
How'd I get here?

There was once a world that no one knew of, it held all the Mystical creatures Dwarfs, Dragons, Elves, and the most powerful Angels.

Angels were know as the most powerful because of all the power they had but there was one angel in particular this angel had black hair and a skull on his right hand this angel caused wars in the world they lived in he was eventually caught and executed.

But this angel made a child that would eventually carry on his legacy or would he?

THE PRESENT -----------------------------

God Counsel: Leon this has gone on for to long you are disturbing the peace of the land!

Leon: Good that's what I want.

God Counsel: Your punishment is your powers will be locked up and you will no longer dwell with us and will be thrown to earth to face trials and troubles!

Leon: Hmm sounds good but I have one request Kill yourself while am gone okay.

God Counsel: Throw him in!!!

Leon had gray hair with chains he usually carry's with him gray bandages that cover up his mark on his hand and a band aid on his face.

ON EARTH-------------------------

"Oh my head where am I? What happened?" Leon stood up and found himself in a cave still not knowing what happened he tried to find a way out to get answers to his questions.

Leon looked for about an hour but he couldn't find away out then he saw a small hole that lead outside he started to remove the rocks after about 15 minutes he was out of the cave. He was as hungry as a lion when he got out and the weather was cold he had to find shelter.

He was walking through what seemed as a never ending forest and then he found a path that lead to this round looking thing that glowed he touched it then he found him self in another place that didn't look like where he was.

He was in the middle of a sidewalk as people were pushing right through him he tried to find were he was he pushed pass the crowd of people when he heard a voice behind him "Hey You" He looked behind him then everything went black.