
The Ancient Prophecy

In a world where a prophecy has endured for a millennium, a vampire girl finds herself crossing paths with a wizard, ultimately leading to a love that defies their inherent differences. Unknown to her, he is the long-awaited savior mentioned in the prophecy, destined to protect humanity from an impending cataclysmic war that threatens to destroy the Earth. She carries the weight of preserving her kind's existence and safeguarding them from the encroaching threat of werewolves. Little does she realize that the man she has fallen deeply in love with holds the key to fulfilling the ancient prophecy, a secret that vampires before her have tirelessly sought. However, complications arise as the wizard's closest companion happens to be the last surviving descendant of a dangerous werewolf bloodline. The intricate dynamics between the vampire girl, the wizard, and his werewolf friend intertwine, forcing unlikely alliances and igniting an urgent need for cooperation among vampires, werewolves, and witches. In a race against time, these supernatural factions must set aside their ancient rivalries and work together harmoniously to prevent power-hungry werewolves and vampires from obliterating the Earth in their insatiable quest for dominance. Together, the vampire girl, the wizard, the werewolf, and the witches unite their forces, defying the odds to ensure the survival of their world, thereby exemplifying the strength of unity in the face of greed and imminent destruction.

Austin_Fidelis · ファンタジー
91 Chs

Willow town 24

Ok, am not much in a comfortable zone knowing that the last person I would want to see today is her (Florence). Her reason for being here is still a mystery for me I was not expecting to see her anytime soon but I don't feel comfortable being friends with my ex...

How will she come from nowhere and call me "Baby!" Who does that, she can be manipulative too, cause I see no reason why Alex will bring her to my home after everything she has done, I hope she is not here to ask for another chance cause she won't get it.

"Please get the door, Alex," I asked him, right now am angry with him for giving Florence my address without even informing me first or if I will like the idea or not.

"Hey, guys wats up!" I could hear Bruce and Steve "where is the superhero who wants to kill himself thinking he is batman," Steve said murking me as Burce added "No he must be the Joker for making such foolish moves" as they all laughed