
The Ancient Prophecy

In a world where a prophecy has endured for a millennium, a vampire girl finds herself crossing paths with a wizard, ultimately leading to a love that defies their inherent differences. Unknown to her, he is the long-awaited savior mentioned in the prophecy, destined to protect humanity from an impending cataclysmic war that threatens to destroy the Earth. She carries the weight of preserving her kind's existence and safeguarding them from the encroaching threat of werewolves. Little does she realize that the man she has fallen deeply in love with holds the key to fulfilling the ancient prophecy, a secret that vampires before her have tirelessly sought. However, complications arise as the wizard's closest companion happens to be the last surviving descendant of a dangerous werewolf bloodline. The intricate dynamics between the vampire girl, the wizard, and his werewolf friend intertwine, forcing unlikely alliances and igniting an urgent need for cooperation among vampires, werewolves, and witches. In a race against time, these supernatural factions must set aside their ancient rivalries and work together harmoniously to prevent power-hungry werewolves and vampires from obliterating the Earth in their insatiable quest for dominance. Together, the vampire girl, the wizard, the werewolf, and the witches unite their forces, defying the odds to ensure the survival of their world, thereby exemplifying the strength of unity in the face of greed and imminent destruction.

Austin_Fidelis · ファンタジー
91 Chs

Willow Town 4

"Figure it out, Mia. I'll meet you here tomorrow," the lady's words echoed in her mind.

"Mia, wake up! It's morning, and we need to start getting ready," the middle-aged man, her father, called out to her.

She yawned and stretched her body, her voice still groggy as she wasn't fully awake. "Hello, papa," she mumbled.

He responded and told her to pack her bag. "We have a two-day journey ahead."

Mia was surprised when she first heard about her uncle. All her life, she had only known her dad. They lived in an isolated place deep in the Willow Town forest. She rarely had friends, as she usually only went to town with her dad at night, and they didn't spend much time outside. Whenever she asked about it, he would always come up with an excuse, saying she wasn't old enough.

She eagerly awaited the age her father had set as the time when she could ask all her questions. She also kept her nightmares hidden from him. Lately, she'd been having mysterious and increasingly scary dreams every night. Often, she found herself calling out for her mother.

"I'm ready, Papa," Mia said

Mia and her father set out on their journey, the first light of dawn breaking through the canopy of trees in the forest. The air was crisp and cool, and the rustling leaves and chirping birds created a soothing melody that accompanied their footsteps.

As they walked, Mia's father shared stories about the forest, the animals that called it home, and the plants that grew in its shadows. He pointed out different types of trees, explaining how to identify them by their leaves and bark. Mia listened with wide-eyed fascination, her curiosity growing with each new piece of information.

The path they followed led them deeper into the woods, where the trees seemed to embrace them with their towering branches. Mia felt a sense of both wonder and trepidation. She had rarely ventured so far from their home, and the forest, though familiar, held an aura of mystery that both captivated and bothered her.

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, they took a short break near a bubbling stream. Mia's father showed her how to dip her hand into the water, its coolness refreshing against her skin. He explained that they would follow the stream for a while, as it would lead them to a small village where they could rest and gather supplies.

The journey continued, the stream becoming their companion as they walked alongside it. Mia marveled at the way the sunlight danced on the water's surface and the tiny fish that darted beneath. Occasionally, they spotted tracks of animals that had come to the water's edge to drink.

"Papa, you promised to continue the story about my mother, but you haven't said anything since we started this journey," Mia said, her eyes sparkling with anticipation as she urged her father to continue the story he had begun the previous night.

Her curiosity was eager to learn every detail. "What happened to Giles and Bruno? Will Lilith ever be free?"

Her father exhaled sharply, a small sigh escaping his lips. "Where did I stop last night?" he asked, seemingly lost in thought.

"At the king's visit to Vikra," Mia replied, a small smile playing on her lips.

Her father returned the smile, his gaze distant as he delved back into the memories. "Ah, yes," he said, his voice carrying a nostalgic tone. "I remember where I left off. But it's quite surprising that you remember too, especially after the restless night you had filled with nightmares."

Mia was taken aback by her father's observation. She had longed to share her troubling dreams with him, but there was a part of her that hesitated, fearing that her worries might burden him. Questions swirled in her mind – how did he know about her nightmares? How could he understand her dreams without her saying a word?

As the middle-aged man adjusted the strap of his bag on his shoulder, he spoke again, his voice gentle. "I noticed how restless you were last night, calling out for your mother in your sleep."

Mia felt a mixture of surprise and relief. She hadn't expected her father to be so attuned to her feelings and experiences. She briefly considered sharing the details of her dreams with him, but a sense of hesitation held her back. Instead, she offered a simple explanation. "It's nothing, Papa, just a dream."

A soft smile graced her father's lips as he looked at Mia, a knowing twinkle in his eyes. He understood more than she realized, the connection between a parent and child often transcending words. He knew that her powers were awakening, and with them came the dreams that carried hidden messages and premonitions.

"Alright, we should take a rest under that tree," he said, gesturing toward a tall tree in the distance.

As they neared the towering tree, Mia's attention was suddenly drawn to a bat that had been following them since the beginning of their journey. "Father, look," she exclaimed, pointing towards the bat as it swooped low, its wings casting eerie shadows in the dappled sunlight.

The middle-aged man followed Mia's gaze, his eyes narrowing as he observed the bat. "That's peculiar," he mumbled to himself, his brows furrowing in thought.

Mia watched as the bat circled around them a few more times before finally flying off into the distance. "Why do you think it was following us, Papa?" she asked, curiosity dancing in her eyes.

"It's hard to say, little wolf," he replied, using the affectionate nickname he had given her when she was young. "Animals often have their own reasons for their behaviors. Sometimes, they're drawn to certain scents or sounds, other times, it could just be a coincidence."

Mia nodded, still intrigued by the bat's presence. She found herself lost in her thoughts, wondering if there was something more to the bat's actions. After a while, her father's voice brought her back to reality.

"Let's sit down and rest," he said, spreading out a blanket under the shade of the tree. They both settled down, enjoying the cool breeze that rustled the leaves above them.

As they relaxed, Mia's thoughts drifted back to the story her father had promised to continue. "Papa, you never told me what happened after the king's visit to Vikra," she reminded him, her eyes shining with anticipation.

Her father chuckled softly. "Ah, yes. Well, after the king's visit, Vikra assured them that he supported the prophecy and had no ill intentions toward the crown. He managed to convince them that he had no part in any conspiracy."

Mia's brow furrowed. "But how did they know he was telling the truth? What if he was lying?"

Her father's eyes held a hint of wisdom. "Sometimes, my dear, you have to rely on your instincts. The king and queen could not sense deceit in his voice, and they saw none in Vikra's words. However, as time went on, things took an unexpected turn."

Mia leaned in, her curiosity growing even stronger. "What happened, Papa?"

The middle-aged man's gaze turned distant as he continued the tale.