
Chapter 4) Alone

A second tear falls down my cheek, but I whip it away, before turning and pulling the doors closed. The boy, Collin, stands behind me, looking stricken. Then he turns around and pulls a couple of pillows off of the bed, tossing them on the ground, before turning back towards me and suddenly picking me up and tossing me onto the bed.

"Tonight you will sleep in that bed. No questions asked. Understand?" He says, sounding as if he was the boss of me. But my numbness prohibits me from making any move. I have to do this. For them.

I merely nod. Then I turn over on my side so that I am faced away from him. I close my eyes, wishing desperately to be back at my home. In my bed. With my mom down stairs, my dad at work, Byron in the room, laying on my leather couch, and Justice in the bed beside me. How I wish that was where I am.

My wolf unconsciously let's loose a low whimper. My heart hurts so much.

I hear a low sigh. And then a slight thump. But I don't have a will to turn and see where it imitated from. I just lay there. Now moving. Acting like I am asleep.

I open my eyes and watch the wall as it slowly starts to light up. More tears falling down my face, crossing over my noes as the travel from the side of my face not against the bed.

"I don't know your name," he suddenly says. He know that I am still awake.

"M-my name is Reign." I whisper, barley loud enough for myself to hear.

"I know that you are sad right now. But I promise, it will get better soon. You will forget about those Rogues. We will be happy together. You and I belong together. We're family."

I sit up in a fury and turn on him, glaring down him.

"I don't even know who you are. You're a stranger to me. You have taken everything from me. We are not family. I was raised by those Rogues, they are my family. Nothing will ever be alright again!" I growl at him, tears rolling down my cheeks. I can't stand this.

"Reign." He whisperers. He sounds like I have hurt him. "You're my sister. My twin. I never wanted you to leave. This wasn't my fault."

I shake my head.

He sighs, standing up and sitting on the bed beside of me.

"I didn't know that you were so attached to your Rogue Family." He adds.

"I love them." I breathe. "They have been there for me since the beginning."

"You love your family?" He ask, sounding confused. "But- family doesn't love each other." He sounds confused.

I look over at him, and he looks very confused too.

"My family does. It helps... to be accepted by your family. It makes you stronger."

"Bu- dad never loved me..."

"His mate is dead, you can't expect much from him." I shrug. I have gathered enough to know that.

He looks at me, and a little smile comes over his face. But it's a smile that I can not return.

"We should go get some breakfast. Training starts at eight." He says, standing up.

I look down at my legs. You can see them, a lot of them.

He looks at me, before going to the same door as last night and grabbing something before tossing it to me.

It's a pair of too big shorts and a white tank top.

"You can ware that to training." He says. I nod, taking the shorts and pulling them on under the dress. Then I pull the dress off and pull on the tank top.

I don't say another word as we walk out of his room and down the stairs. I keep my head down and silently follow his lead as he walks us to another room.

I smell food. But my stomach does not feel hunger. It feels like I have no need for food. I don't feel hunger. Just the same misery as before, the same sadness as before. It hurts. So much.

I keep my eyes down, even as he pulls a chair out and motions for me to sit down in it. I sit down. Still not looking at him.

"Eat." He says softly.

"I'm not really hungry." I say, and keep my eyes down.

"Oh... okay." He says, grabbing a piece of toast and eggs, making a sandwich before standing up and offering me some water.

"No I'm fine, thanks."

He sits back down.

I keep my eyes away from him, and stay silent.

I miss my family.

I miss Justice. He is probably freaking out right now. I wish I could talk to them. Just once, just once more.

I feel someone coming in to the kitchen.

"Hi, Colli- who is that? She smells like a Rogue."

"Andrew, meet Reign." Collin says quietly, and I instinctively look up at him.

"My sister."

The stranger behind me freezes. And something clatters to the ground.

"Your sister?!" His voice demands, right behind me.

"My twin." Collin says.

Suddenly, the chair I am sitting in is being spun around, and I come face to face with a boy about my age, if not a little older. His eyes widen upon seeing me, and he swallows deeply.

He has the oddest assortment of features. He had black hair, but pale skin, icy pale. And bright red eyes. His nose was a little crooked, and he had very many freckles splashing cross his nose. I don't know what he is. My wolf is not wanting to come out of her hiding space in the darkness of our misery.

But then he is still frozen before me...

"Andrew." Collin says, his voice slightly heated.

He raises his eye brow, looking away from my face for a split second before looking back at me.

"Andrew!" He suddenly yells, and I flinch. I hate not understanding these circumstances in which has caused the yelling.

"What?!" Andrew suddenly pulls back, taking a step away from me.

"She is my sister! You fucking idiot! We are not having threesome wolves vampiric sex with you!"

"But you're both so hot! You're also both of Alpha blood... just think of the fun we could have!"

"Andrew!" Collin sounds embarrassed. My curiosity peaks, and I look back over my shoulder at Collin, before looking back to Andrew... put the prices together, you idiot. I tell myself.

Then it hits me.

"You're gay!" I say, looking between the two, back and forth.

Very suddenly, a cold hand covers my mouth and I am being picked up out of my seat by a hand wrapped around my waist.

I struggle, by instinct, and my body slams backward, my head slamming into his noes, hard.

He drops me flat on my ass before him.

"Shit!" He growls, looking down at me as my head tilts back to look up at him and see that he is clutching his noes, blood dripping from his hands.

"Don't touch me!" I hiss at him, standing up and turning to face him.

"Reign, we need to talk to you in private. Andrew, don't pick her up. She's a Rogue, and she's already in a bad mood."

"I can't tell." He says sarcastically, pulling his hand away from his noes as it had stoped bleeding.

"Reign, follow me." Collin orders, and a little frown erupts from my throat.

"Please, comm'n." He says, looking serious, "I can't talk about this in public,"

"Talk about what, son?"

I spin around on my heals and see a man descending the stairs.

He had short dark hair, and blue eyes like Collin does. His face is hard, looking almost angry.

But that is not what makes me flinch. The color of his eyes are Collins. But the shape, and lengths of his eyelashes... are mine.

"Father." Collin bows his head to show respect.

"What do you have a leach in here for?" The Alpha ask, looking at Andrew.

"To help tame the Rogue child, sir. She has some kinks that need to be worked out,"

Instantly, I knew it was all a trick. I turn on Collin and let out a low growl.

"Liar." I growl, I try to lung at him, but, suddenly, Andrew has me locked in a hard head hold. "Move and I snap your neck, wolf. " the leach says in my ear, and I freeze.

The man in front of me on the stairs; the man said to be my father: he walks by as Collin grabs my feet I lash out and slam my foot against his face as hard as I can. I hate him. I hate him so much.

He slams backwards, falling into the wall beside of the stairs.

"If you don't stop," the vampire hisses in my ear, "I will show you how to use those legs in a much better way."

I growl at them both as Collin stands up and grabs my legs, under my knees so that one is on either side of his hips.

"Take her to my room!" Collin tells the leach.

"I FUCKING HATE YOU BOTH!" I scream. And then they both start running up the stairs, and into a room.

"Shut up." The vampire hisses.

"NO!" I yell, and Collin sighs, looking over at me to his friend. Suddenly, the fucking leach flings me towards the bastard in front of me, and he grabs me before pushing me so that I fall on his bed.

I sit up quickly, and just as I'm about to go apeshit on them and shift, the vampire grabs me, wrapping his arms around mine and putting his hands on the back of my head. I thrash and growl at him.

"God damnit, your sisters got a temper! She-"

"Shut up, Andy." Collin says quickly.

Then he looks his idiotic blue eyes into mine. I should rip him apart.

"And you! Calm the hell down!"

"Calm down my ass! You and you leachy boy toy are going to 'tame the Rogue child?!' Ha! You fucking jackasses! I'll kill you both!"

"Father is an Alpha! Put the pieces together! I am his next in line; I have to produce an heir! And I'm fucking gay. Father would kill me if he knew!"

I inhale deeply.

"That's why you need me." I growl.

"Not just, little wolf." The vampire behind me says, releasing my arms. As soon as he does, I turn and punch him in he noes.

"Dick." I say.

"Bitch." He responds

"Leach," I raise my voice a little.

"Dumb ass!" He yells.

"Man whore!"


"Cock sucker!"

"ENOUGH!" Collin suddenly yells.

The leach and me both look over at each other. Then Andrew starts to laugh. I suddenly start to laughs too. But as soon as I do, and I realize what I am doing, I stop, and my eyes fill with tears.

            "Traitor." My mind screams at me. "How can you laugh with a leach and the person who took you away from your family?"

"Reign," Collin suddenly says "what's the matter?"

"Nothing." I whisper, suddenly becoming numb. "So if that isn't what you needed me for, then why did you take me from my family?"

"I wanted my sister. As soon as the nurse told me about you three years ago, I have wanted you back. I know we don't know each other, but, Reign, I felt this connection with you that I- I just had to bring you here. And I had to wait three years until I could convince father. The Read Reign of the Red Star Pack will come to an end after I die. I can't reproduce..."

"What will happen if you find your mate?" I ask, looking at him seriously.

Andrew suddenly appears at Collins' side with a smirk.

"Yeah, babe, what will happen?"

Collin blushed. Andrew reaches up and pulls Collins' shirt neck over, to show a white ringed scar on the skin between his shoulder and neck.

"I am Collins' mate, Reign. Of four years."


"I won't sense him for another couple of months, but Andrew sensed me when we met. He is... kind of older than me."

"And he marked you? But the Moon Goddess..."

"We are one. The Moon Goddess, she has individually planed all of our life's. Having two males in a mate bond is rare. Having an Alpha male involved is even more rare. You, my sister, are of Alpha blood. I was thinking that maybe, you could try to talk to the Goddess about all of this. Figure out why it is happening."

"I have never had- um- Rogues don't talk to the Moon Goddess."

"You are not a Rogue. You're an Alpha. You can talk to the Goddess. Your blood will let you. It is instinct." Andrew says calmly.

I sigh.

If I do this, I could have a lot of thing I need to talk to her about anyways. I have heard of people, Luna's of other packs talking to the Goddess. I also heard that only females can speak to her.

"When do you want me to do this?" I ask, looking up at Collin.

"Tonight... but, Reign, there are some special procedures that you have to go through..."

"Like what?" I demand, becoming tired of his evasive attitude.

"I have the book." Andrew says, coming to sit beside of me. He pulls an old, brown leather book out, opening it. Before I can read the first thing, I realize that it is all in very fine cursive. My head spins as I recognize it.

"Who wrote this?" I ask, looking up at Collin.

"A woman who no one has seen in decades. Our mom's cousin. Umm... I think her name was Willy- no, that's not-"

"Her name was Willa." I whisper. And tears dust down my face as I put my hand on the paper.

"Yes. How did you-" Andrew starts, but I cut him off.

"She's my mom." And a sob escapes me. "She's my mom, and I fought with her right before I came after my dad last night." I close the book and clutch it to my chest before wrapping my body around the book. For the first time, I feel like I am not alone.

A sob escapes me.

"What do we do- she's crying?!" Collin says.

"I don't know! How do you think that I would know?!"

"You- You're older?! I don't know!"

"This is one of the reasons I am gay! I could never understand women! Hell, I didn't even understand my mother half the time."

As soon as he says mother, my heart hurts. I feel so lost.

"Shit! What did you do?" Collin and Andrew say, and I curl up more. I want my mom. I want my home. I want my family.

I lean to the side and lay into a ball on the bed.

"We need her to calm down." Collin sounds like he is in a panic.

"Damn it Collin! I know!" Then I am being lifted from my ball and onto my feet, so that I have to stand up.

"She looks so sad when she cries!" Andrew says, and I look up, but all I can think is that I want my parents. My brother. My family.

"You have to do this," Andrew suddenly says, looking at me directly.

"Please, Reign. We can take you back after you do this."