

After being bitten by a radioactive Spider, and the death of his parents, a young man goes around the world, trains his mind, body, and spirit to become a hero his city needs.

Larry_Moore_9883 · アニメ·コミックス
92 Chs


In the Batcave, Peter stitches up the cut on his arm while on the computer, doing research on Deadshot The Hunter. Ben walks in, handing him a cup of coffee.

"Thanks Ben." Peter says, taking a sip of the coffee while not taking his eyes off the computer.

"Have you found anything useful about this Deadshot, sir?" Ben asks.

"I have. His name is Floyd Kraven, codename Deadshot The Hunter. He's a hire gun from Russia. Question is, who hired him to kill Spider-Bat?"

"You have made a lot of enemies ever since you started this crusade of yours." Ben replies.

Peter then looks over at his Spider-Bat suit while something is loading on his computer.

"Speaking of which, I have to see a woman about a suit."

Later, Peter is with Anna Maria at Parker Industries.

"So what brings you in today, Peter?" Anna says with a smile.

Peter puts the black bag that contains his suit on the table.

"Now before I unzip this bag, I need you to promise me two things. One- that this stays between us. And two- that you won't freak out."

Anna is confused.


Peter unzips the bag and reveals the Spider-Bat suit but is surprised to see zero reaction from Maria.

"It's your suit."

Peter looks at Anna for a moment, then chuckles.

"You already knew." Peter says.

"Yeah, I've been keeping up with the news. Your web fluid kinda gives you away, lucky for you I'm the only one who knows about your invention."

Peter smirks.

"And you're ok with all of this?"

Anna smiles at the young man.

"I won't pretend I'm not worried about you. But you are doing good out there, last night you brought a little girl back to her mother. I'm proud of you. Your parents would be too."

Peter smiles, feeling even more pride about what he's doing as Spider-Bat

"Thank you." Peter says.

Anna smiles back at him, then looks at the suit.

"Looks like whatever cut through your suit wasn't some run of the mill pocket knife."

"Yeah, the guy who did it is a professional. Can you fix it."

"I can do ya one better."

They then walk over to a briefcase with a brand new Spider-Bat suit inside.

"Hardened kevlar plates of a titanium dipped tri-weave fibers. For flexibility. You'll be lighter, faster, even more agile.

A grin appears on Peter's face.


"It is more durable, but it's not invulnerable so be careful."

"Don't worry, I will. Thank you, Anna."

The two share a hug.

"Thank me by not getting yourself killed." Anna says.

Peter nods then leaves. As he makes it outside, he gets a call from Gwen.

"Gwen, hey."

"Hey, Pete. Listen there's a policeman's ball that I have to go to, you know Commissioners daughter and all, and I was wondering if you wanted to come. As my date."

Peter doesn't answer for a moment, planning on looking for Kraven tonight, but he also wants to go with Gwen tonight. He then thinks that Spider-Bat is the only one he's after so he can go after Kraven later tonight.

"I'd love to." Peter says with a big grin.

Gwen smiles when she hears this.

"Great, I'll meet you there at seven."

As the two hang up, Peter takes a deep breath and walks back to the manner.

Later that night at the policeman's ball, Peter is drinking punch, wearing a black tuxedo. He is then approached by Harry and Norman Osborne, who is helping fund the event.

"Hey Harry, Mr. Osborne. This is an amazing event." Peter says.

"Thank you Peter. Oscorp pride ourselves on our relationship with the NYPD." Norman says.

"So where's Gwen?" Harry asks.

"I don't know, she should be here by-"

Peter stops in mid sentence when he sees Gwen walk in looking as beautiful as ever, wearing a black, white, and pink dress. The two see each other and smile, slowly walking up to each other.

"Gwen. You look- wow." Peter says.

Gwen chuckles.

"Well you don't look too bad yourself, Parker. You wanna dance?"

"Dance? Well I don't know, I'm not really the dancing type, and these shoes are kinda tight, plus my hand eye coordination needs a little work."

Gwen laughs

"Peter. Shut up and dance with me."

Peter smiles and nods then Gwen grabs him by the hand and guides him to the dance floor, Norman looks over at Harry who's flipping his coin.

"If you had the guts to tell her how you feel, you'd probably be dancing with her instead of that coin." Norman says, walking away from his son.

Harry sighs, continuing to flip his coin.

"You know you're pretty light on your feet." Gwen says.

Peter chuckles.

"I just have a great dance partner."Peter replies.

The two smile at each other for a moment.

"Peter. I know somethings going on with you. Something you're not telling me or Harry."

Peter looks at Gwen for a moment,

"Gwen, I-"

"I don't want you to lie to me. Whatever it is, whenever you're ready to talk. I'll be here to listen."

Peter smiles, considering actually telling her his secret. His thoughts are then inturupted by Marion Grange who approaches them both.

"Hello Gwen. Hello Mr. Peter Parker, it's a pleasure to finally meet you." Grange says offering her hand.

Peter shakes it with a smile. Gwen kisses Peter on the cheek while going to get some punch for them both.

"So am I. I saw your speech from the other night, really inspiring stuff." Peter says.

"Thank you, I hope that means I can count on your support."

"Of course, this city would be lucky to have you."

At that moment, Peter Spider-Senses start to go off.

"Peter? Is everything alright?" Grange asks.

The young man looks around for the danger, soon seeing a red light from the rooftop across from the party.

"Get down!" Peter yells, tackling Grange to the ground, barely avoiding the bullet.

As Everyone starts to panic and the police officers and detectives quickly act, evacuating everyone out safely. Peter quickly grabs Grange and Gwen, rushing them outside. He then looks up at the rooftop again, seeing Deadshot with a sniper rifle.

"Does he know who I am?" Peter thinks to himself.

Soon Commissioner Stacy and Mayor Aubrey James approaches Gwen and Grange.

"Are you both alright?" Stacy asks.

"Yeah, we're fine." Grange replies.

Gwen looks around, realizing that Peter is gone.

"Wait, where's Peter?" Gwen asks as no one sees him.

While Kraven is still aiming his sniper rifle, Spider-Bat lands on the roof and runs at him, landing a running knee strike to Deadshot's arm, knocking Kraven over as Peter rolls with him. As they rise up, Deadshot goes for a shot but Spider-Bat grabs the rifle, pushing it away, and kneeing him in the face, disarming the hunter.

"I wasn't expecting to see you tonight. But I'm glad you're here."

Kraven quickly pulls out a shotgun and fires off a shot, with Spider-Bat dodging the blast. As Deadshot gets up from the ground Peter tries to disarm him. Deadshot lands a forearm strike to Spider-Bat's face, unable to break Peter's grip. The Hunter then goes over the top and lands a reverse elbow to the back of Peter's head. The hero quickly responds with a punch to the kidneys.

Kraven quickly goes for an uppercut with the snub nose of the shotgun, getting another shot off, with Peter dodging. Spider-Bat then does a hip toss, throwing him to the ground, disarming and stripping him of the weapon at the same time. Deadshot quickly gets to his feet and aims one of his gauntlets at Peter, but the Vigilante does an upward strike with the shotgun, knocking his arm away.

Peter follows up with a forehand strike to Deadshot's leg. The hunter aims his other gauntlet at Spider-Bat but Peter counters with a push kick, knocking him to the ground. Peter then throws the shotgun to the ground, then throws two batarangs that damages Deadshot's gauntlets. Kraven chuckles while pulling out the batarangs. While this is happening Commissioner Stacy sees this and quickly heads up to the roof of the building.

"Very well. Hand to hand combat."

As the two charge at each other, Peter shoots a web at the Hunter, but Kraven dodges it. Deadshot goes for a wide punch, with Peter dropping and going low with a punch to the gut. The hero lands two small, quick left hooks to the body, to destract from the big right cross to the jaw. As Kraven is knocked off balance, Spider-Bat lands an uppercut to the chin and lands another right cross. Peter continues to land punches, landing a right and left crosses to the face.

The young hero then uses a stiff arm to gain distance for a kick. As Peter jumps in the air, Kraven goes for a right hook, but Spider-Bat quickly blocks with kick to his arm, knocking the hook away. As he's landing back onto the ground, he lands an inside crescent kick across the face, knocking him out. After a few minutes, Stacy barges through the door with his gun drawn.

"Oh. I guess you've- already handled this."

Peter smiles

"He's all yours Commissioner."

Stacy nods, putting handcuffs on Kraven.

A few minutes later, As Kraven is put in the back of a police car Stacy grabs the mayor, putting handcuffs on him.

"Mayor Aubrey James, you're under arrest for conspiracy to commit murder."

"Hey! hey! What the hell George?!"

As everyone tries to stop Commissioner Stacy, he pulls out his phone that proves Mayor Aubrey was the one who hired Deadshot The Hunter.

"Here's proof that our Mayor hired this man to kill Marion Grange."

Everyone shocked as James is taken away. Harvey Bullock then approaches the Commissioner.

"How the hell did you find this out."

George smirks.

"It wasn't me." Stacy replies.

At that moment, Peter comes out through the crowd with Gwen and Harry hugging him.

"Thank God you're alright." Gwen says.

She then punches Peter in the arm.

"Ouch." Peter says, clutching his arm.

"Where the hell have you been? We've been worried about you."

"I'm sorry guys, I got separated in the crowd. I heard gunshots so I thought the best thing to do was to just find cover." Peter says.

"We're just glad you're alright, Pete." Harry says.

"You should be proud son, you saved Grange's life tonight." Stacy says.

Gwen stares at Peter for a moment, then hugs Peter.

"Just don't scare me like that again. Dummy." Gwen says with a smile.

Peter smiles and hugs her back, as everyone else smile at them.