
The Ancient Prophecy

In a world where a prophecy has endured for a millennium, a vampire girl finds herself crossing paths with a wizard, ultimately leading to a love that defies their inherent differences. Unknown to her, he is the long-awaited savior mentioned in the prophecy, destined to protect humanity from an impending cataclysmic war that threatens to destroy the Earth. She carries the weight of preserving her kind's existence and safeguarding them from the encroaching threat of werewolves. Little does she realize that the man she has fallen deeply in love with holds the key to fulfilling the ancient prophecy, a secret that vampires before her have tirelessly sought. However, complications arise as the wizard's closest companion happens to be the last surviving descendant of a dangerous werewolf bloodline. The intricate dynamics between the vampire girl, the wizard, and his werewolf friend intertwine, forcing unlikely alliances and igniting an urgent need for cooperation among vampires, werewolves, and witches. In a race against time, these supernatural factions must set aside their ancient rivalries and work together harmoniously to prevent power-hungry werewolves and vampires from obliterating the Earth in their insatiable quest for dominance. Together, the vampire girl, the wizard, the werewolf, and the witches unite their forces, defying the odds to ensure the survival of their world, thereby exemplifying the strength of unity in the face of greed and imminent destruction.

Austin_Fidelis · ファンタジー
91 Chs

Battle Of Echelon 7

After King Athan and Queen Thana went away to arrange a marriage for their daughter, Princess Nimose, she decided to go on an adventure she had talked about with her uncle, Raul. He told her to come alone and not bring anything with her because it was a secret journey.

With a lot of courage, Nimose quietly left the palace, making sure no one saw her. She reached the entrance of the dark woods where she was told to wait. After waiting for some hours, she saw a white horse inside the woods, and she decided to follow it.

The white horse stopped in an open area in the dark woods. Suddenly, a group of men surrounded her. At first, Nimose thought it might be the beginning of her training, but something was different. These men were not like regular vampires. They had bigger bodies, a single eyebrow, nails that curved, ears lower on their heads, and a strange way of walking.

Despite her surprise, Nimose quickly positioned herself defensively in the middle of the group. Her eyes turned red, her claws grew longer and sharper, and her fangs became visible. As she prepared to defend herself, something even stranger happened. The men who had surrounded her transformed into large wolves. This shocked her, as she had never seen a wolf before, only heard stories about them.

Fearless, Nimose stood her ground as the wolves came closer. They attacked her one by one, and she fought back with all her might. However, it soon became clear that she was no match for them. They were too strong and agile. Realizing she was in danger, Nimose made a quick decision to escape into the deeper woods.

With the wolves chasing her, Nimose ran as fast as her legs could carry her. The trees around her blurred, her heart raced, and fear gripped her like never before. She kept running until she could no longer hear the sounds of the pursuing wolves. Exhausted and terrified, she slowed down and eventually came to a stop, her breath ragged.

As she caught her breath, Nimose looked around. She was deep within the woods, surrounded by the eerie quietness of nature. The experience had been both frightening and bewildering. She wondered about the strange creatures she had encountered and what their intentions had been. With uncertainty and curiosity swirling in her mind, she decided to rest for a while and try to make sense of the unexpected turn her adventure had taken.

As Nimose rested, a peculiar scent caught her attention. She decided to follow the smell, leading her to a spot where two individuals were roasting something over a small fire. At the sight of Nimose, the pair became visibly frightened, their eyes wide with surprise.

"Who are you?" questioned Bruno, his voice tinged with caution, while Giles quickly moved behind him, seeking cover from the unknown stranger.

Nimose found herself equally taken aback by these new faces that appeared so different from the ones she had encountered earlier. Her instincts kicked in, and she attempted to attack them. However, the two strangers responded by darting around the fire in a hurried circle, clearly in an attempt to evade her.

"We mean no harm!" they both cried out, their voices full of fear.

Intrigued yet cautious, Nimose decided to communicate rather than attack. "Who are you, and what brings you to this place?" she inquired, her tone steady.

Bruno, taking the lead, hastened to explain their situation. "We arrived here through a portal from Avalon. We've been wandering these woods, hungry and lost. Honestly, we don't even know where we are." He continued, "My name is Bruno, and this is my younger brother, Giles."

Nimose observed Giles more closely, noting his appearance. She couldn't help but remark, "Actually, he looks older with those gray hairs."

Bruno chuckled nervously, "It's a bit strange, I admit. When we were transported through the portal to this unfamiliar place, something changed. I ended up looking much younger than I really am, while Giles got the gray hair."

Listening to their story, Nimose found their predicament believable. "I see no reason not to trust you," she stated. "I am Princess Nimose, and you have stumbled upon Echelon. My father rules over the thirteen vampire clans."

Relief swept over Bruno and Giles, their tense shoulders relaxing. They couldn't believe their luck at encountering someone who not only believed their tale but was also of royal blood.

"We are truly grateful, Princess Nimose," Bruno said earnestly. "We were cast into exile from Avalon when this portal just appeared, and we found ourselves here."

Giles nodded in agreement, still cautious but relieved that they weren't facing an immediate threat. "Yes, we've been trying to figure out where we are and how to meet with the people here."

Nimose's curiosity deepened. She extended her hand in a gesture of friendship, "It's a pleasure to meet you both. You are welcome here in Echelon. I shall find a way to assist you."

Their handshake was interrupted by a chilling howl that pierced through the woods, shattering the moment of introduction. Nimose's heart raced as the memory of the pursuing shape shifters returned to her. She urgently motioned for Giles and Bruno to find cover, but before they could react, the pack of wild wolves was upon them. Bruno's shock was noticeable, his gaze fixed on the massive size of the alpha wolf.

In a heartbeat, Nimose's primal instincts took over. She lunged into action, her eyes blazing red as her mutation ignited. Giles, meanwhile, vanished from sight, using his power to become invisible. Bruno, his magical abilities at the ready, attempted to cast a protective spell, but he was too slow – a wolf sank its jaws into his arm, and he crumpled to the forest floor.

Driven by a surge of protective fury, Nimose sprang to Bruno's defense. Her movements were a blur, her claws like razors as she tore into the attacking wolves. Her fangs gleamed in the dim light as she fought fiercely, every movement calculated and precise. The ferocity of her assault startled the wolves, causing some of them to hesitate in their advance.

Yet, the situation took an unexpected turn. From the shadows emerged a wolf of colossal proportions, its fur a mix of midnight black and silver moonlight. It radiated an ambiance of power that seemed to command the very essence of the forest. With a low growl, the majestic wolf stood between Nimose and the aggressors, asserting dominance.

As if in awe of this enigmatic protector, the other wolves began to whimper and retreat, vanishing into the depths of the woods. The two injured wolves on the ground trembled, their tails tucked between their legs. The alpha wolf's presence alone was enough to cow them into submission.

Nimose's breath caught as she observed this extraordinary display. She could sense a resonance between herself and the alpha, an unspoken understanding that transcended words. It was as though they shared a common bond, a kinship forged in the crucible of survival. She lowered her stance, communicating her respect for the formidable creature.

With a final, penetrating gaze, the alpha wolf turned away from Nimose and the others. In a fluid motion, it vanished into the woods, leaving an air of mystery and power in its wake. Nimose's heart still raced, her body aching from the battle, She turned her attention back to Bruno, her concern for him overpowering her own weariness.

Gently, she approached him and assessed his wound. The bite was deep, but it hadn't struck any vital areas. With a mixture of healing herbs around her, she worked to mend the damage. Gradually, the pain in Bruno's arm lessened, and color returned to his cheeks. As he regained consciousness, he stared at her in a mixture of awe and gratitude.

"That was... Scary," he mumbled, still slightly dazed.

Nimose managed a faint smile. "Welcome to Echalon"