
The Alterations

Japana, a vigilante, eventually is captured by Eraserhead and dragged to a Police Station for future interrogation. She looks familiar, a Quirk rings a haunting bell, and she's bringing chaos wherever she goes. She didn't care. Sometimes, chaos was the only thing that sparked change. Just look at the French Revolution.

SANYA_4501 · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs

Chapter Two

Nedzu listened to the tapes and watched the videos. The girl was talented and skilled in what she did. Ah, such a waste it would be if she were to remain Tartarus. "Who did you kill?" Aizawa hissed from the recorder.

"My father and that horrid doctor of his."

"You said you weren't a liar."

"I'm not."

"You were speaking in the present. tense. when referring to your father."

Shigrarki Takara sighed and spoke slowly. "We have so many Quirks nowadays. Each more powerful per every generation. Sooner or later, we'll have Quirks that can rival the atomic bomb in lethality."

​​​​​​ "Get to the point, Shigaraki"

"Remember that little boy I told All Might of? The one who apologized for surviving birth, despite what the doctors said? My father managed to gain the respect and fear of those sorts of people. Not just the sociopaths and psychopaths. No, he managed to gain the respect and near absolute loyalty from those society deemed villainous from the word 'Go', the downtrodden, the abandoned, the abused and used.' Shigaraki's voice softened to a whisper yet remain sharp and clear as she left a haunting idea in the heads of all who listen in: "With how powerful Quirks are getting, who's to say there aren't Quirks that can bring back those from the grave."

A horrible thought.

"Say what you will, but my father is a cautious man. He knew how Quirks work, better than any of the current day."

Nedzu paused the tape. He didn't need to hear anymore.

A sigh wheezed out of his wary lungs, and he looked at the exhausted forms of the UA teachers. All Might, in particular, seemed to be going through the five stages of grief on loop. "What is going to happen to Shigaraki-san?" Midnight asked, frowning.

Vlad King scoffed. "What's there to think about? She admitted to a willingness toward murder. She should be sent to Tartarus!"

"She's a child, Vlad King," All Might said. "If what she said is true, she's done what I could not more times than she should've needed to."

"A child willing to kill is no child at all!"

Nedzu clasped his hands in front of him. "That won't be happening regardless. The Commission has decided to place her care in our hands as a student. When she's off school grounds, she'll be under the watch of Hawks." Hawks, the loyal pawn of the Commission, was both a guardian and a potential executioner for Shigaraki Takara. Nedzu wasn't under any illusion that he won't cut the girl down should she step out of line or the Commission decide her to be a liability. With how sharp the child, there was no doubt she'll know as well. Vlad King and Eraserhead scowled at the development. Nedzu pulled a sheet of paper from a file and slid it forward toward Eraserhead. He grimaced as he picked it up, detailing Shigaraki Takara's placement in Class 1-A.

"Brother, I'm fine. They haven't done anything to me nor would they dare to do so."

Tomura glowered at the hologram of his sister sat in front of him. She was dressed in the same clothes as when she allowed that Eraser bastard to wrap her in his gear and pin her down. Her hood pulled down to reveal a pure face of ambition. She smiled warmly at him while her new pet toyed with her long white hair. "Those stupid heroes better have not."

"Stupid they may be, but some of them have potential," his sister chuckled. "Eraserhead, especially. Unlike All Might, he remained on alert and wary. Though I did expect him to visit me the day after my first interrogation to return his quirk. All Might... He's a work in progress."

"Curious did some research on that. The idiot Eraser not coming to visit you, I mean. Apparently, they did some tests to see whether or not you were lying." Stupid if you asked him. Why would she lie of something that big? That detective guy even confirmed it, yet that useless Commission dared to think his sister a liar. Maybe they should break Lady Nagant out. Sure, his sister could just destroy all evidence of him killing the Commission, but that'd be too much of a hassle for her. Lady Nagant already shot one useless Commission member; what's one or maybe ten dozen more? "Of course, they found everything you said was proven true. It was like he never had a quirk to begin with. That toe bone thing was still there but his genetics were ever so slightly different. Anyway, fuck that, how long are you just gonna sit there?"

Takara smirked. "Patience, Brother. Should they give an unsatisfactory answer, I'll simply turn back till they change the answer."

"Have they done that already?"

"About five times. Fingers cross that this time they'll come back with the news I'm hoping for." She leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees. "Anyway, let's move past that, and move onto more important developments: Has All Might made contact with the Midoriya boy yet?"

He shook his head.

Midoriya... He remembered the first he heard the name. Takara was so small back then and had the biggest eyes. It was like he was staring into two pools of galaxies that saw the darkness within him—that whispered of the pleasure he found killing his old man and the fading itch to do so again—embracing him regardless of what they found. She had smiled at him as he beat his previous high score. You and Midoriya would get along really well, big brother, she had said. He asked her who that was. They never left the bar and only had Oboro and a few of the patrons for company. None were called Midoriya. Had she somehow sneaked out and met someone?

She handed him drawing. It had a little boy with a messy mop of green hair, kind like a broccoli, and freckles. A friend some day.

Around her fifteenth birthday, they actually bumped into the boy on one of their patrols. They were glancing around for anyone who looked particularly suicidal or murder happy. She'd decided to forgo her usual appearance and went for something decade older than her actual age, acting as his older sister. In a manner of speaking, she was, but that was only if you looked into the micro-details. He was... something. A bumbling, stuttering mess with twigs for arms and legs. He could see why All Might would choose him in the end to be the next User; at the same time, why? The kid's confidence could meet the Earth's core with how low it was and he'd apologize to it for disturbing the darn thing, his mouth ran like a racecar motor when talking of heroes and their abilities (all without noticing), and he was so emotional that just Takara wishing him luck in being a hero, even after being informed of his Quirkless status, he ended up sobbing a river stream into creation.

"Ok, it should be in a few days when they'll have their meeting," Takara said. "Now, enough chit chat. The day is turning into night and a guard should be coming soon with something to eat. Tomorrow, we'll likely have new results."