi said.

 "Can you do this at the mansion? I'm getting hungry."

 "We need to talk first. I'll treat you lunch after as thanks."

 "Fine. What's bothering you?"

 "Where and how did you find the guy from last night?"

 "As I've told you, we found him along the eastern border. In an alleyway near Emerald Bridge to be more specific."

 "I know. What I meant was, l don't understand how did it come to you to have him in the mansion. The guy's pretty dangerous. Given the fact about his Anomaly. "

 "I thought we made it clear to you. Our mission is to keep our people live in peacefully and safely. That guy is one of us so he's part of that mission. Whether the Anomaly is dangerous or not, the mansion's doors are open for them and still for you."

 "For me?"

 "Yes, for you. You're welcome to go in and out of the mansion but we're not certain if you're with us 100%."

 "Look, I can see that your cause is noble. Having the Anomalies have their own place to be themselves is very admirable but, I can't be fully a part of it. I have my own life to live and besides, my Anomaly is just to suppress others' Anomaly so it wouldn't affect much to my life outside."

 "I understand your point. But, I want you to understand that there's a purpose why you've been born with that gift and here we are to help you find it and nurture it. Anomaly should be celebrated not hidden."

 "I'm not hiding my Anomaly."

 "Can you tell your non-Anomaly folks that you're one of us?"

 "No. Not yet I just.."

 "That's my point. You're not proud of what you have, of your gift. The rest of the world is not trully prepared to know that our kind exists. Once they knew that you are an Anomaly, what do you think they'll do? How will they react?"

 "I-I don't know."

 "We're still not pushing you to decide if you'll join us or not. Just remember our doors our open and we really appreciate what you've done so far for us."

 "I just did what I had to do."

 "So, are we done now? I'm really hungry."

 "I think so. Come on, let's go."

 The two went to a nearby barbeque house and ordered food for both of them. Anastasia remembered that Tobi said that he'll treat their lunch so she ordered one of the bestsellers and a diet soda. Luckily, Tobi brought extra cash with him but just to save money as much as he could, he just ordered some kind of a value meal and water for drinks.

 "I didn't recognize that you're a heavy eater." Tobi said still calculating how much the total amount of their order be.

 "It's just this once. We just happened to attend to many students back at the infirmary earlier. I was so drained. But don't worry, I'll treat you next time to be fair." Anastasia explained.

 "Is there something unusual happened earlier at the Academy?" He asked.

 "There was actually. Dozens of students were suspected to be food poisoned but everyone highly doubts that the food came the academy cafeteria since they built a reputation already so the food might've came from the outside."

 "I see." Tobi replied. Then their order came in.

 "Oh, that's fast." Anastasia reacted.

 "That's one of the things I like in this barbeque house." Tobi commented, referring to the quick service. "Dig in!"

 "Thanks for the food." She said.

 A few minutes later, a thought came to Tobi then asked, "I just want to ask. I noticed last night that you and the other Anomalies from the mansion addresses each other in some kind of codename. I believe yours is Pandora. May I know what's that about?" He asked.

 "Oh, that? I actually thought that you won't notice. But yeah, my name is Pandora when I'm in the mansion. As part of celebrating who we are and what we can do, we kind of baptized ourselves after joining this family." Anastasia explained.

 "I see. But why just inside the mansion?"

 "When we do it outside, problems may happen. As we've talked about, the rest of the world are not prepared to our kind. If they knew that we're an Anomaly, we might be imprisoned or worst, be treated like witches in Salem few centuries back. That's how it can quickly escalate."

 "Really? How awful."

 "Yes. Very awful. You know the Anomalies that are reported on the news since this all started? No one doesn't have any leads on where they are now."

 "But they're still alive for sure. They're just held captive somewhere."

 "Not to be too negative but we're not that sure. We actually tried to look for them but it didn't go well. Anyways, let's change the subject shall we? I might tear up if we continue to talk about it." She explained. The hurt in her voice seeped out.

 "I understand."

 "Thank you. So, you've met some of us last night."

 "Yeah, I guess so. I just couldn't keep up with your codenames."

 "You'll get used to it. Me and the sisters actually thought of your codename just in case you finally decided to join us."

 "Really? What did you come up with?"

 "We got Halt, Banner, and Thief since you can stop or, I don't know, take others' Anomaly, I guess."

 "Those sound pretty decent. Not bad."

 "You think so? I think so too. You think you'll use one of those?"

 "I don't know. Maybe. Why do you believe so much that I'll join you?"

 "Even though I don't dig deep in your mind, I can confidently say that you're very much interested with what we do. A few more push and you'll be fully one of us."

 "I'm very much willing to help you guys if I can but that's just it for now. I'm not ready to fully adjust to a new life knowing that once it's exposed, everyone might be put in danger. I can't handle that risk."

 "Just remember, what we're doing is bigger than ourselves. We're doing this for our kind, for everyone actually and I mean everyone. What we're hoping for is a world where Anomalies and non-anomalies can co-exist in peace."

 Their discussion went on and on to the point that they even shared their life stories as a kid. What went weird about their discussion as a whole is that Tobi is the only one talking from the perspective of the people around them. They eventually notice it and Tobi decides to do sign language just like what Anastasia does but since he has zero knowledge about it, his gestures look very weird which makes Anastasia giggle at some points. The good thing is, that other people don't suspect anything off about the two. Suddenly, Anastasia's phone beeped. A message. She read it intently then stood up and got ready to go.

 "What's the matter?" Tobi asked also starting to fix himself up.

 "The guy from last night finally woke up. I need to check on his status." She explained. "Want to come with?"

 "I probably shouldn't. I really don't have any business with him anyways."

 "Oh, come on. We can say that you're part of the rescue team who saved him last night. Taking out the fact that you also removed everyone's Anomalies too. No, I'm just kidding. Don't you want to know how he is now?"

 "Fine. I'll tag along."

 "Great. Let's go!"

 They finally left the barbeque house and headed to the mansion to check on the explosion guy. Moments before they went out of the building, Tobi saw Raf and Saoirse together with the rest of their group a few meters away from them and it seemed that they were looking for a place to eat from the other side of the block. Tobi didn't call his friend's attention because he thought that it wouldn't be a good idea if one of the medical assistants of the academy's infirmary was with him. So, they continued to head to the mansion.

 "P! Welcome back." Medusa said as they bumped into each other at the mansion's entrance. "Beast and the rest of the gang are waiting for you in the living room."

 "Thanks, M." Anastasia responded then headed to the living room.

 "M?" Tobi said as he heard Anastasia's thoughts. "She's that Medusa girl, right?"

 "Yeah. So what's the problem?"

 "I thought you're all being celebrated here and codenames are used indoors."

 "Don't stress out yourself too much about it. M is for Medusa. She calls me P sometimes for, as you've heard, Pandora. We just thought that it would be classy if we do it that way."

 "Fine. Whatever. I think we're here." Tobi said as he saw Thandiwe and the others huddled around.

 "Your patient's awake." Thandiwe confirmed.

 "How is he?" She asked.

 "He seems fine, I guess. There's just one problem."

 "What is it?"

 "He said the only thing that he can remember is his name and nothing more. Tobi must've removed most of the guy's memory along with his Anomaly."

 "Don't be ridiculous. Tobi removed our Anomalies in several occasions but all of our memories are still intact. That guy's mind probably got into a state of shock due to overusing his Anomaly last night."

 "Probably." Thandiwe responded then Anastasia faced to the explosion guy.

 "Hi. I'm Anastasia. What's your name?" She asked while smiling.

 "Uh, my name is Shin Mathews." The explosion guy responded.

 "Do remember why you're here?"

 "No. The last thing I remember is an excruciating pain that I felt somewhere and somehow. It feels like it's still there."

 "Oh, I see. You know what? I'm a telepath. I can you see through your memories."

 "Is it safe?"

 "You won't feel a thing promise."

 "Fine. Let's do this." Shin gave his approval to Anastasia then she put his hands to his forehead and both suddenly closed their eyes. A few minutes later, something quite off happened. Shin started to tremble in pain as well as Anastasia. Both of them were suddenly taken aback making Anastasia lose her connection with Shin and almost faint from exhaustion. Shin was forced to sit down on a sofa behind him due to the drained sensation as well.

 "What happened?" Thandiwe asked as he helped her get up.

 "Please don't make her do that again." Shin said still trembling and sweating. "It hurts so bad."

 "I can't see anything clear in his memories. It's very misty. Suddenly, I find myself in his memory from last night where explosions are bursting out from every direction. It feels like they're aimed directly at me and that's where I need to pull myself out."

 "Are you guys alright?" Glass asked.

 "That seemed pretty intense." Surge commented.

 "I'm fine, I guess. I just need to breathe." Anastasia responded.

 "I'm alright. Just don't do anything like that to me again." Shin requested.

 "I agree." Anastasia said.

 "But please don't get me wrong. I appreciate that you tried maybe it's just my head that's not ready to be analyzed yet." Shin said to not put any negative feelings on Anastasia.

 "So, what now?" Surge asked.

 "What do you mean what now?" Glass said.

 "I mean, what are we going to do with him? Should we let him go now since he's fine or keep him here because, you know, of what he can do?" Surge confirmed as he pertains to Shin's Anomaly.

 "Well, I suggest that he can stay with us until his memories come back and let him decide if he'll stay for good or he'll go back to wherever he came from. What do you think?" Anastasia said to Beast.

 "I'm all for what you think is right." Thandiwe responded.

 "Wait. What is this thing that I can do you're saying? I don't actually follow." Shin asked.

 "Believe it or not man, you're an Anomaly." Thandiwe confirmed. "You can emit powerful explosions from your palms."

 "What!?" Shin reacted and then slowly raised his hand aiming at Thandiwe's face and it seemed that he was trying to make an explosion. Everyone was about to panic but nothing happened. "Nothing. My hand didn't do anything."

 "Don't do that, man. It's very dangerous." Thandiwe said still trying to calm himself down.

 "Look, you're welcome to stay in the mansion with us until your memory is back to its normal state. Besides, you don't remember anything or anyone who can help you for now aside from us so it's best for you to stay here for the time being." Anastasia suggested.

 "Yeah, I think that'll be the case. I'll be staying then." Shin accepted the offer.

 "But let me clarify something. You're not totally a guest here so it's best for everyone including yourself if you'll be willing to do some errands as well like everybody else does." Thandiwe pointed out.

 "That's fine by me. I want to repay you guys somehow so I'm good with that." Shin agreed.

 "Alright, that settles it then. Welcome to the mansion." Thandiwe said.

 "Uh, sorry. Who is he? He seems familiar." Shin asked the group pointing at Tobi.

 "My name is Tobias Liu. Call me Tobi." Tobi said then they shook hands.

 "He was actually the one who saved you last night so if there's someone who you really be grateful for, that's definitely him." Anastasia boasted a little.

 "Why thank you so much, Tobi. If what she's saying is true, I do owe you my life." Shin said.

 "Yeah, don't mention it. Just did what I had to." Tobi replied.

 "It's really nice to meet you all. I hope we all get along very well." Shin said.