
The Angel War

In the wake of the Angel War that ravaged the world centuries ago, the Holy Angels emerged triumphant, wresting control from their longstanding adversaries. The majority of the defeated fallen angels perished in the cataclysmic conflict, their presence vanquished from the realm. However, ancient legends whispered of a mystical force capable of harnessing the essence of the fairies, a force that could potentially aid in the resurgence of the fallen angels. Now, in the present day, the Holy Angels set their sights on purifying the vast and forsaken land that is Lost Continent. Within this lawless expanse, where the concept of a rule of law has been supplanted by the dominion of wealth, three mighty corporations have risen to prominence: Jackson Enterprises, Taira Trading Company, and Miguel Trading Company. Each corporation exerts its influence and vies for power, weaving intricate webs of manipulation and intrigue. Enter Ethan, a young man whose life is shrouded in mystery. Gifted with unparalleled swordsmanship skills from a tender age, Ethan's past is mired in darkness. At the age of eighteen, burdened by the weight of an alleged patricidal act committed under unknown circumstances, he abandons his village and embarks on a perilous journey that leads him to the sprawling city. There, his reputation as a skilled and merciless assassin begins to take root, attracting the attention of the city's influential enterprises. As Ethan's journey unfolds, his path intertwines with a diverse cast of allies and comrades. United by fate, they find themselves thrust into the center of a grand narrative that will shape the destiny of the world. Together, they will face the resurgence of both the Holy Angels and the Fallen Angels, forces that threaten to plunge the realm into chaos once more.

KageOng · ファンタジー
22 Chs

Against Jackson Enterprise

Jackson received a report from his staff detailing the intrusion at the bio lab, and to his astonishment, it mentioned the theft of the ZGene DNA sample. Immediately, he placed a call to Ethan.

"Hey, Ethan, do you have the ZGene DNA sample?" Jackson inquired urgently.

Ethan, still seated at the dimly lit bar, engaged in a heated discussion with Jane and Jessica about his job, responded, "Yes, I have it."

Relieved, Jackson instructed, "Good, you need to return it to me. Ensure its safety."

Ethan questioned, his voice laced with skepticism, "Return it? I don't recall that being part of my assignment's job scope."

Annoyed, Jackson retorted, "Is it a matter of money again? I can offer you an additional 100k for it."

Ethan remained steadfast, his eyes narrowing, "100k? Sorry, I'm not a beggar. Unless you're willing to give me another 300k, this item will find its way to Taira Trading Company."

Impatience etched into Jackson's features, he sighed, "Are you out of your mind?"

Ethan replied coldly, his voice dripping with a businesslike tone, "This is just business, money for the package."

A warning tone crept into Jackson's voice, "Ethan, I'm warning you, don't make me your enemy."

Returning the warning, Ethan stated firmly, his eyes gleaming with determination, "Jackson, I'm warning you as well. Make sure you transfer my remaining payment for the Seifer case, or this won't end well."

With anger resonating in his words, Jackson abruptly ended the call.

"Jessica, can you please accompany Jane back to Acadia? I've turned against Jackson Enterprises. There might be soldiers coming for me soon..." Ethan confided, his voice tinged with urgency.

Concerned for his safety, Jessica questioned, her voice filled with worry, "What about you?"

Ethan hesitated for a moment, torn between the choices laid before him. His gaze shifted from Jessica to Jane, who watched him intently, their eyes searching for answers.

"I plan to go to Taira Trading Company," Ethan finally confessed, his voice heavy with uncertainty.

Jane, interjecting with a suggestion, pleaded, her voice trembling with concern, "Ethan, why don't we just go back to Acadia together? It would be safer."

Ethan remained silent, his mind racing with conflicting thoughts. Sensing the urgency of the situation, Jessica urged them to focus.

"Alright, let's skip the discussion for now. Our priority is finding a way to escape this city," Jessica asserted, her voice filled with determination.

Ethan made a quick decision, determination flashing in his eyes. "You guys wait here, I'm going to find a car for us."

He swiftly exited the bar, determined to secure their escape vehicle. Meanwhile, Jessica and Jane exchanged worried glances, trying to calm their racing hearts and process the rapidly unfolding events.

Jane, attempting to ease the tension, asked Jessica, her voice trembling slightly, "After we escape this city, where do you plan to go?"

Jessica paused for a moment, her gaze fixed on the distant horizon, before responding, her voice filled with determination, "Actually, I have my reasons to go to Taira Trading Company as well..."

Before they could delve further into their conversation, several soldiers, clad in intimidating gear, gathered at the entrance of the bar, their stern voices demanding everyone inside to surrender peacefully. Jane and Jessica felt their nerves spike, their bodies tense, preparing themselves to fight if necessary.

Just as the soldiers were about to take further action, the screeching sound of tires filled the air as Ethan crashed a stolen car into them, creating chaos and distraction.

"Quick, into the car!" Ethan shouted, his voice filled with urgency.

Jane and Jessica wasted no time, swiftly moving towards the battered vehicle as it trembled with the force of the impact. They scrambled into the car, their hearts pounding with a mix of fear and relief, as it sped away, leaving the bewildered soldiers behind.

Meanwhile, in Jackson's lavishly furnished office, a woman with long gray hair, pale skin, and a cold expression stood before him, her presence formidable.

Jackson addressed her with authority, his voice tinged with a sense of malevolence, "Milan, there's a new assignment for you."

Milan, the woman with a long sword hanging at her side, replied in a detached tone, her piercing gaze fixed on Jackson, "Yes?"

Jackson's voice carried a sinister undertone, "Find and kill Ethan."

Showing no emotion, Milan responded, her voice laced with an air of deadly purpose, "Yes, sir."

Jackson's gaze hardened as he continued, his eyes glinting with malice, "And don't forget to retrieve the stolen ZGene DNA sample."

With a nod of acknowledgment, Milan turned on her heels, her long coat swirling around her, and swiftly left the office, disappearing into the shadows.

Jackson muttered to himself, a wicked smile forming, his voice barely a whisper, "Watch out, Ethan. Let's see how good you truly are."