
The Alphas Chosen Mate

Upon getting a new job as a security guard at a ballpark, a young woman thinks she is settling into life. She loves her job, her life, and where her future is leading. She has big plans to buy a home of her own and soon. Unbeknownst to her, there is something magical and phenomenal going on in the background. Something that she is about to be drug into, willing or not. Once she is plunged into this magical world, she did not know existed, there is no coming out again. Can she keep this new life from her family and friends? Or will they be drawn in with her, simply for knowing her. Will she still achieve the life she always wanted, or will she go in a completely new direction. The new man in her life will have a lot to do with all her upcoming decisions. Weather they be for good or bad. The only way to find out is to delve into this world with me. lets embark on this journey together and see where this road will lead us.

Joy_Phoenix · ファンタジー
33 Chs

Chapter 19

I could not use the phone the day I went to the galley for the first time. There was a sudden storm that came out of nowhere. Prince Yuan was just beginning to show me how to use the phone, when the entire ship slanted all of a sudden. We were thrown into the wall. Prince Yuan put one hand on either side of me to keep me safe in the protection of his arms. He was honestly the only reason I did not end up in the floor.

He had all kinds of things hit him. From chairs, to dishes and silverware. The tables were bolted to the floor. But he kept it all from hitting me. I think it was just because it was all of a sudden. And the boat had tilted so far. The floor must have dropped six inches in seconds. Prince Yuan half shifted. Now I could see where the werewolf's in movies came from. As he is caring me I try to remember the last werewolf movie I had seen. It had been a while. I think it was Van Helsing, or maybe American werewolf.

Prince Yuan was very similar to those werewolf's from the movies. Except he was still wearing his clothing. He had long muscular arms and legs. He had long claws on each strong hand. He stood around seven feet to seven and a half feet tall, and he had a beautiful black wolfs coat. His face was covered in short hair as it changed into a wolf as well. He was able to keep his long hair and it stayed styled as I had fixed it. He was quite beautiful when he was changed. I wonder what he will look like as a full wolf.

This was proof that my imagination was running rampant. You know, I have always been a person who could feel things in my sleep. Such as the cold or warmth of water spray, hot or cold weather, or the water surrounding me as I was swimming. I could feel pain too. So, me knowing I had been hurt did not mean that much to me. People say to pinch yourself to find out if it is a dream. That does not work with me. Honestly the tilting of the ship, could have just been me falling out of the bed. In none of my dreams have I ever tried to jump off a tall building. I have fallen. But I am either always caught, or learn to fly in my dreams.

This was just to awe inducing to not be a dream. I mean, seriously! To be in one relationship with a drop dead gorgeous guy. Who owns and operates his own company. Him losing his memory, and rescuing a red hot, she demon, instead of me. Now to me somehow trading up in the world (if that were even possible), to a man that owns his own werewolf country, and operates all the functions within. Not to mention, him being just as or more so, drop dead gorgeous than the last one. This guy even talks in a foreign language that tickles the senses when he talks to you. Yep! I am so dreaming. I hope I am not drooling all over my key board.

Well, anyway, Prince Yuan picks me up in his werewolf form. He carries me like a bride all the way back to my cabin. With the boat swaying, and at one point in time, I swear, we were air born. Like I said, the storm came completely out of nowhere. It was like it had developed right over top of our vessel.

That storm was so terrible! Prince Yuan had to show me how to strap myself to the bed. There were seat belt's for the bed, or do you call them bed belts? Any way the storm lasted for three days! I did not eat for three days. I knew nothing would stay down! It was like being on a constant roller coaster.

When the storm went away, I was finally able to try to call out. That was when we found the satellite floating on the deck. They had finally gotten it fixed, ten days later. Prince Yuan was so mad! None of the men knew how to fix a satellite. We had to look it up online. But we could not until we were by an island with WIFI. And the signal was barely strong enough for them to slowly use the internet.

But during all this time, I did get good at putting on a kimono. That is with Prince Yuan's help and guidance. He taught me how to put a mans kimono on him too, and of course take it off. But we did it over the clothing we were already wearing. No nudity at all. Prince Yuan was a complete gentleman. Besides making out, he did not touch me. That is unless he asked first, and it was over my clothing or his. I am not sure if it had to do with tradition or culture. But it was a neat little obstacle.

He let me play with his hair daily now. I let him do mine too. His mother had taught him many traditional hair styles for women. He liked brushing and, as he called it, tangling my hair to be brushed again. No it was not a weird thing either. His mother was not into crafts or painting. She liked playing, and working with hair. That was one of the only pleasures she had. His mothers hobbies mainly consisted of basically gardening, doing hair, fashion, and tea ceremonies. He took up hair styling to have more time with her.

Him and his mother would brush and fix hair every day. That is until his father had sent for them. His father had been waging a war back home when he was a child. For the first twelve years of his life, he lived in the states, with his mother and her family. When his father sent for them, he had to stop spending that time in the mornings with his mother as much. His father would send people to do his hair, pick his clothing, and dress him for the challenges of the day. From the day he came home he had been trained as the crowned Prince of his nation. It was only fitting he should act like it.

However, he enjoyed the time we spent doing our hair together. He promised me that this would be one of our things when we were together. It was something we both enjoyed. We could pick other things too. But he was really grateful that I enjoyed it too. He taught me how to do quite a few hair styles for men. I would put his hair up, just to take it down and do it again. I mean it is not like we really had tv. With the satellite out, we only had static.

He was also working on teaching me some tea ceremony etiquette and tradition. It was difficult being we were on a ship. We ended up wearing a lot of green tea. Yuan says that it is good for the skin though. I must say I think he is right. My skin is not near as itchy as it was before we started drinking tea. Yuan says it is because of the salt in the air.

I always loved Chinese and Japanese tea traditions and ceremony's. It makes it even that much more interesting if they have positive health benefits. They always looked wonderful and so much fun. I never realized just how much really went into them. There is a story behind almost every movement. He has promised to sit with me, after we get married, and really teach me his favorite ceremony's. I am really looking forward to learning more about his culture and traditions. I have always been fascinated by others traditions and cultures.

When the satellite was fixed, I called my mother and father. I did not want to tell them all of this over the phone! So, I did a basic run through, leaving out the werewolf issues. I did not think I could or should explain that over the phone. I told them that I was happy and would be staying with Prince Yuan for the time being. We would be landing on shore in just a few days.

I really thought they would be taking this harder than they were. But they actually were being very good natured about it. They told me to be careful. They had been so worried about me. You see, I had been trying to call them for the last two weeks.. With the satellite being down and the freak storm, I had to wait until I could get connection. Then you add on the time I was kidnapped. Well, I can't say I blame them for being freaked out just a little. I know I would have been.

Mom and dad could not hardly believe what I told them about Abel. I was honest though. I just left out the werewolf parts. Mom and dad were worried about me. They said they got wedding invitations to my wedding. I chuckled, "Yeah, that was possible. Abel and I had discussed some wedding plans. I did not think that he had gone far enough as to write the invitations out though. They promised me they would go anyway, just in case anyone else got them. Also, the name of the bride was wrong. Even though they were listed as the parents. They imagined it was just a mistake, especially being what Abel had done. They were furious with him due to it. But they also understood that he had brain damage. That was his only saving grace. Otherwise my father was going to confront him.

They were glad that I was with a man that allowed me to call home. They wanted me on a plane heading back home asap. Really they just wanted me in their arms. Prince Yuan offered to pay for them to come down. He arranged for their flight and would give them lodging while they were here if they would come down. My mom and dad agreed. Before I knew it, it had been settled. My parents were flying to China to come and get me, and meet my rescuer. Prince Yuan really amazed me, he was so excepting and ready to meet my parents. Again, more proof that this was all a dream.

My parents were really accepting of everything too! That just was not like them. What a movie or story this will make. I will have to try to remember this whole saga and wright it down when I awake. No one would ever believe it was real. I cant wait to see where we are going to go from here. I really hope I can remember this whole dream. I love how I can be so self-aware in my dreams. It makes it hard to have any nightmares. Usually, I am in complete control.

We had been at sea for roughly fifteen days now. Thirteen days of it I was waiting to call my family. I honestly have no clue how long I was in that RV for. I am betting it was about a week. We did not drive for the last few days. We probably were camped out at the harbor waiting on this ship. I am still feeling week from not being allowed to move during that time. Earning my sea legs has taken on a whole new meaning because of it.

I had major issues with sea sickness at the beginning. But a lot of that was also due to the storm. Actually, you would be surprised how still the tanker really was. The automatic stabilizers were worth their wait in gold. Every now and again I would have a bout of nausea. But for the most part it was actually a rather smooth ride. Prince Yuan says we will be pulling into port in the next three days. I am so excited! I cant wait to see where things go from here.

I have had one question asked of me since this chapter came out. It has been asked over and over again. The question is if Joyce is pregnant. Here is my answer, Wait and see. If you would like more of an insider answer on anything i can give you a great tip. Research the names of my characters. That will give you a whole new twist on the story i bet that you have not thought about. Sometimes after looking them up, it might even do you better if you reread some. It will give a whole new angle on what is going on in the background. I usually like the greek meanings, but usually the first few are what is used. Sometimes they are Greek, sometimes American, Italian or other. Enjoy everyone!

Special thanks to all my new and loyal readers. You all make writing fun!

Joy Phoenix

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