
The Angel of Death - Chapter 4 - Hannibal x OC

'Dr Lecter tells me you have been making great progress here.' Will smiled graciously at her, eyes glancing at her bound wrists. Luna made a disagreeable noise at his statement.

'Luna, be respectful of Detective Graham, you allowed him to join us, he only wants to check on your progress.' There was an amused look in Dr Lecter's face as he glanced at her. She raised an eyebrow at him in response.

'It's fine Hannibal. She's right to distrust me, she's been through a lot, and I was one of the first faces she saw after it happened.'

Luna was becoming more irritated; Will Graham was taking to Hannibal about her as if she wasn't even there. She didn't have all her memories of that day, but she remembered Will Graham. Remembered his sympathetic face as she was wrestled from the bodies of her parents by police officers.

'What do you want from me Will Graham?' her voice was laced in poison as she spoke to him. A cold and dissociated response to the man in front of her. The voices becoming louder in her head. Kill. Kill.

Will looked at her in shock, using his full name and not his title, the way she looked at him, she was another person to the one he had seen the day he had arrested her.

'I don't think it was your fault that you killed your parents. You weren't well. Dr Lecter here has diagnosed you with Schizophrenia, but I wonder if there is something more here! I have heard about people with multiple personalities and…' Hannibal put an arm on Will's shoulder, stopping him from his sentence.

'You are not a trained psychiatrist William. I am. This is my patient, are you trying to tell her that I am wrong in my diagnosis.' He had an unimpressed look on his face.

Luna felt jealously watching Hannibal touch William but also amusement in the show before her.

'I am just saying that perhaps we should explore different options. I want to understand what happened that day with her parents. She was so distressed at the scene, as if she had no memory of what had happened. The writing on their chests, none of it makes sense.' Will had gone back to talking to Hannibal as if she were no longer there.

'What writing?' This had been the first time she had heard of this detail. She looked between Hannibal and Will. Will looking down at his hands in regret and an almost angry look on Hannibal's face as he looked in Will's direction.

'On your parents' chests, you scratched out "You Made Me Do This" with a kitchen knife after you had killed them.' Hannibal sounded sympathetic as he explained this to her. A soft look on his usually cold face as he gazed at her.

It was like watching a video, all of her memories came all at once to her, the voices screaming in her head, as if she were back in that room with her parents. Kneeling on their bleeding bodies with the knife in her hand. She felt hot, like her skin was melting. She could hear Hannibal, calling to her, trying to get her attention but the screams were deafening. Then it all went black.