
Big surprise For University

( yash came to home )

yash : mom i am came

mother : why are you so much late?

yash : many thing' s happened today wait i told you everything

( suddenly door opend and his small brother sabo came home with full of joy)

yash : anything happened ?

sabo : How do you know ?

yash : because of i am your big bro dude.

sabo : ok than i will tell you . you know my friend Riddhi?

yash : ya i know her older sister siddhi is on our class

sabo : you know Riddhi got promoted?

yash : i think she became a representative in our next junior competition.

sabo : Hell noooo ! always representing junior competition is me.

yash : then ?

sabo : Riddhi promoted by me.

yash : what the fuck are you saying ? (🤣said it with laughing🤣)

sabo : yes i promoted 1 more step closer to my life and became my girlfriend

mother : (saying with crying) please don't kick out me . i will be always sit down into corner please.....

sabo and yash said it immediately mom you are again overthinking

mother : ( suddenly changed mood ) then when you amd her getting married

sabo : please don't teasing me

yash : mom and sabo also i want tell something that happened today

sabo : it's good news or bad news?

yash : good news.

mom : don' t tell me i get grand son ( very happily said)

yash : (annoyingly said ) please stop over thinking

mom : Now you are stopping to me thinking ( angrily respond)

yash : mom calm down firs listen then tell me what you are thinking ok.

mom : ( happily) ok

yash : sabo and two big things happened today

1st : i found my gaurdian spirit

sabo : (teasing way he said) is it your guardian spirit lizard, rat, , or any insects

( That line very annoying to yash)

yash : ok you are happy to teasing me then I am not happy to listen that line from my small brother

sabo : sorry big bro

yash : And your punishment is i will tell my spirit direct in to competition that happening yesterday .

sabo : in that time i will almost die to overthinking

yash : i am not devil that's why i will tell you second big thing that happened today

2nd : I made girlfriend and know very well to her

( sabo and his mom very surprised and shocked)

mom : don't tell me i got grand daughter. (respond with happily cried)

yash : ( in very calm way he said ) no mom

sabo : ( thinking but don't get it that's why he asked)

i don't get it bro please tell me who is your girlfriend.

yash : ( in background tense sound create) My girlfriend is very gorgeous in the world... Class topper ....your girlfriend's elder sister ang her nane was sindhi

( sabo and mom hear name and fell down l

yash : mom.... sabo ....are you ok?

( any one not respond)

yash go to kitchen and get water in the glass and came to mom and sabo

yash first throw some water drop on mom and she awake

then he throw on sabo but he didn't awake then he full glas of water throw on sabo

sabo : ( awake and said can i get more water)

yash : you are not satisfied with full glass of water.

sabo : Oooo my genius bro i want to drink water because i can't digest your words.

yash : Haa....haaa it's very bad joke

sabo : Do you really think i am joking?

yash : cut it out that conversation and eat dinner first

mom : you and sabo fixe tabke and dishes i prepare dinner

( Then sabo , yash and all family sleep)

but one person not sleep whole night was siddhi

( siddhi whole night thinking about yash😳 )


yash going to university but siddhi waiting for him outside

yash : good morning siddhi.

siddhi : good morning yashhh....

Rocky : continue friend you are going on right way

( siddhi and yash together embarassed )

Rocky : you are looking like good people

yash : Rocky cut it out. ( inner happy)

( three of went on class room)

spread humor that yash and siddhi are dating .

yash very ashamed to herd the humor

(Teacher came class begins )

teacher : all of you listen me carefully .all of you know tomorrow competition start so we deicide to our representive . all of you who will become our representive




Teacher : ok decision will be siddhi our representive

but siddhi you will decide our acting representative

Siddhi : ( confidentially said) yash

Teacher and students are very surprised by her decision

( But All of them agree because that decision was her self siddhi decide )